Geodatabase replication allows you to distribute copies of your data across two or more geodatabases. When a dataset is replicated, a replica pair is created. One replica resides in the original, parent geodatabase and a related replica is distributed to a different, child geodatabase. Distributed data can be synchronized so that data in one replica matches the data in the related replica.
Learn more about geodatabase replication
Parcel fabrics are supported by replication; however, they are not supported on replicas created with the simple model option. All related parcel fabric data is replicated (points, line points, lines, and parcels). Replicating a single parcel fabric class is not supported.
The parcel fabric works with checkout/check-in and one-way replication.
Learn more about replication types
Prepare the parcel fabric dataset for replication
A parcel fabric dataset has the following requirements and recommendations for replication:
- The feature dataset containing the parcel fabric must be registered as versioned.
Checkout/check-in replication supports non-versioned data and personal or file geodatabases.
- There should be no relationship classes between any of the parcel fabric classes. Relationships between parcel fabric classes are maintained as in-memory relationship classes.
- One-way replicas require Global IDs.
Use a separate map document for replication
If there are multiple parcel sublayers pointing to the parcel fabric Parcels class, add a definition query to the first listed parcel sublayer to display the parcels you want to replicate.
For example, when replicating the LGIM-enabled parcel fabric layer, only the Historic Parcels sublayer will be replicated. Change the definition query on the Historic Parcels sublayer to display the parcels you want to replicate. If you are replicating tax parcels, the definition query on the Historic Parcels or first listed sublayer should be (SystemEndDate IS NULL) AND (Type = 7). You should also change the name of the Historic Parcels sublayer to a more meaningful name.

The map document used for replication should point to the DEFAULT version of the database.
Workflow 1: Check out a portion of the parcel fabric using checkout/check-in replication
Checkout/check-in replication is used to check out and edit data in a child replica. Edits on the child replica are then sent to or synchronized with the parent replica. For example, a portion of the parcel fabric is checked out to a child replica and is delivered to an external contractor for parcel edits and updates. Once the contractor returns the updated child replica, the edits are synced back to a version of the parent geodatabase for quality assurance purposes. The version is then reconciled and posted to the default version.
Follow these steps to check out a portion of your parcel fabric:
- Prepare the parcel fabric dataset for replication.
- Open your replication map document and ensure that the data points to the default version.
Make sure the first listed parcel sublayer in the Table Of Contents window has the correct definition query that will display the parcels to be replicated.
- Zoom to the extent of the parcels you want to replicate.
Only portions of the parcel layer should be replicated. You should not replicate or check out the entire extent of the parcel fabric.
- Click Create Replica
on the Distributed Geodatabase toolbar to open the Create Replica wizard.
- Choose Check-out as the type of replica and click Next.
- Choose Data to check out and choose Geodatabase.
Browse to the empty file geodatabase that will contain the child replica.
- Type a replica name.
- Choose Show advanced options for overriding check-out defaults when I click Next and click Next.
- Choose Full Model and click Next.
Simple model is not supported for parcel fabric replication.
- ChooseThe current display extent as the spatial extent of the checkout.
- Choose the items you want to check out and click Next.
- If there are relationship classes between the parcel fabric and other tables, keep Forward as the relationship class default direction and click Next.
- Choose the actions you want to perform after the checkout has been completed and click Finish to create the replica.
Synchronize the checkout replica
With a checkout/check-in replica containing a parcel fabric, updates from the child replica are sent to the parent replica.
Learn more about synchronizing replicas
To send updates from the checked out parcel fabric in the file geodatabase to the parent geodatabase, follow these steps:
- Open your replication map document. This is the map document that contains the parent parcel fabric.
- Zoom to the extent of the parcel fabric that was replicated.
- Switch to the version that was created when you created the checkout replica.
The name of the version is the same name that you assigned to the replica when you created it using the Create Replica wizard.
- Click Synchronize Changes
on the Distributed Geodatabase toolbar to open the Synchronize Changes Wizard.
