需要 Workflow Manager 许可。
With the latest release, ArcGIS Workflow Manager includes enhanced functionality in custom steps and support to create an area of interest (AOI) map service.
New at 10.3.1
Jobs can be exported within a range of dates using the new Export Until parameter, along with the Export Since parameter in the Export Job Data tool.
Create job advanced—multiple extended properties
Multiple extended properties can be copied from the parent job to the child jobs being created when using the CreateJobAdvanced custom step.
AOI map service
The AOI map service can now be published along with the Workflow Manager service from Workflow Manager Administrator.
Python API
The Workflow Manager Python module arcpywmx provides access to helper functions, classes, and properties to execute and work with jobs and Workflow Manager configuration as well as the geoprocessing tools available in the Workflow Manager toolbox.
New at 10.3
The Create Jobs tool creates one or more jobs of a selected job type and assigns the jobs to a user. The created jobs can be given a priority and have an area of interest (AOI defined from a feature class.
Execute and Launch GP steps support using the result (integer) of a tool as a return code to guide the workflow path.
User store
Workflow Manager supports utilizing portal users as Workflow Manager users. In the portal user store, the users belong to Portal for ArcGIS or Organization, and the user's user name is as defined in the portal. The users are managed within the portal.
Extended properties custom step
Selected extended properties can be opened by the extended properties custom steps if all extended properties for the job do not need to be displayed.
Dynamic reporting
Dynamic reports based on input values at run time can be created. This provides an opportunity to further filter the report dynamically.