获得 Business Analyst 许可后可用。
Searches for areas that contain a specific type of demographic attribute.
Learn more about how Customer Prospecting By Demographic Data works

In ArcMap, analysis will only be completed on features that are within the active study area or analysis extent.
Before running this tool, set up your customer profile (DMQ file) using the Customer Profiling tool.
Set your boundary layer to include the market to prospect.
Run your initial customer prospecting on large geographies, such as census tracts, to get a general idea of the distribution of your potential customers. Drill down into large concentrations of these boundaries and run the tool again using the block group level. This will allow you to create submarkets within your primary market to focus your analysis.
arcpy.ba.DemoCustomerProspecting(InputBoundaryLayer, InputGeographyLevel, OutputFeatureClass, {WayToDefineDemoQuery}, {DMQFile}, {DemographicQueryWhereClause})
参数 | 说明 | 数据类型 |
InputBoundaryLayer | The input feature layer that determines the extent at which the analysis will query and return results from the geography level layer. | Feature Layer |
InputGeographyLevel | The input feature class that contains the data to be used in the demographic query. | Feature Layer |
OutputFeatureClass | The feature class that will contain the customer profile features. | Feature Layer |
WayToDefineDemoQuery (可选) | The parameters to be queried against the geography level.
| Boolean |
DMQFile (可选) | The definition input file generated in customer prospecting that sets the parameters to filter the geography level. | File |
DemographicQueryWhereClause (可选) | Allows you to manually enter the field statistics for the demographic query. | String |
DemoCustomerProspecting example (stand-alone script)
# Name: DemoCustomerProspecting.py
# Description: Imports pre-generated customer profile (*.dmq file) to locate block groups that meet the criteria set in that profile.
# Author: Esri
# Import system modules
import arcview
import arcpy
arcpy.ImportToolbox(r"C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.8\Business Analyst\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Business Analyst Tools.tbx")
# Acquire extension license
# Define the parameters for the Customer Prospecting by Demographic Data tool
# Please note that your paths may be different.
InputBoundaryLayer = "C:/temp/Boundary.shp"
InputGeographyLevel = "C:/ArcGIS/Business Analyst/US_2022/Data/Demographic Data/BlockGroups_bg.bds"
OutputFeatureClass = "C:/temp/Demo_Prospect.shp"
WayToDefineDemoQuery = "USE_DMQ_FILE"
DMQFile = "C:/temp/DMQ_output.dmq"
# Create Customer Prospecting output file
# Release extension license
- Basic: 需要 Business Analyst
- Standard: 需要 Business Analyst
- Advanced: 需要 Business Analyst