Available with Standard or Advanced license.
When a parcel fabric is enabled with the Local Government Information Model (LGIM), it becomes optimized for parcel editing in the United States. The parcel fabric layer is configured to display tax parcels, subdivisions, lots, and encumbrances and is streamlined for common parcel editing workflows. Parcel types, attributes, and domains that reflect the editing requirements of local government parcel maintenance are added to parcel fabric tables. Automated parcel editing workflows are available from the Parcel Editor menu. You can search for parcels in an LGIM-enabled parcel fabric using the Find tool , an address, or the parcel's associated plan.
Search using the Find tool
The Find tool located on the Tools toolbar allows you to search for features using an attribute value or a portion of an attribute value. When entering a portion of an attribute value, the Find tool will return a list of features that contain that value in any of the field's attributes. You can search all the layers in the map, or you can search a specified map layer.
Learn more about the Find tool
If you are searching for tax parcels, use the Parcel Identification Number (PIN) attribute field on the Tax Parcels sublayer.

When entering a portion of a parcel PIN, the Find tool will return a list of parcels that contain that value in their PIN. For optimal search performance, it is recommended that you enter the whole attribute value (the whole parcel PIN), and specify the sub layer in which to search, for example, the Tax Parcels sublayer.
Search results are displayed in a new window pane at the bottom of the Find dialog box. Right-click a row result to zoom to or pan to the parcel.
Search using an address
The Locations tab on the Find dialog box allows you to search for features using an address together with an address locator. You can search for parcels based on a street address. Select an address locator, for example, 10.0 North America Geocode service, and type the street address of the parcel you want to find in the Single Line Input text box. You can type the whole address or a portion of the address, for example, 1184 Copperwood Dr. Once you have typed the address, click Find to perform the search.
Search results are displayed in a new window pane at the bottom of the Find dialog box. Right-click a row result to zoom to or pan to the parcel.
Search using the parcel plan
You can search for a parcel by zooming to or panning to the area of the parcel's plan (not the system default <map> plan).
The parcel fabric plan represents the legal document recording a parcel merge, subdivision, and so on. Parcels are created in plans. Plans are managed on the Plan Directory dialog box, which is opened by clicking Parcel Editor > Plan Directory.
You can create a new plan by clicking Create Plan on the Plan Directory dialog box. If you don't want to use plans, you can create parcels in the system default <map> plan.
To search for a parcel using its plan, complete the following steps:
- Click Parcel Editor > Plan Directory on the Parcel Editor toolbar.
- On the Plan Directory dialog box, scroll to find the plan containing the parcels you want to zoom to.
- Right-click the plan and click Zoom To Parcels or Pan To Parcels.