Data can be stored in a DNC Nautical Information System (NIS) database for editing and maintenance. One of the benefits the DNC NIS database offers is that multiscale data can be stored in one central location for easy editing access. Each feature class in the DNC NIS schema contains the field Library_Chart_Type, which identifies the DNC library scale of the feature data.
When working with an geodatabase corporativa, use the DNC To Geodatabase tool to import DNC Vector Product Format (VPF) data. This tool imports to a DNC NIS database, calculates appropriate fields, and creates a product footprint for use in the Checkout DNC Replica tool. The product footprint is created from Dqyarea and written to the Product_Footprints feature class. Harbor, Approach, Coastal, or General library scale will be written to the Library_Chart_Type field.
When working with an geodatabase corporativa, always create an import version. You can delete the version if an error occurs during data import and you want to roll back the operation.
When loading data using the DNC To Geodatabase tool, the Library_Chart_Type value populates according to the library name. The DNC To Geodatabase tool populates this value for you.
If you choose to load data via an alternative method, this attribute field needs to be manually populated in an edit session after loading completes.
- Inicie ArcMap.
- On the main menu, click Customize > Extensions and verify that all applicable extensions are checked.
You need Production Mapping and Maritime Charting.
- Open the Catalog window.
- Browse to Toolboxes > System Toolboxes > Nautical Tools > DNC > DNC To Geodatabase to show the toolbox contents.
- Double-click the DNC To Geodatabase tool.
The DNC To Geodatabase dialog box appears.
- Click the browse button
next to Input VPF Features.
The Input VPF Features dialog box appears.
- Browse to the location of the workspace that contains the VPF data.
The VPF data can be imported into the geodatabase from specific layers or a folder that contains one or more libraries. Point, line, and polygon features can be imported. If a folder contains multiple libraries of the same scale, all libraries import into the same geodatabase.
- Haga clic en Agregar.
- Click the browse button
next to Input Target Geodatabase.
The Input Target Geodatabase dialog box appears.
- Browse to the location of the geodatabase where the VPF data will be imported.
- Haga clic en Agregar.
- Haga clic en Aceptar.
Data is imported into the geodatabase and the Library_Chart_Type field is calculated. The product footprint is then created.