Available with Standard or Advanced license.
When a parcel fabric is enabled with the Local Government Information Model (LGIM), it becomes optimized for parcel editing in the United States. The parcel fabric layer is configured to display tax parcels, subdivisions, lots, and encumbrances and is streamlined for common parcel editing workflows. Parcel types, attributes, and domains that reflect the editing requirements of local government parcel maintenance are added to parcel fabric tables. Automated parcel editing workflows are available on the Parcel Editor menu.

Use the parcel editing automated workflows
There are seven automated, parcel editing workflows available. To open the workflows, click the Parcel Editing menu and click Parcel Workflows. The parcel fabric must be enabled with the LGIM to use the automated workflows.
The automated steps for each workflow are also described in detail in a corresponding help topic.
The following automated workflows are available:
- Merge Parcels—Workflow for merging or combining parcels. See the steps for merging parcels.
- Parcel Split: Metes-And-Bounds—Workflow for splitting parcels using a metes and bounds description. See the steps for splitting parcels using metes and bounds.
- Parcel Split: Area Description—Workflow for splitting parcels using an area-based description. See the steps for splitting parcels by area.
- Parcel Split: Parent Parcel—Workflow for splitting parcels using construction lines. See the steps for splitting parcels using construction lines.
- New Subdivision—Workflow for creating a new subdivision. See the steps for creating a new subdivision.
- New Subdivision from CAD—Workflow for creating a new subdivision from CAD lines. See the steps for creating a new subdivision from CAD lines.
- Boundary Line Adjustment—Workflow for an adjacent parcel boundary line adjustment. See the steps for a boundary line adjustment.
Configure workflow settings
On the Parcel Workflows window, click the settings icon located at the lower left corner to configure workflow settings. You can change the visibility of a workflow as well as the dialog box behavior.