Interface |
Description |
IArchivableClass |
Provides access to properties and methods of an archivable class. |
IArchivableObject |
IArchiveRegistrationInfo |
The properties used to register a dataset for archiving and for describing an already registered object. |
IAttachment |
Provides access to members of an attachment. |
IAttachment2 |
Provides access to members of an attachment. |
IAttachmentData |
Provides access to members that describe an attachment. |
IAttachmentDataArray |
Array of AttachmentData objects. |
IAttachmentInfo |
Provides access to members that describe an attachment. |
IAttachmentInfo2 |
Provides access to members that describe an attachment. |
IAttachmentInfoArray |
Array of AttachmentInfo objects. |
IAttachmentManager |
IAttachmentManager2 |
IAttributeRule |
Provides access to members that return, modify and validate attribute rules. |
ICancelOperation |
Provides access to members that indicate if an operation has been cancelled. |
IClass |
Provides access to members that return information about and manage the class. |
IClassEx |
Provides access to members that return information about and manage the class. |
IClassExtension |
Provides access to members that initialize and shutdown the class extension. |
IClassHelper |
Provides access to the associated class. |
IClassSchemaEdit |
Provides access to member to modify an object class schema. |
IClassSchemaEdit2 |
Provides access to members that modify an object class's extension properties. |
IClassSchemaEdit3 |
Provides access to members that modify an object class's extension properties. |
IClassSchemaEdit4 |
Provides access to members that modify an object class's Editor Tracking properties. |
IClassSchemaEdit5 |
Provides access to member to modify an object class schema. |
IClassSchemaEditEx |
Provides access to members that modify an object class schema. |
ICodedValueDomain |
Provides access to members that return and modify coded value domain values. |
ICodedValueDomain2 |
Provides access to members that sort a coded value domain. |
ICollectionTableVersionChanges |
Provides access to members to modify the list of tables that have been changed. |
IComplexEdgeFeature |
Provides access to members that return information about a complex edge feature. |
IComplexJunctionFeature |
Provides access to members that return and modify complex junction features. |
IComplexNativeType |
Provides access to members that supply complex native types. |
IComplexNetworkFeature |
Provides access to members that return and modify complex network features. |
ICompressionInfo |
Provides access to members that indicate the compression status of FileGDB datasets. |
IConfigurationKeyword |
Provides access to members to supply information about configuration keywords. |
IConfigurationKeyword2 |
Provides access to members to supply information about configuration keywords. |
IConfigurationParameter |
Provides access to members to supply information about configuration paramters. |
IConfigurationParameter2 |
Provides access to members to supply information about configuration paramters. |
IConfirmSendRelatedObjectEvents |
Provides access to events that occur when related objects change, move or rotate and confirms that the event be sent. |
IConflictClass |
Provides access to members that control the conflict class. |
IConnectivityRule |
Indicator interface that identifies connectivity rules. |
ICopyHelper |
Provides access to helper functions for post-processing copied metadata. |
ICoverageAnnotationFeature |
Provides access to coverage annotation blob. |
ICursor |
Provides access to members that hand out enumerated rows, field collections and allows for the updating, deleting and inserting of rows. |
ICursorStats |
Provides access to members that access cursor statistics. |
IDatabaseCompact |
Provides access to members for compacting a file or personal geodatabase. |
IDatabaseCompact2 |
Provides access to members for compacting a file or personal geodatabase. |
IDatabaseConnectionInfo |
Provides access to members that provide information about the Workspace's connected database. |
IDatabaseConnectionInfo2 |
Provides access to members that provide information about the Workspace's connected database. |
IDatabaseConnectionInfo3 |
Provides access to members that provide information about the Workspace's connected database. |
IDatabaseConnectionInfo4 |
Provides access to members that provide information about the Workspace's connected database. |
IDataChangesEx |
Provides access to members that return information on data changes. |
IDataConvertProcess |
Provides access to members that control the Data Convert Process. |
IDataElement |
Provides access to the Basic Data Element. |
IDataElementHelper |
Provides access to members that allow you to get a reference to a DataElement. |
IDataElementInfo |
Provides access to get associated the data element. |
IDataElements |
Provides access to the DataElements Interface. |
IDataElementType |
Provides access to the Data Element Type. |
IDataset |
Provides access to members that supply dataset information. |
IDatasetAnalyze |
Provides access to members that analyze a dataset. |
IDatasetComponent |
Provides access to the common functionality found on all dataset components. |
IDatasetComponent2 |
Provides access to the common functionality found on all dataset components. |
IDatasetContainer |
Provides access to adding datasets to the dataset container. |
IDatasetContainer2 |
Provides access to members that return datasets by name, ID and index. |
IDatasetContainer3 |
Provides access to members that return datasets by name, ID and index. |
IDatasetContainerName |
Provides access to members that hand out enumerated subset names in the dataset container. |
IDatasetEdit |
Provides access to information about the status of datasets being edited. |
IDatasetEditEx |
Provides access to more information on the status of datasets being edited. |
IDatasetEditInfo |
Provides access to members that maintain dataset editing information. |
IDatasetFileStat |
Provides access to members that control Dataset file-based statistics. |
IDatasetFileStat2 |
Provides access to members that control Dataset file-based statistics. |
IDatasetMigration |
Provides access to members that migrate a dataset. |
IDatasetName |
