Available with Standard or Advanced license.
This workflow describes the steps for splitting a parcel using metes-and-bounds in a parcel fabric enabled with the Local Government Information Model (LGIM). Use this workflow on your own data.
This workflow is also available as an automated workflow. To use the Parcel Split metes-and-bounds automated workflow, open the Parcel Workflows dialog box by clicking Parcel Editor > Parcel Workflows. Select Parcel Split: Metes-And-Bounds and click Begin workflow. Automated parcel editing workflows are available when you enable the Local Government Information Model on your parcel fabric.
The workflow consists of the components shown in the diagram below:
Legal description
A legal description for a parcel split using measurements and a point of beginning may look like this:
Commencing at the northwest corner of lot 15, Echo Park No. 1 the following courses, N4°21'50"W 365 ft. and N87°09'54"E 49.0 ft. to the true point of beginning, thence along a private road N5°47'00"W a distance of 250 ft., thence N87°09'54"E a distance of 295 ft., thence S1°38'34"W a distance of 250 ft., thence S87°04'00"W a distance of 262.62 ft. to the true point of beginning.
Search for parent parcels
- Open a map document that contains your parcel fabric (enabled with the Local Government Information Model).
- In the Table Of Contents window, make only the Tax Parcels layer selectable.
- Make the Lots and Units layer and the Lines layer visible.
- Use the parcel plan to search for the parent parcel that will be split. For example, search for and zoom to the parcels located in the chosen plan.
Locate point of beginning or commencement point
You can snap to existing parcel points or existing control points in the parcel fabric and use them as points of beginning. It may be necessary to enter additional lots or add control points if the points you need to use do not exist in the fabric. For example, in this workflow, the point of beginning is the corner of lot 15 in the Echo Park No. 1 subdivision.
Enter new parcels
Enter the measurements stated in the legal description:
- Click New Parcel
on the Parcel Editor toolbar.
- On the Parcel Details dialog box under the Properties tab, click Plan to set the plan for the new parcel.
- Click Template to open the Select Feature Template dialog box and choose the Tax Parcels feature template for the new split parcels.
- Click the Lines tab to enter the parcel dimensions.
- If using an existing parcel corner or control point as the point of beginning, click to snap on the point to add it as the first point in the Lines grid.
- Click under the Template field and choose the Origin Connection to POB line template.
The template field name is initially collapsed to a single icon. You can expand the field to display the field name, which is Template.
- Click the Bearing field and type a bearing.
- Press ENTER to move to the Distance field and type a distance. Press ENTER to move to the next row in the Lines grid.
- For the remaining traverse legs that define the parcel ( and not the line from the point of beginning) set the line template to Standard Boundary.
- Continue entering the parcel traverse legs to complete the parcel traverse.
The parcel fabric plan represents the legal document recording a parcel merge, subdivision, and so on. Parcels are created in plans. Plans are managed in the Plan Directory dialog box, which is opened by clicking Plan on the Parcel Details dialog box.

Data entry in the lines traverse grid is designed to work with the 10-key pad, where you can use a single hand to enter dimensions. Use quadrant-bearing shortcuts and press the ENTER key and ARROW keys to move between cells.

Join and align new parcels
When new parcels are added to the parcel fabric, they need to be joined to the parcel fabric layer. A newly created parcel is not yet connected to the parcel fabric layer, even if existing fabric points were used as from- or to-points in the creation of the parcel. New parcels need to be joined to the parcel fabric to be connected to the parcel fabric.
Parcel joining is an interactive process where the parcel points of a floating parcel or group of parcels are matched with their corresponding points in the parcel fabric.
- Click Keep And Join
on the Parcel Details dialog box.
Close or dock the Parcel Details dialog box.
- On the Join Parcel dialog box, choose Joining points held fixed at map position under Use the following method when I click OK.
Since dimensions on the legal description were used to enter this parcel, you will assume, for the workflow, that the new parcel is more accurate than the surrounding parcels. Surrounding parcels are aligned to the new parcel rather than aligning the new parcel to the surrounding parcels.
- Use the Create Join Link tool
on the Join Parcel dialog box to join the from point of the first origin connection line to the existing point of beginning in the parcel fabric.
Click Create Join Link and drag a box around these two points. Since the from point of the origin connection line is snapped to the point of beginning in the fabric, these points overlap.
- Use the Trace fabric to create join links tool to join points on the parcel to their corresponding points in the parcel fabric:
- Click Trace fabric to create join links and change the Trace buffer to 10 feet.
- Click the northwest corner of the joining parcel, and trace a line to the southwest corner, then to the southeast corner. Click to finish tracing.
- Click Create Links to join the points in the trace buffer.
- Click Join on the Join Parcel dialog box to join the new parcel to the parcel fabric using the join links.
When joining a parcel using the Joining points held fixed at map position option, you can use the Rotate, Scale
, or Scale and rotate joining parcel
tools to scale and rotate the parcel. You can also use the mouse cursor to drag the parcel to a new position.

Join residuals are displayed in the Join Parcel dialog box as join links are created. Join residuals are an indication of how well the parcels being joined fit with the surrounding parcels. In the workflow, residuals are slightly high because the parcel being joined has more accurate dimensions than the surrounding parcels. Because the joining parcel is being held fixed, surrounding parcels are fitted to the joining parcel, and the accuracy of the joining parcel is preserved.
Split existing parcel
The newly joined parcel is used to split and create a parcel remainder from the existing tax parcel:
- Use the selection chip to select the newly joined parcel, right-click and click Parcel Remainder.
- On the Remainder dialog box, click Plan to choose or create the plan that represents the new parcel.
- Click Template and choose the Tax Parcels feature template from the Select Feature Template dialog box.
- Choose the parcel to create a remainder for and click OK.
Attributes from parent parcel are transferred to the remainder parcel and the parent parcel is saved and flagged as historic.

Annotate parcels
- Add the ParcelDimensions annotation feature class to the map.
The ParcelDimensions annotation feature class is created when the Local Government Information Model is enabled on the parcel fabric. The annotation feature class is feature linked to the parcel fabric Lines feature class.
Annotation is created using the Annotate Parcel Courses tool
, which handles the duplication of annotation on parcel lines.
- With the new parcel selected, click the Annotate Parcel Courses tool
on the Parcel Editor toolbar.
- Select ParcelDimensions on the Annotate Selected Features dialog box and click OK.
Click Yes to re-create annotation.
- If necessary, use the Edit Annotation tool
to edit and change the placement of the generated annotation.
Attribute parcels
The final step in the workflow is to update the attributes of the new parcels:
- Use the selection chip to select the new parcel and the remainder parcel and open the Attributes window.
- Select a parcel from the parcel list under Tax Parcels and update attributes such as the Parcel Identification Number, StatedArea, LegalStartDate, and Accuracy.
The LegalStartDate attribute should correspond to the date on the parcel's plan. If the Accuracy attribute is left empty, the value is inherited internally from the plan accuracy. You can override the plan accuracy by specifying a different parcel accuracy. Accuracy values are used in the parcel fabric least-squares adjustment.
- Update the attributes of the next parcel in the list.
- Optionally update the attributes of the historic parcels:
- Turn on the Historic Parcels layer in the Table Of Contents window.
- Use the selection chip to select the historic parcel in the map.
- Open the Parcel Details dialog box and update attributes such as LegalStartDate, LegalEndDate, and Reason Parcel Retired.