Civilian Topographic Map (CTM) is designed to allow users to easily create civilian-style topographic data and maps using Esri Production Mapping. CTM includes a geodatabase data model as well as sample configurations for editing, quality assurance, and cartography. CTM provides the ability to collect and edit data suited for creating a 25K-scale civilian-style topographic map. CTM provides generalization models to automate the production of 50K cartographic data from larger scale CTM data, such as the sample 25K data provided. The Map Generation python toolbox automates the process for creating maps for unique areas of interest (AOIs) for both the 25K and 50K scale map products. The Map Generation functionality works on ArcGIS for Desktop and ArcGIS for Server, which allows CTM to be configured as a map product for Product on Demand (POD), a web application that allows users to create high-quality cartographic products through a lightweight web interface. More information on POD can be found here.
The schema of CTM is based on the National System for Geospatial Intelligence Feature Data Dictionary (NFDD). The NFDD is a comprehensive dictionary and coding scheme for feature types, feature attributes, and attribute values. The NFDD conforms to a subset of ISO 19126, Geographic information—Feature concept dictionaries and registers and its information schema. Esri has chosen a subset of NFDD feature types and attributes for CTM that are appropriate for those doing topographic mapping in a civilian context.
For more information about the NFDD specification, visit the NSG FDD (NFDD) Register. This web page contains links to assist you in browsing or searching the NFDD specification for a complete list of feature and attribute types.