Provides access to members that supply dataset name information. |
IDatasetName2 |
Provides access to members that supply dataset name information. |
IDatasetNameFileSize |
Provides access to members that control DatasetName file size over 2GB |
IDatasetNameFileStat |
Provides access to members that control DatasetName file-based statistics. |
IDatasetNameFileStat2 |
Provides access to members that control DatasetName file-based statistics. |
IDataStatistics |
Provides access to members to generate statistics on a field. |
IDEBrowseOptions |
Provides access to the data element browsing options interface. |
IDEDataset |
Provides access to members that supply dataset data element information. |
IDEDataset2 |
Provides access to members that supply dataset data element information. |
IDEDatasetType |
Provides access to the Dataset Data Element Type. |
IDEEditorTracking |
Provides access to members that return information about Editor Tracking properties in data element. |
IDEFeatureClass |
Provides access to members that return information about feature class data elements. |
IDEFeatureClassType |
Provides access to the FeatureClass Data Element Type. |
IDEFeatureDataset |
Indicator interface for feature dataset data elements. |
IDEFeatureDatasetType |
Provides access to the FeatureDataset Data Element Type. |
IDEGdbFeatureClass |
Provides access to members that return information about geodatabase feature class data elements. |
IDEGdbTable |
Provides access to members that return information about geodatabase table data element. |
IDEGdbTable2 |
Provides access to members that return information about geodatabase table data element. |
IDEGdbUtilities |
Provides access to utility functions concerning data elements. |
IDEGdbUtilities2 |
Provides access to utility functions concerning data elements. |
IDEGeoDataServer |
Provides access to members that describe GeoDataServer objects. |
IDEGeoDataServerType |
Provides access to the GeoDataServer Data Element Type. |
IDEGeoDataset |
Provides access to members that return information about a geographic dataset data element. |
IDEGeoDatasetType |
Provides access to the GeoDataset Data Element Type. |
IDEGeometricNetwork |
Provides access to members that describe geometric network data elements. |
IDEGeometricNetwork2 |
Provides access to members that describe geometric network data elements. |
IDEGeometricNetworkType |
Provides access to the Geometric Network Data Element Type. |
IDEGeometryServer |
Provides access to members that describe GlobeServer objects. |
IDEGeometryServerType |
Provides access to the GeometryServer Data Element Type. |
IDEGlobeServer |
Provides access to members that describe GlobeServer objects. |
IDEGlobeServerType |
Provides access to the GlobeServer Data Element Type. |
IDEGPServer |
Provides access to members that describe GPServer objects. |
IDEGPServerType |
Provides access to the GPServer Data Element Type. |
IDEMapServer |
Provides access to members that describe MapServer objects. |
IDEMapServerType |
Provides access to the MapServer Data Element Type. |
IDENetworkDataset |
Provides access to members that describe network dataset data elements. |
IDENetworkDataset2 |
Provides access to members that describe network dataset data elements. |
IDENetworkDataset3 |
Provides access to members that describe network dataset data elements. |
IDENetworkDataset4 |
Provides access to members that describe network dataset data elements. |
IDENetworkDatasetType |
Provides access to an indicator interface for network dataset data element type objects. |
IDERasterBand |
Provides access to the RasterBand Data Element. |
IDERasterBandType |
Provides access to methods that control the Raster Band Data Element Type. |
IDERasterCatalog |
Provides access to members that return information about raster catalog data elements. |
IDERasterCatalogType |
Provides access to the RasterCatalog Data Element Type. |
IDERasterDataset |
Provides access to the RasterDataset Data Element. |
IDERasterDatasetEx |
Provides access to the RasterDataset Data Element - optional properties. |
IDERasterDatasetType |
Provides access to the Raster Dataset Data Element Type. |
IDERelationshipClassEx |
Provides access to members that describe relationship class data elements. |
IDERelationshipClassEx2 |
Provides access to members that describe relationship class data elements. |
IDERelationshipClassType |
Provides access to the RelationshipClass Data Element Type. |
IDERepresentationClass |
Provides access to members that return information about representation class data elements. |
IDEServerConnection |
Provide access to theArcGIS Server Connection Data Element. |
IDEServerConnectionType |
Provides access to the ArcGIS Server Connection Data Element Type. |
IDEServerObject |
Provides access to members that describe ArcGIS server objects. |
IDEServerObjectType |
Provides access to the ArcGIS Server Object Data Element Type. |
IDETable |
Provides access to members that return information about table data elements. |
IDETableType |
Provides access to the Table Data Element Type. |
IDETopology |
Provides access to members that return information about topology data elements. |
IDETopologyType |
Provides access to the Topology Data Element type. |
IDEWorkspace |
Provides access to members that return information about a workspace data element. |
IDEWorkspace2 |
Provides access to members that return information about the Geodatabase release number. |
IDEWorkspace3 |
Provides access to members that return information about a workspace data element. |
IDEWorkspaceType |
Provides access to the Workspace Data Element Type. |
IDifferenceCursor |
Provides access to members that control the version difference cursor. |
IDifferenceCursorEx |
Provides access to members that control the difference cursor. |
IDirectionsAttributeMapping |
Provides access to the properties for directions attribute mapping. |
IDirectionsFieldMapping |
Provides access to the properties for directions field mapping. |
IDirectionsLandmarkSource |
. |
IDocumentationInfo |
Provides access to members of documentation info. |
IDomain |
Provides access to members that return and modify domains and their merge and split policies. |
IDynamicTrafficData |
Provides access to members in dynamic traffic data. |
