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This document is archived and information here might be outdated. Recommended version. |
Provides access to members of a GPValue.
The IGPValue interface provides access to the property and methods required to create and define a Value object.
Values are the actual inputs to a tool containing scalars or paths to the data.
An array of values is created, based on the same order of the parameter definiton of a geoprocessing tool. This array of values is then used as input to both the Validate and Execute methods of the tool.
A complete example to create a geoprocessing function tool, including the use of IGPValue, is available here: Building Geoprocessing Function Tools .
See also IGPDataType
Name | Description | |
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DataType | The data type of the value object. |
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Empty | Clears the value object. |
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GetAsText | Provides the value of the value object. |
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IsEmpty | Indicates if the value object is empty. |
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SetAsText | Provides the value of the value object with the given string value. |
CoClasses and Classes | Description |
DEAddressLocator (esriLocation) | The Address Locator Element. |
DEArcInfoTable (esriDataSourcesFile) | ArcInfo Table Data Element object. |
DECadastralFabric (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) | Cadastral Fabric Data Element object. |
DECadDrawingDataset (esriDataSourcesFile) | Cad Drawing Dataset Data Element object. |
DECatalogRoot (esriDataSourcesFile) | Catalog Root Data Element object. |
DECoverage (esriDataSourcesFile) | Coverage Data Element object. |
DECoverageFeatureClass (esriDataSourcesFile) | Coverage Feature Class Data Element object. |
DEDbaseTable (esriDataSourcesFile) | Dbase Table Data Element object. |
DEDiskConnection (esriDataSourcesFile) | Disk Connection Data Element object. |
DEFeatureClass | Feature Class Data Element object. |
DEFeatureDataset | Feature Dataset Data Element object. |
DEFile (esriDataSourcesFile) | File Data Element object. |
DEFolder (esriDataSourcesFile) | Folder Data Element object. |
DEGeoDataServer | GeoDataServer Object Data Element object. |
DEGeometricNetwork | GeometricNetwork Data Element object. |
DEGeometryServer | GeometryServer Object Data Element object. |
DEGlobeServer | MapServer Object Data Element object. |
DEGPServer | MapServer Object Data Element object. |
DEImageServer (esriDataSourcesRaster) | Image Service Object Data Element object. |
DELasDataset (esriDataSourcesFile) | LAS Dataset Data Element object. |
DELayer (esriDataSourcesFile) | Layer Data Element object. |
DEMapDocument (esriDataSourcesFile) | Map Document Data Element object. |
DEMapServer | MapServer Object Data Element object. |
DEMosaicDataset (esriDataSourcesRaster) | The MosaicDataset Data Element object. |
DENetworkDataset | Network Dataset Data Element object. |
DEPrjFile (esriDataSourcesFile) | Projection File Data Element object. |
DERasterBand | RasterBand Data Element object. |
DERasterCatalog | Raster Catalog Data Element object. |
DERasterDataset | RasterDataset Data Element object. |
DERelationshipClass | Relationship Class Data Element object. |
DERemoteDatabaseFolder (esriDataSourcesFile) | Remote Database Folder Data Element object. |
DERepresentationClass | Representation Class Data Element object. |
DESchematicDataset (esriSchematic) | Schematic Dataset Data Element object. |
DESchematicDiagram (esriSchematic) | Schematic Diagram Data Element object. |
DESchematicFolder (esriSchematic) | Esri Schematic Folder data element object. |
DEServerConnection | ServerConnection Object Data Element object. |
DEShapeFile (esriDataSourcesFile) | ShapeFile Data Element object. |
DESpatialReferencesFolder (esriDataSourcesFile) | Spatial References Folder Data Element object. |
DETable | Table Data Element object. |
DETerrain (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) | Esri Terrain data element object. |
DETextFile (esriDataSourcesFile) | Text File Data Element object. |
DETin (esriDataSourcesFile) | Tin Data Element object. |
DETool (esriGeoprocessing) | The tool Data Element. |
DEToolbox (esriGeoprocessing) | The toolbox Data Element. |
DETopology | Topology Data Element object. |
DEVPFCoverage (esriDataSourcesFile) | DEVPFCoverage Dataset Data Element object. |
DEVPFTable (esriDataSourcesFile) | VPFTable Data Element object. |
DEWCSCoverage (esriDataSourcesRaster) | WCS Coverage Object Data Element object. |
DEWMSMap (esriDataSourcesRaster) | WMS Map Data Element object. |
DEWorkspace | Database Data Element object. |
Field | Esri Field object. |
FMEDataset (esriDataInterop) | FMEDataset Class |
GPAddressLocatorStyle (esriLocation) | The Address Locator Style Element. |
GPAnalysisCellSize (esriGeoprocessing) | GeoProcessor Analysis CellSize object. |
GPArcInfoItem (esriDataSourcesFile) | ArcInfo Item Data Element object. |
GPArealUnit (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a areal unit value. |
GPBoolean (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a boolean value. |
GPCadastralFabricLayer (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Cadastral Fabric Layer Value. |
GPCalculatorExpression (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a Field Calc Expression. |
GPCellSizeXY (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a point geometry. |
GPCodedValueDomain2 | The (GP) Coded Value Domain Object. |
GPCompositeLayer (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Composite Layer Value. |
GPCoordinateSystem (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a coordinate system value. |
GPDataFile (esriGeoprocessing) | GPDataFile Class |
GPDate (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a date value. |
GPDouble (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a double value. |
GPEncryptedString (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a string value. |
GPEnvelope (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing an envelope value. |
GPEvaluationScale (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst EvaluationScale object. |
GPExtent (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing an extent value. |
GPFeatureLayer (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a feature layer value. |
