Ensure that the workspace was created under the correct FileGroups for proper data storage and the reduction of disk contention. Using the DBTUNE configuration that you modified previously, you can run the following script examples in SQL Server Management Studio.
Set the current database:
USE [prodlibdb]
List FileGroups and data files:
EXEC sp_helpdb prodlibdb
List FileGroup data files:
EXEC sp_helpfilegroup 'PRIMARY'
List tables by FileGroup:
SELECT USER_NAME(o.uid) [Owner],
OBJECT_NAME(i.id) [Table Name],
FILEGROUP_NAME(groupid) AS [Filegroup Name]
FROM sysindexes i inner join sysobjects o
ON i.id = o.id
WHERE i.indid IN (0, 1) AND OBJECTPROPERTY(i.id, 'IsMSShipped') = 0 AND
USER_NAME(o.uid) = 'prodlib'
ORDER BY 1,3,2
List indexes by table and FileGroup:
select 'owner'=user_name(o.uid)
,'index_name'=i.name ,i.groupid
,'filegroup'=f.name ,'file_name'=d.physical_name
,'dataspace'=s.name from sys.sysindexes i
,sys.sysobjects o,sys.filegroups f
,sys.database_files d, sys.data_spaces s
where objectproperty(i.id,'IsUserTable') = 1
and i.id = o.id
and f.data_space_id = i.groupid
and f.data_space_id = d.data_space_id
and f.data_space_id = s.data_space_id
and user_name(o.uid) = 'prodlib'
order by object_name(i.id),i.name,f.name
如果任何表或索引存储在错误的文件组中,可使用 ALTER TABLE 和 ALTER INDEX 来更改文件组(请参阅《SQL Server Books Online》,网址为 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms130214.aspx)。
在 SQL Server Management Studio 中,还可以重新创建表和索引的 DDL 脚本,然后可以在创建脚本中修改文件组参数并在正确的文件组中重新创建表和索引。在表为空且允许重新创建数据库对象时,此操作尤其有用。