IEdgeConnectivityRule |
Provides access to members that supply information about, modify and manage edge-edge connectivity rules. |
IEdgeFeature |
Provides access to members that modify and return information about an edge feature. |
IEdgeFeatureSource |
Provides access to members that specify the properties of a network dataset source whose edge elements are derived from line geometry. |
IEditorTrackingInfo |
EditorTrackingInfo value object |
IEnterpriseWorkspaceFactory |
Provides access to members that manage enterprise workspace. |
IEnumAttachment |
Provides access to members of an attachment enumeration. |
IEnumAttributedRelationship |
Provides access to members that enumerate through the attributed relationships. |
IEnumConfigurationKeyword |
Provides access to members to enumerate configuration keywords. |
IEnumConfigurationParameter |
Provides access to members to enumerate configuration parameters. |
IEnumConflictClass |
Provides access to members that enumerate through conflict classes. |
IEnumDataElement |
Provides access to members that enumerate through DataElements. |
IEnumDataset |
Provides access to members that enumerate through Datasets. |
IEnumDatasetName |
Provides access to members that enumerate through Dataset Names. |
IEnumDatasetType |
Provides access to members that enumerate over a set of dataset types. |
IEnumDomain |
Provides access to members that enumerate through domains. |
IEnumEdgeFeature |
Provides access to members that enumerate edge features and resets the enumeration. |
IEnumEventError |
Provides access to an enumeration of event source errors. |
IEnumFeature |
Provides access to members that hand out enumerated features and reset the enumeration. |
IEnumFeatureClass |
Provides access to members that hand out enumerated featureclasses and reset the enumeration. |
IEnumFeatureSetup |
Provides access to members that define behavior of IEnumFeature. |
IEnumFieldError |
Provides access to members that enumerate through field errors. |
IEnumGeometryBind |
Provides access to members that bind a feature cursor or a selection to a geometry enumerator. |
IEnumGPName |
Provides access to a GPName Enumeration. |
IEnumGPValue |
Provides access to members of a GPValue Enumeration. |
IEnumHierarchyRange |
Provides access to a container for accessing network dataset hierarchy ranges. |
IEnumHistoricalMarker |
IEnumIDs |
Provides access to members that enumerate through IDs. |
IEnumIndex |
Provides access to members that enumerate over a set of indexes. |
IEnumInvalidObject |
Provides access to members that enumerate through invalid features. |
IEnumJunctionFeature |
Provides access to members that enumerate junction features and resets the enumeration. |
IEnumLocator |
Provides access to members for retrieving a set of locators. |
IEnumLocatorName |
Provides access to members to retrieving a set of Name objects for locators. |
IEnumLockInfo |
Provides access to members that enumerate lock information. |
IEnumNameMapping |
Provides access to members that enumerate and find specified name mappings. |
IEnumNetEID |
Provides access to members that iterate through an enumeration of network element IDs (EIDs). |
IEnumNetEIDBuilder |
Provides access to members that build an enumeration of network element IDs (EIDs). |
IEnumNetEIDBuilderGEN |
Provides access to members that build an enumeration of network element IDs (EIDs). |
IEnumNetWeightAssociation |
Provides access to members that iterate through an enumeration of weight associations. |
IEnumNetworkElement |
Provides access to a container for accessing network dataset network elements. |
IEnumNetworkFeature |
Provides access to members that enumerate network features and resets the enumeration. |
IEnumNodeEdge |
Provides access to the set of edges incident on the specified node. |
IEnumObject |
Provides access to members that enumerate through the objects. |
IEnumObjectClass |
Provides access to members that hand out enumerated object classes and reset the enumeration. |
IEnumProperty |
Provides access to members that enumerate Property. |
IEnumRelationship |
Provides access to members that enumerate relationships. |
IEnumRelationshipClass |
Provides access to members that enumerate relationship classes. |
IEnumRelationshipClassInfo |
Provides access to members that enumerate through the relationship classes. |
IEnumReplica |
Provides access to members that enumerate through replica objects. |
IEnumReplicaDataset |
Provides access to members that return a list of replica datasets. |
IEnumReplicaLog |
Provides access to members that enumerate through replica log. |
IEnumRule |
Provides access to members that enumerate rules. |
IEnumSchemaLockInfo |
Provides access to members for enumerating lock info. |
IEnumSpatialReferenceInfo |
Provides access to members to enumerate spatial references. |
IEnumSubtype |
Provides access to members that enumerate subtypes. |
IEnumTable |
Provides access to members that enumerate through the classes. |
IEnumTableVersionChanges |
Provides access to members that enumerate through the tables that have been changed. |
IEnumTGHitInfo |
Provides access to members that interate through topology elements. |
IEnumTinEdge |
Provides access to members that control TIN edge enumerators. |
IEnumTinElement |
Provides access to TIN element options. |
IEnumTinNode |
Provides access to members that control TIN node enumerators. |
IEnumTinTriangle |
Provides access to members that control TIN triangle enumerators. |
IEnumTopologyEdge |
Provides access to a set of topology edges. |
IEnumTopologyErrorFeature |
Provides access to members that enumerate through the topology errors. |
IEnumTopologyNode |
Provides access to a set of topology nodes. |
IEnumTopologyParent |
Provides access to the set of parents of a topology element. |
IEnumUserInfo |
Enumerates users connected to a database. |
IEnumVersionInfo |
Provides access to members that enumerate version information. |
IEnumVersionInfo2 |
Provides access to members that enumerate version information. |
IEnumWorkspace |
Provides access to members that enumerate workspaces. |
IEnumWorkspaceEx |
Provides access to members that enumerate workspaces. |
IEnumWorkspaceStatus |
Provides access to members that enumerate workspace status information. |
