You can save a surface model in the Compose Surface window using the Save Surface Model button. This will save the parameters that you used to create the composite surface model, such as the sorting rules and ordered bathymetry datasets.
If you want to save a modified version of an existing surface model, use the Save Surface Model As tool. This is useful if you want to update a surface model you have already saved, either by adding or removing rules or by manually modifying the order of your bathymetry datasets, but don’t want to overwrite the model itself. This allows you to save multiple surface model configurations and apply them to your bathymetry datasets.
When you save a surface model in an archive-enabled, versioned enterprise geodatabase, the version is archived in the Bathymetry Information System (BIS) geodatabase and can be accessed using the Load Surface Model tool. On the Load Surface Model dialog box, you can select the version and load it into the Compose Surface window. Using the Save Surface Model As tool, you can create a new surface model from the older version’s dataset display parameters and then subsequently update the dataset display parameters.
- 启动 ArcMap。
- Click Customize > Toolbars > Bathymetry on the main menu to activate the Bathymetry toolbar if necessary.
Click the Compose Surface button
on the Bathymetry toolbar.
The Compose Surface window appears.
- Perform one of the following actions to save the surface model:
Save a new surface model.
Click the Save Surface Model button
at the top of the Compose Surface window.
Save changes to an existing surface model that you have already loaded and want to overwrite.
Click the Save Surface Model button
at the top of the Compose Surface window.
Save an existing surface model that you have already loaded but don’t want to overwrite.
Click the Save Surface Model As button
at the top of the Compose Surface window.
The Save Surface Model or Save Surface Model As dialog box appears, depending on which option you chose.
- Type a name for the model in the Model Name text box.
- Optionally type a description for the model in the Model Description text box.
- Click Save.
The composite surface model is saved.