Hierarchical relationships have designated structure and equipment features. A structure-equipment relationship is created to relate features comprising a navigational aid. Navigational aids are composed of two basic types of objects: structures and equipment. The structure object is considered the parent feature, and all the related equipment the child features. A lighted buoy is a good example of a structure-equipment relationship. The buoy is a parent structure with different equipment attached to it, such as lights and navigational devices, which are considered child features.
To create a structure-equipment relationship between two points, the two point features must share the same x,y geometry values. However, when line, area, and point geometry type features are grouped into a structure-equipment relationship, they do not have to share similar geometry values. There could be more than one child feature, but only one parent feature is allowed in a relationship. If you have selected two or more parent features when creating a structure-equipment relationship, you have to choose which one is the parent feature from the selection, and the remaining parent features become child features in the relationship.
- 启动 ArcMap。
- 在主菜单上,单击自定义 > 工具条 > 生产编辑。
- On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Nautical.
- 单击生产编辑工具条上的启动生产编辑按钮
- Select features from which to create one relationship.
- Click the Relationship Manager button
on the Nautical toolbar.
The Relationship Manager window appears. It is blank by default.
- You can choose to customize your view. Go to Working with the Relationship Manager window for more information.
- Right-click Structure-Equipment in the tree view and click Create.
The new structure-equipment relationship appears in the tree view if you selected only one structure feature.
Follow the rest of the steps if you selected more than one structure feature.
- Choose the appropriate structure feature on the Select Structure dialog box.
- Click OK.
The new structure-equipment relationship appears in the tree view of the Relationship Manager window.