IEnumXMLIndexTemplate |
A simple enumerator object for XML Index Templates. |
IErrorFeatureContainer |
Provides access to members that return error features. |
IEvaluatedNetworkAttribute |
Provides access to members that specify the properties of an evaluated attribute in a network dataset. |
IEvaluatedNetworkAttribute2 |
Provides access to members that specify the properties of an evaluated attribute in a network dataset. |
IEventSource |
Provides access to event source properties. |
IEventSourceErrors |
Provides access to members that deal with event source errors. |
IExternalDeserializerGdb |
Provides high-level deserialization methods for AMF and JSON formats. |
IExternalSerializerGdb |
Provides high-level serialization methods for AMF and JSON formats. |
IExternalSerializerGdb2 |
Provides high-level serialization methods for AMF and JSON formats. |
IExtractionUtilities |
Provides access to members which set and return the properties of a ReplicaDescription object. |
IFeature |
Provides access to members that return and set properties of a feature. |
IFeatureBuffer |
Provides access to setting and returning the default shape in the feature buffer. |
IFeatureChanges |
Provides access to members that provide information about changes in the feature's shape. |
IFeatureClass |
Provides access to members that control the behavior and properties of a feature class. |
IFeatureClassContainer |
Provides access to members that return feature classes by name, ID and index. |
IFeatureClassCreation |
Provides access to a member that determines if features can be created from a point. |
IFeatureClassDescription |
Provides access to members that control Feature Class Description. |
IFeatureClassDraw |
Provides access to members that set customized drawing properties. |
IFeatureClassEdit |
Provides access to information about feature class editing properties. |
IFeatureClassExtension |
Indicator interface for feature class extensions. |
IFeatureClassLoad |
Provides access to the load mode of a GDB feature class. |
IFeatureClassManage |
Provides access to update the extent of a feature class. |
IFeatureClassName |
Provides access to members that return information about the feature class. |
IFeatureClassSpatialIndex |
Provides access to the spatial index of a GDB feature class. |
IFeatureClassStorage |
Provides access to members that describe the storage characteristics of a feature class. |
IFeatureClassStorage2 |
Provides access to members that describe the storage characteristics of a feature class. |
IFeatureClassUtil |
Provides access to members that return features in the specified spatial reference. |
IFeatureClassWrite |
Provides access to low level. |
IFeatureConnect |
Provides access to members that expose connector points and connection points. |
IFeatureConstruction |
Provides access to members that add features to a specified feature class using other features and geometries. |
IFeatureCursor |
Provides access to members that hand out enumerated features, field collections and allows for the updating, deleting and inserting of features. |
IFeatureDataConverter |
Provides access to members that are used to convert from a Personal Geodatabase/Geodatabase dataset to another. |
IFeatureDataConverter2 |
Provides access to members that convert to one dataset to another, optionally using a selection set. |
IFeatureDataset |
Provides access to create a new feature class in a feature dataset. |
IFeatureDatasetExtension |
Provides access to standard functionality found in all feature dataset extensions. |
IFeatureDatasetExtension2 |
Provides access to standard functionality found in all feature dataset extensions. |
IFeatureDatasetExtensionContainer |
Provides access to the collection of feature dataset extensions. |
IFeatureDatasetManage |
Provides access to modify the M Domain of a feature dataset. |
IFeatureDatasetName |
Provides access to members that hand out enumerated subset names in the feature dataset. |
IFeatureDatasetName2 |
Provides access to members that hand out enumerated subset names in the feature dataset. |
IFeatureDraw |
Provides access to members that control custom drawing by a feature. |
IFeatureEdit |
Provides access to members implemented to customize feature editing. |
IFeatureEdit2 |
Provides access to members implemented to customize feature editing. |
IFeatureElement |
Provides access to members to return feature element properties. |
IFeatureElementEdit |
Provides access to members for setting feature element properties. |
IFeatureEvents |
Provides access to events that happen when a feature is split or merged. |
IFeatureProgress |
Provides access to members used to handle events from converting featureclass/table. |
IFeatureProject |
Provides access to project a feature's geometry. |
IFeatureSimplify |
Provides access to simplifying a feature's geometry. |
IFeatureSimplify2 |
Provides access to methods that extend IFeatureSimplify. |
IFeatureSnap |
Provides access to members that enable features to do custom snapping. |
IFeatureWorkspace |
Provides access to members that create and open various types of datasets and other workspace level objects. |
IFeatureWorkspaceAnno |
Provides access to creating an annotation class as well as managing a symbol collection. |
IFeatureWorkspaceManage |
Provides access to dataset deletion and renaming, table and index analysis, field validation and version and object class registration . |
IFeatureWorkspaceManage2 |
Provides access to dataset deletion and renaming, table and index analysis, field validation and version and object class registration. |
IFeatureWorkspaceManage3 |
Provides access to dataset deletion and renaming, table and index analysis, field validation and version and object class registration. |
IFeatureWorkspaceSchemaEdit |
Provides access to altering the instance CLSID and the class extension CLSID. |
Provides access to members that control the FID Set. |
IFIDSet2 |
Provides access to members that control the FID Set. |
IFIDSetOperator |
Provides access to members that control the collection of feature ids, and to combine feature id collections. |
IField |
Provides access to members that return information about the field. |
IField2 |
