To create a structure-equipment relationship between two points, the two point features must share the same x,y geometry values. However, when line, area, and point geometry type features are grouped into a structure-equipment relationship, they do not have to share similar geometry values. There could be more than one child feature, but only one parent feature is allowed in a relationship. If you have selected two or more parent features when creating a structure-equipment relationship, you have to choose which one is the parent feature from the selection, and the remaining parent features become child features in the relationship.
The batch mode of the Relationship Manager tool evaluates all the potential relationships based on the view extent or selection and creates more than one structure-equipment relationship.
- 启动 ArcMap。
- 在主菜单上,单击自定义 > 工具条 > 生产编辑。
- On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Nautical.
- 单击生产编辑工具条上的启动生产编辑按钮
- Click the Relationship Manager button
on the Nautical toolbar.
The Relationship Manager window appears. It is blank by default.
- Prepare the data you want to use to create structure-equipment relationships.
If creating relationships by a selection set
Select features for which you want to create structure-equipment relationships.
If creating relationships by extent
Zoom in to the extent.
- You can choose to customize your view. Go to Working with the Relationship Manager window for more information.
- Right-click structure-equipment in the tree view and click an option.
To batch create relationships by a selection set
Click Batch Create Selected Features.
To batch create relationships by extent
Click Batch Create Current Extent.
The batch create process performs a spatial query for all point features that qualify to participate in a structure-equipment relationship. To qualify, features that can potentially share a structure-equipment relationship must be spatially collocated. Any layers containing potential structure-equipment relationships are automatically added to the Table Of Contents window during this step.
New relationships are created and appear in the Relationship Manager window.
If the tool can’t determine the feature for a potential relationship, the completion message will notify you that there are ambiguous relationships. If you want to manually create relationships for these, continue to step 9.
If no features are found that qualify to participate in a structure-equipment relationship, you are notified through a message box.
- If necessary, click Yes to browse ambiguous features through the Browse Features dialog box and create relationships manually.
- Follow the steps below to manually create the relationships:
- Select features from which to create one relationship (structure-equipment features).
- Click the Refresh button in the Relationship Manager window.
- In the Relationship Manager window, right-click structure-equipment in the tree view and click Create.
The new structure-equipment relationship appears in the tree view if you selected only one structure feature.