- Choose the checkout replica to synchronize from the Replica to Synchronize drop-down list.
- Browse to the geodatabase containing the relative replica (Geodatabase 2).
This is the file geodatabase that contains your checkout replica
- Choose From Geodatabase 2 to Geodatabase 1 as the synchronization direction and click Next.
You are checking in changes from the child replica to the parent geodatabase.
- Choose whether or not to reconcile and post with the parent version when syncing your replica. Click Finish to synchronize changes.
You should perform quality assurance on the parcel fabric changes on the synced, replica version before reconciling and posting to default.
Alternatively use the Synchronize Changes geoprocessing tool located under System Toolboxes > Data Management Tools > Distributed Geodatabase to synchronize changes.
Workflow 2: Publish parcels using one-way replication
One-way replication allows data changes to be sent multiple times in a single direction. Use one-way, parent-to-child replication to push updates from the parcel fabric in your production environment to the parcel fabric replica in the publication environment. In a one-way, parent-to-child replication, the data in the parent replica is editable, but the data in the child replica is read-only.
Follow these steps to create the parcel fabric child replica in the publication environment:
- Prepare the parcel fabric dataset for replication.
- Open your replication map document and ensure that the data points to the default version.
- Make sure the first listed parcel sublayer in the Table Of Contents window has a definition query that displays the parcels being sent to the publication environment.
For example, (SystemEndDate IS NULL) AND (Type = 7) displays current tax parcels.
- Zoom to the full extent of the sublayer being replicated.
For example, you would want to publish all the tax parcels in your parcel fabric and then update the published parcels when new edits become available from the production geodatabase. Replicate the full extent of the parcel sublayer to ensure all updates to the parcels are published.
- Click Create Replica
on the Distributed Geodatabase toolbar to open the Create Replica wizard.
- Choose One way replica, Parent to child as the type of replica and click Next.
- Choose Data to check out and choose Geodatabase.
Browse to the geodatabase that contains your publication environment.
- Type a replica name.
- Choose Show advanced options for overriding check-out defaults when I click Next and click Next.
- Choose Full Model and click Next.
Simple model is not supported for parcel fabric replication.
- Choose The current display extent.
The map display should be zoomed to the full extent of the data.
- Choose the items you want to replicate and click Next.
- If there are relationship classes between the parcel fabric and other tables, keep Forward as the relationship class default direction and click Next.
- Choose the actions you want to perform after the checkout has been completed and click Finish to create the replica.
Synchronize the one-way replica
When a one-way, parent-to-child replica is synchronized, updates are sent from the parent geodatabase to the child geodatabase.
Learn more about synchronizing replicas
To send updates from the parcel fabric in the production environment to the parcels in the publication environment, follow these steps:
- If you want to view the synchronized updates, open the map document containing the parcels in the publication environment.
- Click Synchronize Changes
on the Distributed Geodatabase toolbar to open the Synchronize Changes Wizard.
- Choose the one-way replica to synchronize from the Replica to Synchronize drop-down list.
- Browse to the parent geodatabase (Geodatabase 2).
This is the production geodatabase.
- Choose From Geodatabase 2 to Geodatabase 1 as the synchronization direction and click Next.
You are receiving changes from the parent geodatabase (Geodatabase 2).
- Click Finish to synchronize changes.
Alternatively, you can use the Synchronize Changes geoprocessing tool located under System Toolboxes > Data Management Tools > Distributed Geodatabase to synchronize changes.
Create Replica geoprocessing tool
You can use the Create Replica geoprocessing tool located under System Toolboxes > Data Management Tools > Distributed Geodatabase to create a replica of the parcel fabric. When replicating a parcel fabric using the Create Replica geoprocessing tool, all visible parcel sublayers are replicated.
On the Create Replica dialog box, choose One_Way_Replica or Check_Out as the replica type. Under Advanced Setting, choose Full as the Replica Access Type.
To define the parcels or extent to replicate, use definition queries on the parcel sublayers or define an extent using Replica Geometry Features.