Provides access to members that return information about the field including raster column definition. |
IFieldChecker |
Provides access to members that control the Field Checker. |
IFieldEdit |
Provides access to members that edit the field properties. |
IFieldEdit2 |
Provides access to members that edit the field properties including raster column definition. |
IFieldError |
Provides access to field name errors. |
IFieldInfo |
Provides access to properties that give extended information on the field. |
IFieldInfo2 |
Provides access to properties that give extended information on the field. |
IFieldInfo3 |
Provides access to properties that give extended information on the field. |
IFields |
Provides access to members that return information about the fields. |
IFields2 |
Provides access to members that return information about the fields. |
IFieldsEdit |
Provides access to members that modify a fields collection. |
IFieldType |
Provides access to the Field Data Element Type. |
IFileDataLock |
Provides access to file data sources data lock functionality. |
IFilterDef |
Indicator interface for filter definitions. |
IFilterDefs |
Provides access to methods that control an array of filter definition objects. |
IForwardStar |
Provides access to members that query information about adjacent elements in the logical network. |
IForwardStarGEN |
Provides access to members that query information about adjacent elements in the logical network. |
IGeoDatabaseBridge |
Provides access to methods usable in all supported languages. |
IGeoDatabaseBridge2 |
Provides access to methods usable in all supported languages. |
IGeoDatabaseErrorRecords |
Provides access to members that control the GeoDatabase Error Records. |
IGeodatabaseRelease |
Provides access to members that provide information about the release version of a geodatabase. |
IGeodatabaseRelease2 |
Provides access to members that provide information about the release version of a geodatabase. |
IGeodatabaseRelease3 |
Provides access to members that provide information about the release version of a geodatabase. |
IGeodatabaseRelease4 |
Provides access to members that provide information about the release version of a geodatabase. |
IGeoDataset |
Provides access to members that provide information about a Geographic Dataset. |
IGeoDataset2 |
Provides access to members that provide geodata transformation information about a Dataset. |
IGeoDatasetSchemaEdit |
Provides access to members that change the schema of a GeoDataset. |
IGeoDatasetSchemaEdit2 |
Provides access to members that change the geodata transformation of a GeoDataset. |
IGeodataXform |
Provides access to members that control geodata transformation. |
IGeoDBDataTransfer |
Provides access to members that transfer data to/from GeoDatabases. |
IGeoDBDataTransfer2 |
Provides access to members that transfer data to/from GeoDatabases. |
IGeoDBProtectNames |
IGeometricNetwork |
Provides access to members that manage properties and elements of a geometric network. |
IGeometricNetworkConnectivity |
Provides access to a member that rebuilds geometric network connectivity. |
IGeometricNetworkConnectivity2 |
Provides access to members that check and repair and rebuild connectivity. |
IGeometricNetworkErrorDetection |
Provides access to members that manage and provide geometric network error detection. |
IGeometricNetworkName |
Provides access to members that set and return the associated feature dataset name object. |
IGeometricNetworkReconcileProperties |
Provides access to properties that influence reconciliation. |
IGeometryDef |
Provides access to members that return information about the geometry definition. |
IGeometryDefEdit |
Provides access to members that modify the geometry definition. |
IGeometryResultOptions |
Provides access to methods that control geometry options. |
IGPChoiceList |
Provides access to members that return Geoprocessing Choice Lists. |
IGPCodedValueDomain |
Provides access to members that return and modify coded value domain values. |
IGPCodedValueDomain2 |
. |
IGPControllerMembership |
Indicator interface for controller memberships. |
IGPDatasetExtension |
Provides access to members that return workspace extension information. |
IGPDataType |
Provides access to members of a GP Data Type. |
IGPDataTypeFactory |
Provides access to members of a Data Type Factory. |
IGPDataTypeName |
Provides access to Data Type Name. |
IGPDescribe |
Provides access to a Geoprocessing description. |
IGPDomain |
Provides access to members of a Geoprocessing Domain. |
IGPDomain2 |
. |
IGPGeometricNetworkMembership |
Provides access to members that describe the properties of a feature class' geometric network membership. |
IGPHistoricalMarker |
. |
IGPMessage |
Provides access to the properties of a Geoprocessor message. |
IGPMessage2 |
Provides access to the properties of a Geoprocessor message. |
IGPMessageManager |
Provides access to the properties/methods of a geoprocessing message manager object. |
IGPMessages |
Provides access to Geoprocessor messages. |
IGPMessagesCallback |
Provides access to Geoprocessor message callbacks. |
IGPName |
Provides access to properties of a Geoprocessing Name. |
IGPNetworkDatasetMembership |
Provides access to members that describe the properties of a feature class' network dataset membership. |
IGPRangeDomain2 |
. |
IGPRelationshipClassKey |
Provides access to methods that describe a key of a relationship class data element. |
IGPReplica |
Provides access to members that get information about a replica. |
IGPReplica2 |
IGPReplicaDataset |
Provides access to members that return the properties of a replica dataset. |
IGPReplicaDataset2 |
IGPReplicaDatasets |
Provides access to members that define replica datasets |
IGPReplicaDescription |
Provides access to members which set and return the properties of a GPReplicaDescription object. |
IGPReplicaDescription2 |
IGPReplicaOptions |
IGPReplicaOptions2 |
IGPReplicas |
Provides access to the GPReplicas Interface. |
IGPSubtype |
Provides access to members that return information about the subtypes in a table data element. |
IGPSystemToolboxLocation |
Provide access to the system toolbox location object. |
IGPToolTip |
Provides access to members that return Geoprocesssing value tool tip. |
IGPTopologyMembership |
