In the ArcGIS for Aviation:Charting, instrument approach profile views are composed of related graphic elements. The Instrument Approach Profile View tool creates these graphic elements based on data contained in the Aeronautical Information System (AIS).
Preparing the database for creating instrument approach profile views
To create an instrument approach profile view, the production database must be populated with the appropriate data.
The tables below (feature classes, attributed relationship classes, or stand-alone tables) and attributes must be present in the database for the Instrument Approach Profile View tool to function.
If an attribute is described as required, it must be populated.
AIS Field | Description | Required |
GFID | Unique identifier of a NavaidSystem feature | Y |
Subtype_Code | Subtype of navaid system; used to determine whether to include the ILS/MLS feather symbol for the final approach segment | N |
Ident_Txt | Identifier of the navaid system; used to label the navaid on the profile | N |
AIS Field | Description | Required |
GFID | Unique identifier of a TerminalProcedure record | Y |
ClientKey_ID | Client key for terminal procedures; used in the Select Procedure dialog box | Y |
ADHP_Id | Gives the GFID of the airport at which the procedure exists | Y |
TransitionLevel_Val | Transition level of the procedure; displayed at the top of the instrument approach profile view, if present | N |
TransitionAlt_Val | Transition altitude of the procedure; displayed at the top of the instrument approach profile view, if present | N |
ApproachCourse_Val | Final heading of the procedure; used to determine the drawing direction of the profile (left- to-right versus right-to-left) (The determination is made with consideration to the magnetic variation of the airport.) | N |
AIS Field | Description | Required |
ADHPThreshold_Id | Gives the GFID of a runway threshold related to the procedure; used to relate thresholds to procedures | Y |
TerminalProcedure_Id | Gives the GFID of the related procedure; used to relate thresholds to procedures | Y |
AIS Field | Description | Required |
GFID | Unique identifier of a runway threshold | Y |
MagBearing_Val | Gives the heading of the runway at the threshold | Y |
ADHPSurfaceArea_Id | Gives the GFID of the runway on which the threshold exists | Y |
Designator_Txt | Designator of the threshold | N |
AIS Field | Description | Required |
GFID | Unique identifier of the runway | Y |
Length_Val | Gives the length of the runway | N |
AIS Field | Description | Required |
GFID | Unique identifier of the airport | Y |
Name_Txt | Name of the airport; used in the Select Procedure dialog box | Y |
MagneticVariation_Val | Used in combination with TerminalProcedure::ApproachCourse_Val to determine the drawing direction of the profile (left-to-right versus right-to-left) | N |
AIS Field | Description | Required |
GFID | Unique identifier of the DesignatedPoint feature | Y |
Ident_Txt | Identifier of the designated point; used to label the designated point on the profile | N |
AIS Field | Description | Required |
DesignatedPoint_Id | Gives the GFID of a designated point; used to relate designated points and navaid systems | N |
NavaidSystem_Id | Gives the GFID of a navaid system; used to relate designated points and navaid systems | N |
Distance_Val | Gives the distance between a designated point and its related navaid system; used to generate the DME distances shown on the profile | N |
AIS Field | Description | Required |
GFID | Unique identifier of the procedure leg point (the initial fix of the procedure) | Y |
TerminalProcedure_Id | Gives the GFID of the related procedure; used to relate the procedure leg point to the terminal procedures record | Y |
ReferencePointClass_Code | Code indicating the type of point at which the procedure leg point (IF) exists (Classes include airport, threshold, designated point, and navaid system.) | Y |
ReferencePoint_Id | Gives the GFID of the reference point | Y |
TypeProc_Code | Gives the type of procedure (SID, STAR, and IAP) of which the leg is a part; used to determine whether the procedure should be included in the Selection dialog box | Y |
TransitionIdent_Txt | Gives the name of the transition to which the procedure leg point belongs | Y |
NumSeq_Val | Sequence number of the leg (For ProcedureLegPoint, this should always be the lowest value [1 or 10], since procedure leg points always represent the beginning of a transition.) | Y |
