Exports the Multinational Geospatial Co-production Program (MGCP) metadata datasets (Cell, Subregion, and Source feature classes) to an XML file.
One XML file is created for each Cell feature that is selected. If none are selected, one XML file is created for each feature in the Cell feature class.
The Cell feature class must be named Cell.
The XML schema matches the ISO 19139 specification and is compliant with TRD 2, TRD 3, and TRD 4.
The metadata file contains information from the MGCP_Metadata datasets that are part of an MGCP database.
The following feature classes are exported to an XML file using this tool:
- The Cell feature class contains metadata about individual 1x1-decimal degree extents with which the data is associated.
- The Subregion feature class contains metadata about the specific area within the cell where the data meets requirements for a specific purpose.
- The Source feature class supplies information about the source used in the feature extraction.
If the Overwrite the outputs of geoprocessing operations check box is checked on the Geoprocessing Options dialog box, an existing XML file can be overwritten.
ExportMetadata(in_cell_features, export_location)
パラメーター | 説明 | データ タイプ |
in_cell_features | The MGCP Cell feature layer to export. | Feature Layer |
export_location | The directory where the metadata XML files will be created. | Folder |
名前 | 説明 | データ タイプ |
out_export_location | Folder |
ExportMetadata example (stand-alone script)
In this example, the Metadata feature dataset is exported from the MGCP_TRD2 geodatabase to an XML file in the Metadata directory.
# Name: ExportMetadata_Example.py
# Description: Exports feature classes from an MGCP workspace to shapefiles
# Requirements: Esri Defense Mapping solution
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
# Check out a DefenseMapping extension license
# Local variables:
in_cell_features = "C:\\Data\\Defense\\MGCP_TRD2.mdb\\MGCP_Metadata\\Cell"
in_export_location = "C:\\Data\\Defense\\Metadata"
# Process: Export Metadata
arcpy.ExportMetadata_defense(in_cell_features, in_export_location)
# Check in the Defense Mapping extension
- ArcGIS Desktop Basic: いいえ
- ArcGIS Desktop Standard: 次のものが必要 Defense Mapping
- ArcGIS Desktop Advanced: 次のものが必要 Defense Mapping