Provides access to members that describe the properties of a feature class' topology membership. |
IGPValue |
Provides access to members of a GPValue. |
IGPVariable |
Provides access to properties of a geoprocessing variable. |
IGPVersionInfo |
Provides access to members that supply version information. |
IGPVersionInfos |
Provides access to the VersionInfos Interface. |
IGPWorkspaceExtension |
Provides access to members that return workspace extension information. |
IGraph |
Provides access to members that manage graphs. |
IGUIDGenerator |
Provides access to a GUID generator. |
IGxFilterInfo |
Provides access to methods that return open and save filters for datasets of a given type. |
IHistoricalClass |
Provides access to properties and methods of a historical class. |
IHistoricalMarker |
IHistoricalTrafficData |
Provides access to members in historical traffic data. |
IHistoricalTrafficData2 |
Provides access to members in historical traffic data. |
IHistoricalTravelTimeEvaluator |
Provides access to members in historical travel time evaluator. |
IHistoricalVersion |
IHistoricalWorkspace |
IIdentityXform |
Provides access to members that control an identity transform. |
IIndex |
Provides access to members that return information about the index. |
IIndexEdit |
Provides access to members that modify the index. |
IIndexes |
Provides access to members that return information about the index collection. |
IIndexesEdit |
Provides access to members that modify the indexes collection. |
IIndexType |
Provides access to the Index Data Element Type. |
IInvalidArea |
Provides access to members that modify an invalidated area object. |
IInvalidObjectInfo |
Provides access to members that return information about the features that did not convert. |
IItemInfo |
Provides access to members of item info. |
IItemInfo2 |
Provides access to members of item info. |
IItemInfoImpl |
Provides access to members of item info. |
IItemInfos |
Provides access to the ItemInfos Interface. |
IJSONConverterGdb |
Provides high-level deserialization methods for JSON. |
IJunctionConnectivityRule |
Provides access to members that supply information about, modify and manage junction-edge connectivity rules. |
IJunctionConnectivityRule2 |
Provides access to members that supply information about, modify and manage junction-edge connectivity rules. |
IJunctionFeature |
Provides access to members that modify and return information about a junction feature. |
IJunctionFeatureSource |
Provides access to members that specify the properties of a network dataset source whose junction elements are derived from point geometry. |
ILocalDatabaseCompact |
Provides access to members for compacting a file or personal geodatabase. |
ILocator |
Provides access to members that describe general locator properties. |
ILocatorDataset |
Provides access to members for retrieving objects associated with the Locator. |
ILocatorName |
Provides access to members that describe a locator. |
ILocatorStyle |
Provides access to locator style properties. |
ILocatorUI |
Provides access to members that control the locator's user interface. |
ILocatorUI2 |
Provides access to members that control the locator's user interface. |
ILocatorWorkspace |
Provides access to members for managing the locators in the locator workspace. |
ILocatorWorkspace2 |
Provides access to members for managing the locators in the locator workspace. |
ILocatorWorkspaceName |
Provides access to members that describe a locator workspace. |
ILockInfo |
Provides access to members that supply lock information. |
IMemoryRelationshipClassFactory |
Provides access to members that open a memory relationship class. |
IMemoryRelationshipClassName |
Provides access to members that define a memory relationship class name. |
IMetadata |
Provides access to members that manage and update metadata. |
IMetadataEdit |
Provides access to members that provide information about whether metadata can be edited. |
IMetadataSynchronizer |
Provides access to members that control what happens when synchronization occurs. |
IMetadataSynchronizerManager |
Provides access to members that control which metadata synchronizers are used to update metadata. |
IModelInfo |
Provides access to the model name of the field. |
IMosaicDatasetName |
Provides access to members that control a mosaic dataset name. |
IMosaicDatasetName2 |
Provides access to members that control a mosaic dataset name. |
IMosaicDatasetName3 |
Provides access to members that control a mosaic dataset name. |
IMultiuserWorkspaceEdit |
Provides access to members that control Multiuser Workspace Editing. |
INameMapping |
Provides access to members that manage name mapping and conflicts between two locations. |
INameMapping2 |
Provides access to members that manage name mapping and conflicts between two locations. |
INativeType |
Provides access to members that supply native type information about a dataset. |
INativeTypeInfo |
Provides access to the native type. |
INativeTypeSearch |
Provides access to member that defines search of children. |
INetAttributes |
Provides access to members that get the disabled state and weight values of individual elements in the network. |
INetAttributesEdit |
Provides access to members that modify the disabled state and weight values of individual elements in the network. |
INetDiagnostics |
Provides access to logical network diagnostics methods. |
INetElementClass |
Provides access to a member that gets the user class ID of an element class in the logical network. |
INetElementDescription |
Provides access to members that get information about the element described by this NetElementDescription object. |
INetElementDescriptionEdit |
Provides access to members that set information for this NetElementDescription object. |
INetElements |
Provides access to members that convert between user IDs and network element IDs (EIDs). |
INetSchema |
Provides access to members that get information about the schema of the network. |
INetSchemaEdit |
Provides access to members that modify the schema of the network. |
INetTopology |
Provides access to members that get information about the elements adjacent to the specified element. |
INetTopologyEdit |
Provides access to members that add and delete network elements from the logical network. |
