
必须在传递字段参数中指定一个或多个字段。如果传递字段的名称与目标要素表中某字段的名称相同,为使名称唯一,传递字段的名称将追加 _1(或 _2、_3 等)。
输出匹配表为可选项。此匹配表可提供完整的要素匹配信息,其中包括源 FID 与目标 FID、匹配组、匹配关系以及从空间和属性匹配条件中获取的匹配置信度级别。此信息能够帮助您了解匹配情况,并有助于进行后检查、后编辑和进一步分析。有关详细信息,请参阅关于要素匹配与匹配表。
TransferAttributes_edit (source_features, target_features, transfer_fields, search_distance, {match_fields}, {out_match_table})
参数 | 说明 | 数据类型 |
source_features | 传递属性的源线要素。 | Feature Layer |
target_features | 传递属性的目标线要素。指定的传递字段会添加到目标要素。 | Feature Layer |
transfer_fields [field,...] | 要传递至目标要素的源字段列表。必须至少指定一个字段。 | Field |
search_distance | 用于搜索匹配候选项的距离。必须指定一个距离,且此距离必须大于零。可以选择首选单位;默认为要素单位。 | Linear unit |
match_fields [[source_field, target_field],...] (可选) | 来自源要素与目标要素的字段的列表。如果指定,将检查每对字段中的匹配候选项,以帮助确定正确的匹配。 | Value Table |
out_match_table (可选) | 包含完整的要素匹配信息的输出表。 | Table |
传递属性 (TransferAttributes) 示例 1(Python 窗口)
下面的 Python 窗口脚本演示了如何在即时模式下使用传递属性 (TransferAttributes) 函数。
import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/data"
"target_Roads.shp", "RoadName, PaveType"
"25 Feet")
传递属性 (TransferAttributes) 示例 2(独立 Python 脚本)
下面的独立脚本演示了如何在脚本环境中应用传递属性 (TransferAttributes) 函数。
# Name: TransferAttributes_example_script2.py
# Description: Performs attribute transfer from newly updated roads (source) to existing
# base roads (target). Where the source and target features are matched in
# many-to-one or many-to-many (m:n) relationships, attributes are transferred
# from only one of the m source features to the n target features. This script
# includes a post-process that flags resulting target features with the m:n
# match relationships. You can inspect the flagged features and retrieve the
# attributes from the desired source features if necessary.
# Author: Esri
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
# Set environment settings
env.overwriteOutput = True
env.workspace = r"D:\conflationTools\ScriptExamples\data.gdb"
# Set local variables
sourceFeatures = "updateRoads"
targetFeatures = "baseRoads"
transfer_fields = "RD_NAME; RD_ID"
search_distance = "300 Feet"
match_fields = "RD_NAME FULLNAME"
outMatchTable = "ta_mtbl"
# Make a copy of the targetFeatures for attribute transfer
targetCopy = targetFeatures + "_Copy"
arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(targetFeatures, targetCopy)
# Performs attribute transfer
arcpy.TransferAttributes_edit(sourceFeatures, targetCopy, transfer_fields, search_distance, match_fields, outMatchTable)
# ====================================================================================
# Note 1: The result of TransferAttributes may contain errors; see tool reference.
# Additional analysis steps may be necessary to check the results; these steps
# are not included in this script.
# The following process identifies m:n matches between source and target features
# and flag features in targetCopy for inspection.
# ====================================================================================
# Add a field srcM_inMN to the match table to store the m count of source features in m:n relationship
field_srcM_inMN = "srcM_inMN"
arcpy.AddField_management(outMatchTable, field_srcM_inMN)
codeblock = """
def getM(fld):
x = fld.split(\":\")[0]
if x.isnumeric():
if int(x) > 0:
return int(x)
return -1
# Calculate values for srcM_inMN
arcpy.CalculateField_management(outMatchTable, field_srcM_inMN, "getM(!FM_MN!)", "PYTHON_9.3", codeblock)
# Make a table view of the match table, selecting srcM_inMN values greater than 1
# (excluding 1:n relationships which don't need to be inspected)
arcpy.MakeTableView_management(outMatchTable, "mtable_view", field_srcM_inMN + "> 1")
# For the selected records, transfer srcM_inMN and SRC_FID fields and values to the targetCopy
arcpy.JoinField_management(targetCopy, "OBJECTID", "mtable_view", "TGT_FID", field_srcM_inMN + "; SRC_FID")
# ====================================================================================
# Note 2: Now the fields srcM_inMN and SRC_FID are in the copy of the target features.
# The srcM_inMN values are the counts of matched source features; the SRC_FID
# values indicate the source feature IDs from which the transferred attributes
# come from.
# At this point you can interactively review the transferred attributes for the
# flagged features. If you want to replace any of them by those from a different
# source feature, you would need to make the edits as needed.
# ====================================================================================
- ArcGIS Desktop Basic: 否
- ArcGIS Desktop Standard: 否
- ArcGIS Desktop Advanced: 是