Workflow Manager のライセンスで利用可能。
With the latest release, ArcGIS Workflow Manager includes new geoprocessing tools, support for points as location of interest, enhanced functionality in custom steps, and support to create an location of interest (LOI) map service.
New at 10.4
- The Postinstallation utility is succeeded by the Create Workflow Database and Upgrade Workflow Database tools.
- Create Workflow Database creates the Workflow Manager schema and imports a configuration file to configure an enterprise geodatabase as the Workflow Manager database.
- Upgrade Workflow Database upgrades an existing Workflow Manager database with the latest Workflow Manager schema and configuration.
- The Create New Jobs tool creates one or more jobs of a selected job type and assigns the jobs to a user or group or keeps them unassigned. The created jobs can be given a priority, and they have a location of interest (LOI) defined from a feature class. The LOI can be polygon, point, or multipoint features.
- The Create Jobs tool has been deprecated and replaced by the Create New Jobs tool.
Location of interest
The LOI of a job can be a polygon, point, or multipoints. The creation of point of interest (POI) is now supported for jobs.
- The Create Workflow Database and Upgrade Workflow Database tools create the POI feature class.
- The Get Job AOI tool supports retrieving the POI for the job from the POI feature class.
- The Create New Jobs tool supports creating jobs with POI.
- A POI can be created using tools on the LOI tab, Define location of interest step and when creating jobs spatially using advance options.
Version repointing in job map
You can configure which layers in the job map will be repointed to the jobs editing version when the map is opened by Workflow Manager. The other reference layers in the map will display the data based on their configured version. For more information, see: Maps and versioning.
LOI map service
The LOI map service now includes the point of interest layer when publishing along with the Workflow Manager service from Workflow Manager Administrator.
AOI edit extension
The system settings can be configured with a system-wide distance to support edits outside the AOI but within the configured distance.
Workflow configuration
- Advanced conditions can be set on the workflow path using operators to evaluate the path value against the return code based on whether the value is smaller, greater, or equal to the return code.
- Path assignments succeed the step assignment for reassigning job as job is executed. Step assignment are not available anymore and existing steps assignments can be removed. For more information, see: Tools for configuring workflows.
A new privilege AssignAnyPath has been added that lets you assign any path to any user or group at any time to support the path assignment.
A query can be set as default query to be run when the Workflow Manager application opens.
The [AOI:ENVELOPE] token returns the envelope of the jobs LOI and can be configured with the Launch URL step to zoom in to the LOI when opening a web map.
Sample configuration
The quick start sample configuration has been updated with a new workflow for web editing and the steps have been updated with step descriptions.