INetTopologyEditGEN |
Provides access to members that add and delete network elements from the logical network. INetTopologyEditGEN is generic version of INetTopologyEdit. |
INetWeight |
Provides access to members that get information about the network weight described by this NetWeight object. |
INetWeightAssociation |
Provides access to members that get information about the network weight association described by this NetWeightAssociation object. |
INetWeightAssociationEdit |
Provides access to members that set information for this NetWeightAssociation object. |
INetWeightEdit |
Provides access to members that set information for this NetWeight object. |
INetwork |
Provides access to members that give general information about the network and its elements. |
INetworkAttribute |
Provides access to members that specify the properties of an attribute in a network dataset. |
INetworkAttribute2 |
Provides access to members that specify the properties of an attribute in a network dataset. |
INetworkAttribute3 |
Provides access to members that specify the properties of an attribute in a network dataset. |
INetworkAttributeParameter |
Provides access to members that specify the properties of a parameter of a network attribute. |
INetworkAttributeParameter2 |
Provides access to members that specify the properties of a parameter of a network attribute. |
INetworkBuild |
Provides access to members for changing the schema of a network dataset and building it. |
INetworkClass |
Provides access to members that return information about geometric networks, field weighting and ancillary roles. |
INetworkClassDescription |
Provides access to members that control the Network Class Description. |
INetworkCollection |
Provides access to members that create and maintain information about geometric networks. |
INetworkCollection2 |
Provides access to members that create and maintain information about geometric networks. |
INetworkConstantEvaluator |
Provides access to members that specify the properties of a network attribute evaluator whose values are derived from a constant value. |
INetworkDataset |
Provides access to members that query the schema of the network dataset. |
INetworkDataset2 |
Provides access to members that query the schema of the network dataset. |
INetworkDatasetName |
Provides access to properties of a network dataset name. |
INetworkDatasetProtectNames |
INetworkDirections |
Provides access to the properties for setting up driving directions. |
INetworkDirections2 |
Provides access to the properties for setting up driving directions. |
INetworkEdge |
Provides access to members that specify the properties of this network edge element. |
INetworkEdge2 |
Provides access to members that specify the properties of this network edge element. |
INetworkElement |
Provides access to members that specify the properties common to all network elements. |
INetworkElement64 |
Provides access to members that specify the 64-bit IDs for a network element. |
INetworkEvaluator |
Provides access to members that specify the properties of an attribute evaluator in a network dataset. |
INetworkEvaluator2 |
Provides access to members that specify the properties of an attribute evaluator in a network dataset. |
INetworkEvaluatorSetup |
Provides access to members that set up a network evaluator for use within a network dataset. |
INetworkFeature |
Provides access to members that are common to all features in a GeometricNetwork. |
INetworkFeatureEvents |
Provides access to events for connecting and disconnecting network features. |
INetworkFieldEvaluator |
Provides access to members that specify the properties of a network attribute evaluator whose values are derived from object field attributes. |
INetworkFieldEvaluator2 |
Provides access to members that specify the properties of a network attribute evaluator whose values are derived from object field attributes. |
INetworkForwardStar |
Provides access to members that query information about adjacent elements in the network dataset. |
INetworkForwardStarAdjacencies |
Provides access to members that specify the adjacent network elements returned by the NetworkForwardStar object. |
INetworkForwardStarEx |
Provides access to members that specify the configuration for this NetworkForwardStar object and query information about adjacent elements in the network dataset. |
INetworkForwardStarSetup |
Provides access to members that specify the configuration for this NetworkForwardStar object. |
INetworkFunctionEvaluator |
Provides access to members that specify the properties of a function evaluator. |
INetworkGlobalTurnDelayCategory |
Provides access to members that specify the turn delay for a specified category of global turns. |
INetworkGlobalTurnDelayEvaluator |
Provides access to the global turn delay evaluator. |
INetworkJunction |
Provides access to members that specify the properties of this network junction element. |
INetworkJunction2 |
Provides access to members that specify the properties of this network junction element. |
INetworkProtectNames |
INetworkQuery |
Provides access to members that query the elements of the network dataset. |
INetworkQuery2 |
Provides access to members that query the elements of the network dataset. |
INetworkQuery3 |
Provides access to members that query the elements of the network dataset. |
INetworkScriptEvaluator |
Provides access to members that specify the properties of a network attribute evaluator whose values are derived from VBScript expressions. |
INetworkScriptEvaluator2 |
Provides access to members that specify the properties of a network attribute evaluator whose values are derived from VBScript expressions. |
INetworkScriptEvaluatorFunctions |
Provides access to scriptable members in a network script evaluator. |
INetworkSource |
Provides access to members that specify the properties of a source in a network dataset. |
INetworkSourceDirections |
Provides access to the properties for generating driving directions for a specific network dataset source. |
INetworkSourceDirections2 |
Provides access to the properties for generating driving directions for a specific network dataset source. |
INetworkSourceDirections3 |
Provides access to the properties for generating driving directions for a specific network dataset source. |
