获得 Production Mapping 许可后可用。
The Segment Bearing function computes the point of intersection between a line segment generated between two points and a line segment generated by an azimuth from a selected point.

- 启动 ArcMap。
- On the menu bar, click Customize > Toolbars > Production Feature Builder.
- Click the Feature Builder button
on the Production Feature Builder toolbar.
The Feature Builder window appears.
- If the scratch dataset has not been added to the table of contents, click the Add Scratch Data Layers button
at the top of the Feature Builder window.
The dataset is added to the map using the current spatial reference.
- Choose Segment Bearing in the list on the Functions tab.
- Define a coordinate for the start point of the polyline by doing one of the following:
- Click the Pinprick tool
on the Production Feature Builder toolbar and click on the map
- Type the coordinates in the cells on the Input tab in the Coordinates area.
- Click the Pinprick tool
- Repeat step 6 to define a coordinate for the end point of the segment and azimuth start point.
- Click the cell next to Azimuth and type the azimuth value.
The azimuth is the angle at which the output coordinate is going to be calculated. The default unit is degrees.
- If necessary, click the cell next to MagVar Value and type a value for the magnetic variation.
This can be a specified value or from a field defined in the MagVar Source parameter. The default unit is degrees.
- If necessary, click the drop-down arrow next to MagVar Source and choose a source for the magnetic variation.
This is the source of the magnetic variation value.
- If necessary, click the drop-down arrow next to MagVar Year and choose a different year for the World Magnetic Model.
This is the year associated with the magnetic variation value.
- If necessary, click the cell next to Interval and type a value.
This is the length of the segments that are searched for an intersection between the coordinates and the cutoff point. The default unit is degrees.
- Click the cell next to Cutoff and type a value.
This is the maximum distance that can be searched for an intersection from the third coordinate. The default unit is degrees.
- Click the Execute button
Two lines and an intersection point are created.