To create an instrument approach profile view, the production database must be populated with the appropriate data.
The following attributes and tables for feature classes, attributed relationship classes, and stand-alone fields must be present in the database for the ICAO Instrument Approach Profile View tool to function.
If an attribute is required, it must be populated.
NavaidSystem (Point Feature)
AIS field | Description | Required |
GFID | Unique identifier of a NavaidSystem feature | Y |
Subtype_Code | Subtype of the navaid system; used to determine whether to include the ILS/MLS feather symbol for the final approach segment | Y |
Ident_Txt | Identifier of the navaid system; used to label the navaid on the profile | Y |
TerminalProcedure (Table)
AIS field | Description | Required |
GFID | Unique identifier of a TerminalProcedure record | Y |
ClientKey_ID | Client key for terminal procedures | Y |
Description_Txt | Provides the name of the procedure (for example, VOR RWY 07L) | N |
Designator_Txt | Provides the designator of the procedure | N |
Subtype_Code | Code indicating the category type of the feature (for example, IAP, SID, STAR) | Y |
Type_Code | Code indicating the type of procedure (for example, ILS, RNAV) | N |
ADHP_Id | Gives the GFID of the airport at which the procedure exists | Y |
MSAGroup_Id | Gives the GFID of the MSA to which the procedure is related | Y |
ApproachCourse_Val | Final heading of the procedure | N |
ADHP (Point Feature)
AIS field | Description | Required |
GFID | Unique identifier of the airport | Y |
Name_Txt | Name of the airport | N |
Ident_Txt | Identifier of the airport | N |
DesignatedPoint (Point Feature)
AIS field | Description | Required |
GFID | Unique identifier of the DesignatedPoint feature | Y |
Ident_Txt | Identifier of the designated point; used to label the designated point on the profile | Y |
ProcedureLegPoint (Point Feature)
AIS field | Description | Required |
GFID | Unique identifier of the procedure leg point (the initial fix of the procedure) | Y |
TerminalProcedure_Id | Gives the GFID of the related procedure; used to relate the procedure leg point to the terminal procedures record | Y |
ReferencePointClass_Code | Code indicating the type of point at which the procedure leg point (IF) exists (Classes include airport, threshold, designated point, and navaid system.) | Y |
RoleFix_Code | Code indicating the role of the fix associated with the procedure leg in the instrument approach procedure | Y |
ReferencePoint_Id | Gives the GFID of the reference point | Y |
TypeProc_Code | Gives the type of procedure (SID, STAR, and IAP) of which the leg is a part; used to determine whether the procedure should be included on the Selection dialog box | Y |
ProcedureLeg_Id | Gives the GFID of the procedure leg to which the point is related | Y |
Position_Code | Gives the position of the ProcedureLegPoint in regard to the ProcedureLeg (for example, Start or End) | Y |
AngleIndication_Id | The GFID of the NavaidIndication (Angle) the point is referencing; used for labeling on the fix (only required for non-RNAV procedures) | Y |
DistanceIndication_Id | The GFID of the NavaidIndication (Distance) the point is referencing; used for labeling on the fix (only required for non-RNAV procedures) | Y |
AIS field | Description | Required |
GFID | Unique identifier of the procedure leg | Y |
TransitionIdent_Txt | Gives the name of the transition to which the procedure leg belongs (for example, APPROACH.FINAL, MISSED_P) | Y |
TerminalProcedure_Id | Gives the GFID of the related procedure; used to relate the procedure leg to the terminal procedures record | Y |
ARINCSequence_Val | Sequence number of the procedure leg | Y |
RoleFix_Code | Coded value describing the role of the waypoint at the end of the procedure leg; used to determine how the waypoint and procedure leg are drawn in the profile | Y |
DescrDistVert_Code | Describes the altitude value at the end of the procedure leg; used for over/underlining the elevation values (for example, At or Above) | N |
DistVertLower_UOM | Unit of measure for the altitude at the start of the procedure | N |
DistVertLower_Val | Gives the altitude at the start of the procedure | N |
DistVertUpper_UOM | Unit of measure for the altitude at the start of the procedure | N |
DistVertUpper_Val | Gives the altitude at the start of the procedure | N |
ReferencePointClass_Code | Code indicating the type of point at the end of the procedure leg (Classes include airport, threshold, designated point, and navaid system.) | Y |
ReferencePoint_Id | Gives the GFID of the reference point | Y |
VerticalAngle_Val | Vertical angle of the procedure leg | N |
Type_Code | Code describing the type of procedure leg; defines how the leg will be drawn in the profile | Y |
Dist_Val | Length of the procedure leg; distance from reference point (endpoint) to endpoint of previous leg (or IF for the first leg) (This distance is shown in the tray below the profile.) | Y |
Course_Val | Direction of the procedure leg; used to label the procedure leg with the bearing | Y |
Remarks_Txt | Remarks on procedure leg; shown as remarks for each procedure leg in instrument approach profile view | N |
ThresholdCrossingHeight_Val | Value of threshold crossing height | N |
Ident_Txt | Used strictly for ARINC coding. The identifier will be the initial point for each transition. A transition includes multiple segment legs. | Y |
PathLeg_Code | Code defining a specific type of flight path | Y |
AltDistVertLower_UOM | Unit of measure for the alternate altitude at the start of the procedure | N |
AltDistLower_Val | Gives the alternative altitude at the start of the procedure; will be labeled in parentheses | N |
AltDistVertUpper_Code | Code indicating the reference for a vertical distance (QFE, QNH) | N |
NavaidIndication (Table)
AIS field | Description | Required |
GFID | Unique identifier of the NavaidIndication feature | Y |
Subtype_Code | Code indicating if the Indication record is a Distance or Angle | Y |
Distance_UOM | Unit of measure for the distance | Y |
Distance_Val | Distance value | Y |
Distance_Type | Code indicating the type of distance indication | Y |
Bearing_Val | Bearing value (0–360) | Y |
BearingAngle_Type | Code indicating the direction of the zero bearing | Y |
IndicationDirection_Type | Code indicating if the angle is to or from the NavaidSystem or DesignatedPoint that is used | Y |
NavaidSystem_Id | GFID of the NavaidSystem the indication is from | Y |