GPFeatureRecordSetLayer (esriGeoprocessing) | GPFeatureRecordSetLayer Class |
GPFieldInfo (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object describing a set of fields. |
GPFieldMapping (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Field Map value object. |
GPGALayer (esriGeoStatisticalAnalyst) | Geoprocessing Geostatistical Layer object. |
GPGroupLayer (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Group Layer value. |
GPHistoricalMarker | The (GP) Historical Marker Object. |
GPINFOExpression (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing an INFO expression value. |
GPLasDatasetLayer (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a LAS dataset layer value. |
GPLayer (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a layer value. |
GPLine (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a line geometry. |
GPLinearUnit (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a linear unit value. |
GPLong (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a long integer value. |
GPMDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing M Domain object. |
GPMosaicLayer (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Mosaic Layer Value. |
GPMultiValue (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object that contains multiple geoprocessing value objects. |
GPNAHierarchySettings (esriNetworkAnalyst) | Geoprocessing network hierarchy settings value. |
GPNALayer (esriNetworkAnalyst) | Geoprocessing network analyst layer value. |
GPNetworkDatasetLayer (esriGeoprocessing) | Network Dataset Layer object. |
GPPoint (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a point geometry. |
GPPolygon (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a polygon geometry. |
GPRandomNumberGenerator (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object for producing Random Number Generator values. |
GPRangeDomain2 | The (GP) Range Domain Object. |
GPRasterBuilder (esriGeoprocessing) | GPRasterBuilder Class |
GPRasterCalculatorExpression (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst GPRasterCalculatorExpression object. |
GPRasterCatalogLayer (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a raster catalog value. |
GPRasterData (esriGeoprocessing) | GPRasterData Class |
GPRasterDataLayer (esriGeoprocessing) | GPRasterDataLayer Class |
GPRasterFormulated (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessor GP RasterFormulated object. |
GPRasterGDBEnvCompression (esriGeoprocessing) | GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. |
GPRasterGDBEnvPyramid (esriGeoprocessing) | GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. |
GPRasterGDBEnvStatistics (esriGeoprocessing) | GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. |
GPRasterGDBEnvTileSize (esriGeoprocessing) | GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. |
GPRasterLayer (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a raster layer value. |
GPRecordSet (esriGeoprocessing) | GPRecordSet Class |
GPReplica | A GPReplica object |
GPReplicaDataset | A replica dataset. |
GPReplicaDescription | Defines the data to replicate or extract. |
GPRouteMeasureEventProperties (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing route measure event properties value object. |
GPSACellSize (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial CellSize object. |
GPSAExtractValues (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst GPSAExtractValues object. |
GPSAFuzzyFunction (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst fuzzy function object. |
GPSAHorizontalFactor (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor path distance horizontal function object. |
GPSAMapAlgebraExp (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst MapAlgebra object. |
GPSANeighborhood (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Neighborhood object. |
GPSANumberRemap (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial NumberRemap object. |
GPSARadius (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Radius object. |
GPSASemiVariogram (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial SemiVariogram object. |
GPSAStringRemap (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial StringRemap object. |
GPSATimeConfiguration (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor solar-radiation time configuration object. |
GPSATopoFeatures (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst TopoFeatures object. |
GPSATransformationFunction (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst transformation function object. |
GPSAVerticalFactor (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor path distance vertical function object. |
GPSAWeightedOverlayTable (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst WeightedOverlayTable object. |
GPSAWeightedSum (esriSpatialAnalyst) | GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst WeightedSum object. |
GPSpatialReference (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a spatial reference value. |
GPSQLExpression (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a SQL expression value. |
GPString (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a string value. |
GPStringHidden (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a hidden string value. |
GPTableView (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a table view value. |
GPTerrainLayer (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a terrain layer value. |
GPTimeUnit (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a time unit value. |
GPTinLayer (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a tin layer value. |
GPTopologyLayer (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a topology layer value. |
GPValueTable (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing two-dimensional array of geoprocessing value objects. |
GPVariant (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing value object containing a variant value. |
GPWorkspaceExtension | The (GP) Workspace Extension Object. |
GPXYDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing XY Domain object. |
GPZDomain (esriGeoprocessing) | Geoprocessing Z Domain object. |
Index | Esri Index object. |
MdVariable (esriGeoprocessing) | Model variable object that contains a value object. |
NAClassFieldMap (esriNetworkAnalyst) | Defines one field mapping. |
XMLIndex | XML Index Object. |
XMLIndexTag | XML Index Tag Object. |
XMLIndexTags | XML Index Tags Collection Object. |