DescrDistVert_Code | Describes the altitude value at the start of the procedure; used for over/underlining the elevation values (for example, At or Above) | N |
DistVertLower_UOM | Unit of measure for the altitude at the start of the procedure | N |
DistVertLower_Val | Gives the altitude at the start of the procedure | N |
DistVertUpper_UOM | Unit of measure for the altitude at the start of the procedure | N |
DistVertUpper_Val | Gives the altitude at the start of the procedure | N |
ChartProfile_Code | Used to determine whether the transition is included in the profile | N |
AIS Field | Description | Required |
ProcedureLegPoint_Id | Gives the GFID of a procedure leg point; used to relate procedure leg points to navaid systems | Y |
NavaidSystem_Id | Gives the GFID of a navaid system; used to relate procedure leg points to navaid systems | Y |
Distance_Val | Distance from a procedure leg point to the related navaid (DME distance) | Y |
PrimaryNavaidSystem_Code | Indicates whether the related navaid is the primary navaid | Y |
AIS Field | Description | Required |
GFID | Unique identifier of the procedure leg | Y |
TransitionIdent_Txt | Gives the name of the transition to which the procedure leg belongs | Y |
TypeProc_Code | Gives the type of procedure (SID, STAR, and IAP) of which the leg is a part; used to determine whether the procedure should be included in the Selection dialog box | Y |
TerminalProcedure_Id | Gives the GFID of the related procedure; used to relate the procedure leg to the terminal procedures record | Y |
NumSeq_Val | Sequence number of the procedure leg (A sequence that follows 20, 30, 40, and so on, or a similar pattern, is recommended so that new legs can be inserted and given an intermediate sequence number, such as 35. However, the tool will honor any numerical sequence that is used.) | Y |
RoleFix_Code | Coded value describing the role of the waypoint at the end of the procedure leg; used to determine how the waypoint and procedure leg are drawn in the profile | Y |
DescrDistVert_Code | Describes the altitude value at the end of the procedure leg; used for over/underlining the elevation values (for example, At or Above) | N |
DistVertLower_UOM | Unit of measure for the altitude at the start of the procedure | N |
DistVertLower_Val | Gives the altitude at the start of the procedure | N |
DistVertUpper_UOM | Unit of measure for the altitude at the start of the procedure | N |
DistVertUpper_Val | Gives the altitude at the start of the procedure | N |
ReferencePointClass_Code | Code indicating the type of point at the end of the procedure leg (Classes include airport, threshold, designated point, and navaid system.) | Y |
ReferencePoint_Id | Gives the GFID of the reference point | Y |
VerticalAngle_Val | Vertical angle of the procedure leg | N |
Type_Code | Code describing the type of procedure leg; defines how the leg will be drawn in the profile | Y |
Dist_Val | Length of the procedure leg: distance from reference point (endpoint) to endpoint of previous leg (or IF for the first leg) (This distance is shown in the tray below the profile.) | Y |
Course_Val | Direction of the procedure leg; used to label the procedure leg with the bearing | Y |
Remarks_Txt | Remarks on procedure leg; shown as remarks for each procedure leg in instrument approach profile view | N |
ThresholdCrossingHeight_Val | Value of threshold crossing height | N |
AIS Field | Description | Required |
ProcedureLeg_Id | Gives the GFID of a procedure leg; used to relate procedure legs to navaid systems | Y |
NavaidSystem_Id | Gives the GFID of a navaid system; used to relate procedure legs to navaid systems | Y |
Distance_Val | Distance from a procedure leg to the related navaid (DME distance) | Y |
PrimaryNavaidSystem_Code | Indicates whether the related navaid is the primary navaid | Y |
AIS Field | Description | Required |
Procedure_Id | Gives the GFID of a terminal procedure record; used to relate a terminal procedure to the MissedApproachProc_C record | N |
MAProcedure_Code | Missed Approach Procedure Code; used to determine the symbology used in the Missed Approach Box in the instrument approach profile view | N |
TopLabel_Txt | Text to be drawn in the top portion of the Missed Approach box in the instrument approach profile view | N |
BottomLabel_Txt | Text to be drawn in the bottom portion of the Missed Approach box in the instrument approach profile view | N |