You can export your changes to the S-57 format once you have compiled your new AML product or have made the necessary modifications to your existing AML product and verified your data. Exporting to S-57 is performed on your production database. Perform the following steps for exporting, publishing, and packaging your product for display in a Warship Electronic Chart Display and Information System (WECDIS).
- Reconcile and post changes to DEFAULT.
- Export to S-57.
- Validate S-57 dataset files.
- Publish the export version.
- Create an exchange set.
Reconciling and posting changes to DEFAULT
All your data changes from your child version of DEFAULT need to be posted back to DEFAULT before the edits are exported to S-57. This is performed through reconcile and post operations; however, ArcGIS for Maritime: Cartografía uses its own Nautical Post command. The Nautical Post tool automatically replaces the standard Post tool located on the Versioning toolbar in ArcMap and also appears on the Nautical S-57 toolbar.
- Start ArcMap.
- Click the Production Start Editing button
on the Production Editing toolbar.
- On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Nautical S-57.
- Click the Reconcile button
on the Nautical toolbar.
- Click the Nautical Post button
on the Nautical toolbar.
Exporting to S-57
You can export content to the S-57 format after you have compiled the data for your new S-57 product or have made changes to the S-57 cell you imported. This can be accomplished using the Export Nautical Product command. The Export Nautical Product command builds and packages an S-57 file directly from the NIS database using the extraction queries for the product contained in the product library. The following processes will execute automatically.
- Extract data
- Clip data
- Group soundings
- Generate FE Name
- Generate or update primitives
- Calculate SCAMIN
Choosing the export type
When numerous modifications or updates have been applied to a product, a hydrographic agency usually issues a new edition.
An update contains minor changes to a published product, such as the removal of a buoy symbol or moving a sounding depth from one place to another.
A ReIssue is a regenerated New Edition file that contains updates to a certain point in time. For example, a New Edition cell could have twenty updates applied to it since its creation. Instead of loading all twenty updates into an ECDIS or WECDIS, a ReIssue will be created that is a New Edition file that contains all twenty updates. The ReIssue file preserves the update number so subsequent updates can be applied to it.
The New Dataset option is available only after you use the New Nautical Product wizard to create your product. This option creates a New Edition .000 file with an edition number of 1.
When an S-57 cell is no longer in use, a Cancel dataset type is generated. The cancel file changes the Edition number back to 0. The Update number increments by 1 and only consists of the DSID meta header information.
- If necessary, open the Product Library window by clicking Customize > Production > Product Library on the main menu.
A tree view of the product library appears.
Right-click the product you want to export to S-57 and click Export Nautical Product.
The ENC Export dialog box Export Information area appears.
- Click the Dataset Record Type drop-down arrow and choose the export type you want based on the descriptions from the S-57 Appendix B Product Specifications IHO document.
- New Edition—A new edition of a dataset, including new information that has not been previously distributed by updates.
- Update—Changes some information in a dataset.
- Reissue—A reissue of a dataset, including all the updates applied to the original dataset up to the date of the reissue. A reissue does not contain any new information that has not been previously issued by updates.
- New Dataset—A new dataset where no ENC data has previously been produced for this area and for the same navigational purpose.
- Cancel—To delete a dataset, an update cell file is created, containing only the Dataset General Information record with the Dataset Identifier (DSID) field. The Edition Number (EDTN) subfield must be set to 0.
- Click the ellipsis button (...) in the Export Location area and browse to the location where you want to store your package.
- Optionally skip the next section and click Next if you don't want to attach files.
Attaching files
You have the option to attach files to your package, such as a supporting text or image file.
- Click Add in the Attach Files area.
The Insert File dialog box appears.
- Browse to the location where the files you want to attach are stored.
- Choose the files you want to add.
- Haga clic en Abrir.
- Haga clic en Siguiente.
Product metadata (DSID and DSSI)
You can add a comment, edit the Issue Date for new editions, and edit the Update Application date for DSID. You can edit the ATTF and NATF lexical levels for DSSI.
- If necessary, click the cell next to Comment and type a comment for the Data Set Identification.
- If necessary, click the ellipsis button (...) next to Update Application Date and select your product's S-57 update application date.
- If necessary, click the ellipsis button (...) next to Issue Date and select your product's S-57 issue date.
- Click the cell next to ATTF lexical level and click the ellipsis button (...) that appears.
- Specify the appropriate information.
Lexical levels 0 and 1 are supported per the S-57 IHO Transfer Standard Edition 3.1, part 3, section 2.4.
