This is the standard projection developed and used by the National Geographic Society for continental mapping. The distance from three input points to any other point is approximately correct.

Projection method
Modified planar
Linear graticules
Shape distortion is low throughout if the three points are placed near the map limits.
Areal distortion is low throughout if the three points are placed near the map limits.
Low distortion throughout
Nearly correct representation of distance from three widely spaced points to any other point
The three selected input points should be widely spaced near the edge of the map limits.
Chamberlin trimetric can only be used in ArcInfo Workstation as an output projection because the inverse equations (Chamberlin trimetric to geographic) have not been implemented.
You can't project an ArcInfo Workstation grid or lattice to Chamberlin trimetric because the inverse equations are required.
Uses and applications
Used by the National Geographic Society as the standard map projection for most continents
Supported in ArcInfo Workstation only
ArcInfo Workstation
- Longitude of point A
- Latitude of point A
- Longitude of point B
- Latitude of point B
- Longitude of point C
- Latitude of point C