Exports hydrographic data from a maritime charting geodatabase to an S-57 file.
The following processes will execute automatically.
- Extract data
- Clip data
- Group soundings
- Generate FE Name
- Generate or update primitives
- Calculate SCAMIN
The export package is a versioned ZIP file that is stored and managed by the product library.
You will need to publish the product's edition and update the record to move to the next edition or update the number once the S-57 product has been exported to the supported file format.
ExportGeodatabaseToS57(pl_workspace, in_product, export_type, output_location, {source_gdb}, {pl_owner})
Parámetro | Explicación | Tipo de datos |
pl_workspace | Product library workspace that contains the product. | Workspace |
in_product | Name of the product you want to export. This must exist in the specified product library before using this tool. The products supported are ENC, AML, and IENC electronic navigational products. Paper charts must be exported using the Export Nautical Product command. This is specified as Solution Name::Product Class Name::Series Name::Product. | String |
export_type | Type of file created during export.
| String |
output_location | The location where you want to write the export package. | Folder |
source_gdb (Opcional) | The NIS is the default geodatabase to export products. This option is to specify a geodatabase to export from other than the NIS set in the product library nautical properties. An example is a checkout replica from the NIS. Product library metadata will not be updated. | Workspace |
pl_owner (Opcional) | Product library schema owner name. Set this parameter if the user account specified in the product library workspace is not the schema owner. This applies only to product libraries stored in enterprise geodatabases. | String |
Muestra de código
ExportGeodatabaseToS57 example
The following code sample demonstrates how to export to an S-57 file.
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
# Check for Nautical extension
print "Checking out Maritime extension"
arcpy.AddMessage("Checking out Maritime extension")
if arcpy.CheckExtension("Nautical") == "Available":
arcpy.AddError("Maritime: Charting license is unavailable.")
# Tool variables
pl = r'C:\Data\Connection Files\nsbisdb4_pacific_pl@pleditor.sde'
product = 'Nautical::ENC::NewSchema::US5M3978'
output_location = r'C:\Data'
exportType = 'NEW_EDITION'
owner = 'PL'
# Execute the tool
arcpy.ExportGeodatabaseToS57_nautical(pl, product, exportType, output_location,'',owner)
Esta herramienta no utiliza ningún entorno de geoprocesamiento.
Información sobre licencias
- ArcGIS Desktop Basic: No
- ArcGIS Desktop Standard: No
- ArcGIS Desktop Advanced: Requiere Maritime Charting