- Click the cell next to NATF lexical level and click the ellipsis button (...) that appears.
- Specify the appropriate information.
Lexical levels 0, 1, and 2 are supported.
- Click Next if you are finished updating the metadata information or continue to update the instance metadata.
Instance metadata (DSPM)
You can define the types of measurement units and data used with the S-57 cell.
- If necessary, click the cell next to Comment and type a comment for the Dataset Structure Information.
- If necessary, click the cell next to Coordinate Multiplication factor and type the multiplication factor.
- If necessary, click the cell next to Compilation scale of data and add your S-57 product's compilation scale value.
- If necessary, click the cell next to the Sounding Datum and choose the appropriate sounding datum.
Viewing the export summary
You can review your export type and metadata entries before exporting your package.

- Scroll through the export summary and verify that your export type, export location, export version, and any attached files are correct.
- Review the metadata summary.
- If errors are found, click Back to go back and make any necessary changes.
- Once you have reviewed and made any necessary changes, click Finish.
A progress dialog box appears showing the export process. When the process completes, a path to your export package is listed.
- Click OK to close the progress dialog box.
Validating S-57 dataset files
Now that you have successfully exported your S-57 data stored in the production database to the S-57 format, you need to run the S-57 dataset file through a third-party validation package.
Publishing the export version
Once your S-57 dataset file has been cleared through a third-party validation package, you need to publish the exported record to incrementally export S-57 dataset files. You can publish and unpublish export versions that reference the data you exported to an S-57 dataset file.
- If necessary, open the Product Library window by clicking Customize > Production > Product Library on the main menu.
A tree view of the product library appears.
- If necessary, expand Product Library and Products.
- Browse to the product you want to publish.
- Check in the product if it is still checked out.
- Right-click the product and click Publish or View Metadata.
The Publish or View Metadata dialog box appears. It lists the metadata values for each published new edition or update, and exports.
- Right-click the edition or update record you recently exported and click Publish.
- Click OK on the message box that informs you the new edition or update number that was published.
- Haga clic en Cerrar.
Creating an exchange set
Once you have exported and published your S-57 data, package the S-57 dataset files into a valid S-57 exchange set. This allows the viewing of the AML datasets in a WECDIS. You can create a valid S-57 Exchange Set with the Exchange Set tool.
- Start ArcCatalog.
- Add the Exchange Set tool to a toolbar by completing the following steps:
- On the main menu, click Customize > Customize Mode.
The Customize dialog box appears.
- Click the Commands tab.
- In the Categories list, choose Nautical S-57.
- In the Commands list, click and drag the Exchange Set button
to a toolbar.
- Click Close.
- On the main menu, click Customize > Customize Mode.
- Click the Exchange Set button
The Create S57 Exchange Set dialog box appears.
- Click the browse button next to the Output Location text box to set your output location.
The Browse For Folder dialog box appears.
- Click OK once you have selected your output location.
The Output Location text box shows the path of your directory location.
- Click Add in the Content area to add S-57 dataset files.
The Add File to Exchange Set dialog box appears.
- Browse to the directory that contains your dataset files.
- Select the dataset file you want in your exchange set.
Example of a selected dataset file - Once you have selected your dataset files, click Open.
- Repeat steps 6 through 9 for additional dataset files.
The table view in the Content area contains record rows for your selected datasets.
In the example above, all .txt files have <No Path> listed in the Path or Location field.
- Optionally, you can manually set the external file location for files with <No Path> by completing the following steps:
- Right-click the <No Path> field value and click Browse for Location.
The Browse for Location command allows you to set the path to where the file is stored.
The Browse for Location dialog box appears. The dialog box automatically populates the File name and Files of type fields with the missing file name. You are unable to select any file but the missing one.
- Browse to the file's location, select it, and click Open.
The Create S57 Exchange Set dialog box disappears, and the external file's path is listed in the Path or Location field.
- Right-click the <No Path> field value and click Browse for Location.
- Check the check boxes next to all the files you want to include in your exchange set.
- You can exclude an external file by doing one of the following:
- In the table view, select a row referencing an external file, displayed as <No Path>, and click Remove.
- In the table view, uncheck the external file reference and click Create.
If you click Remove, the record is physically removed from the table view.
- Click Create.
A progress bar appears. A message box informs you when the process is completed.
- Click OK to close the message box.
- Use Windows Explorer to browse to your selected output location where you can find the ENC_ROOT folder.
The folder will contain a catalog file and all the selected files for your exchange set.