What's new for developers

This topic provides an overview of the new features and enhancements for developers working with the .NET API for ArcObjects.

In this topic

  • Side by Side ArcObjects SDK Supported at 10.9.1 and 10.8.2
  • Supported platforms
    • Visual Studio
    • .NET Framework
  • Local (Installed) Help
  • .NET and VCPP Samples
  • Reminder: Arcobjects Symbol server now uses HTTPS
  • Type changes

Side by Side ArcObjects SDK Supported at 10.9.1 and 10.8.2

Starting with release 10.9.1 (server) and 10.8.2 (desktop), the following configurations of the ArcObjects SDK are possible:
  • ArcObjects SDK installed for 10.9.1 (server) only
  • ArcObjects SDK installed for 10.8.2 (desktop/engine) only
  • ArcObjects SDK installed for 10.9.1 (server) and 10.8.2 (desktop/engine) "side by side", SxS.
ArcObjects SDK for 10.9.1 will install to <Install Path>DeveloperKit10.9 and ArcObjects SDK for 10.8.2 will install to <Install Path>DeveloperKit10.8. In the SxS configuration, both DeveloperKit sub-folders will be present under the <Install Path> folder location (typically "C:\Program Files(x86)\ArcGIS"). Each ArcObject SDK will install its own help files, samples, and Primary Interop Assemblies, PIAs. However, both SDKs - the 10.9.1 ArcObject SDK and the 10.8.2 ArcObject SDK - reference PIAs in Visual Studio that are versioned as 10.9.1 (Note: only desktop installs PIAs to the GAC. Server development does not require use of the GAC and so no PIAs need be installed to it (by server)).
Both SDKs also install their own set of Visual Studio templates. 10.9.1 SDK (server) installs the SOE and SOI project templates and the 10.8.2 SDK (desktop/engine) installs the desktop and engine project and item templates (as well as the engine toolbox controls). However, both sets of templates (server and desktop/engine) are consolidated within the same "ArcGIS" sub-folder within Visual Studio. Each ArcObject SDK can be installed and un-installed independent of each other.

Supported platforms

The following subsections highlight development and deployment platform support changes for ArcGIS 10.8. For complete information on supported platforms, along with hardware and software requirements, see System Requirements.

Visual Studio

At ArcGIS 10.8, .NET development using Community, Professional, and Enterprise editions of Visual Studio 2017 or 2019 is supported.

Visual Studio 2015

Visual Studio 2015 was deprecated at ArcGIS 10.7. Support has been removed at 10.8 now that Visual Studio 2019 is available.

.NET Framework

.NET 4.5.2 is a minimum requirement for any .NET development with ArcGIS 10.8. In fact, it is a prerequisite for installing ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS Engine for Windows. Desktop ArcObjects SDK for 10.3.1 was the last release of the Desktop SDK to ship with support for .NET 3.5 Framework.
At 10.8, the Desktop ArcObjects SDK ships with .NET Framework 4.5.2 as the default. The 10.8 Desktop ArcObjects SDK will install PIAs built against .Net Runtime 4.0 and all new extension development should be started on NET Framework 4.5.2 or later.

Local (Installed) Help

With the release of 10.7 Desktop ArcObjects SDK, the local help was switched to using ArcGISHelpViewerSDK.exe. At 10.8, ArcGISHelpViewerSDK.exe is installed to your DeveloperKit10.8\bin folder. If (local) help installation is selected, help content is copied to a local installation folder that is viewed using ArcGISHelpViewerSDK.exe. The ArcGISHelpViewerSDK.exe help viewer executable, and local installed help content, replaces the SDK Visual Studio integrated help which was deprecated at 10.6.

.NET and VCPP Samples

At 10.8, the .NET and VCPP samples continue to be available online for download from https://github.com/esri/arcobjects-sdk-community-samples
Samples for Desktop .NET and VCPP are installed as zip files in the DeveloperKit10.8->Samples folder. Please copy the sample zip files to your My Documents folder and unzip. If you are using the sample data zip it should be copied to the same location.
Note: There is a maximum file path limit of 260 characters for some zip utilities in Windows. If you encounter an error unzipping the samples due to the maximum file length being exceeded please copy the samples zip file to a different location with a shorter path.

Arcobjects Symbol server now uses HTTPS

Reminder: at 10.7, public symbols were switched to using https. The symbol file (.pdb) location is now https://downloads2.esri.com/support/symbols/. If you are using symbols and have not updated your symbol file location, please change the http: prefix to https

Type changes

Please refer to Type Changes between ArcGIS 10.7 and 10.8 for the full list.

To use the code in this topic, reference the following assemblies in your Visual Studio project. In the code files, you will need using (C#) or Imports (VB .NET) directives for the corresponding namespaces (given in parenthesis below if different from the assembly name):
  • ArcGIS Desktop