A concurrent use license allows copies of ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Engine, Esri CityEngine, ArcInfo Workstation, and ArcGIS Pro 1.2 and newer to be installed on numerous machines. Named user licenses also allow ArcGIS Pro versions 1.0 and newer to be licensed via an on-premises Portal for ArcGIS instance.
ArcGIS License Manager, once installed on the network, keeps track of the number of copies of the software that can be run concurrently or, in the case of named users for ArcGIS Pro, the number of simultaneous sessions. The same 10.4.1 ArcGIS License Manager can be used for all ArcGIS 9.x or 10.x concurrent use, Esri CityEngine concurrent use, ArcGIS Pro concurrent use (version 1.2 and newer), and named user ArcGIS Pro (versions 1.0 and newer) software products. Please refer to the Supported Software Products topic for a full list of software products supported by ArcGIS License Manager 10.4.1.
The number of concurrent use seats in your license file determines the number of copies of each software product that can be run concurrently. The number of named users in your ArcGIS Pro named user authorization determines how many sessions of ArcGIS Pro can be run simultaneously. Please see the License Manager for Portal for ArcGIS Useful Information and Best Practices topic for more information on named user configuration.
You only need one ArcGIS License Manager per network to manage all your concurrent use ArcGIS and named user ArcGIS Pro software products. The license server can be a Windows or Linux server and will manage Windows and Linux ArcGIS software products. For example, a Windows installation of any version 10.0 to 10.4.1 ArcGIS Desktop product can obtain a license from a Windows or Linux version 10.4.1 ArcGIS License Manager.
Once ArcGIS License Manager is running, any computer on the network can access that license manager to run the software applications.
Authorizing licenses on your license server
After purchasing an Esri software product, you will receive an email from Esri Customer Service containing the authorization information for your purchased products. You will need this information to authorize licenses on your license server. You first need to run the license manager installer and use ArcGIS License Server Administrator to authorize licenses before starting the license service.
Detailed installation instructions can be found in License manager installation and startup. For authorizing and configuring named user ArcGIS Pro licenses, information can be found in Configure License Manager for use with Portal for ArcGIS.