INetworkTravelMode |
Provides access to members that specify the properties of a travel mode in a network dataset. |
INetworkTravelMode2 |
Provides access to members that specify the properties of a travel mode in a network dataset. |
INetworkTravelModeParameterValue |
Provides access to members that specify the properties of a travel mode attribute parameter value. |
INetworkTurn |
Provides access to members that specify the properties of this network turn. |
INetworkTurn2 |
Provides access to members that specify the properties of this network turn element. |
INetworkUpdate |
Provides access to members that start and end sessions for updating the attributes, schema, and topology of the network. |
INetworkWorkspace |
Provides access to members that create and maintain information about logical networks. |
INetworkWorkspace2 |
Provides access to members that create and maintain information about logical networks. |
IObject |
Provides access to the class the row belongs to. |
IObjectClass |
Provides access to members that return information about an object class. |
IObjectClass2 |
Provides access to members that return information about an object class. |
IObjectClassContainer |
Provides access to members that return object classes by name, ID and index. |
IObjectClassDescription |
Provides access to members that control Object Class Description. |
IObjectClassEvents |
Provides access to events that occur with an object class. |
IObjectClassExtension |
Indicator interface for object class extensions. |
IObjectClassInfo |
Provides access to method that indicates whether an object can bypass the store method. |
IObjectClassInfo2 |
Provides access to method that indicates whether an object can be modified outside of an edit session. |
IObjectClassName |
Provides access to the objects class ID. |
IObjectClassSchemaEvents |
Provides access to events that occur with an object class' schema. |
IObjectClassValidation |
Provides access to members that validate row information. |
IObjects |
Provides access to members that manipulate a collection of objects. |
IOleDBConnectionInfo |
Provides access to default connection information for a OleDB database. |
IOverride |
Provides access to members that manage property overrides of a representation. |
IOwnershipBasedAccessControl |
Ownership-based feature-level access control value object |
IPersistCustomFeaturesExtension |
Provides access to members that allow extra feature information to be persisted. |
IPersistStreamInit |
IPixelBlock |
Provides access to members that control a PixelBlock. |
IPlugInCreateDataset |
IPlugInCreateWorkspace |
Provides access to members for creating Plug-In workspaces. |
IPlugInCursorHelper |
Provides access to members that help the Plug-In cursor. |
IPlugInDatasetHelper |
Provides access to members that help Plug-In datasets. |
IPlugInDatasetHelper2 |
Provides access to members that help Plug-In datasets. |
IPlugInDatasetHelper3 |
Provides access to members that help Plug-In datasets. |
IPlugInDatasetInfo |
Provides access to members that describe a dataset. |
IPlugInDatasetLoad |
IPlugInDatasetLoader |
IPlugInFastQueryValues |
Provides access to members that query record values quickly. |
IPlugInFastRowCount |
Provides access to members for getting a fast count of rows in the dataset. |
IPlugInFileOperations |
Provides access to members for copying, deleting and renaming the dataset helper. |
IPlugInFileOperationsClass |
Provides access to members for copying, deleting and renaming classes in a dataset helper. |
IPlugInFileSystemDataset |
Provides access to members describing a file-system dataset. |
IPlugInGxIntegration |
Provides access to members for customizing the ArcCatalog integration for the data source. |
IPlugInIndexInfo |
Provides access to members describing indexes for the dataset. |
IPlugInIndexManager |
Provides access to members for managing indexes for the dataset. |
IPlugInLicense |
Provides access to members for managing a licensed plug-in. |
IPlugInMetadata |
Provides access to members that manage property set metadata for a plug-in. |
IPlugInMetadata2 |
Provides access to members that manage property set metadata for a plug-in. |
IPlugInMetadataPath |
Provides access to members that manage file metadata for a plug-in. |
IPlugInMetadataPath2 |
Provides access to members that manage file metadata for a plug-in. |
IPlugInNetworkDatasetContainer |
Provides access to members that get network datasets from plug-in workspaces and feature datasets. |
IPlugInRowCount |
Provides access to members for getting a fast count of rows in the dataset. |
IPlugInWorkspaceFactoryHelper |
Provides access to members that help the Plug-In workspace factory. |
IPlugInWorkspaceFactoryHelper2 |
Provides access to members that help the Plug-In workspace factory. |
IPlugInWorkspaceHelper |
Provides access to members that help the Plug-In workspace. |
IPlugInWorkspaceHelper2 |
Provides access to members that help the Plug-In workspace. |
IPnt |
Provides access to members that control a portable point. |
IProperty |
Provides access to members that control the Property functionality. |
IQueryDef |
Provides access to members that control attribute based queries. |
IQueryDef2 |
Provides access to members that control attribute based queries. |
IQueryDescription |
Query information |
IQueryFilter |
Provides access to members that filter data based on attribute values and or relationships. |
IQueryFilter2 |
Provides access to members that return and modify the output spatial resolution. |
IQueryFilterDefinition |
Provides access to query filter definition properties. |
IQueryFilterDefinition2 |
Provides access to query filter definition properties. |
IQueryFilterDefinition3 |
Provides access to query filter definition properties. |
IQueryFilterFIDSet |
Filters data based on a set of FIDs. |
IQueryName |
Provides access to the associated query definition. |
IQueryName2 |
Provides access to the associated query definition. |
IQueryTableName |
Provide access to associated query description object. |
IRandomAccessCursor |
Provides access to members that support random access to row objects in a table. |
IRandomAccessTable |
Provides access to members that support random access to a table. |
IRangeDomain |
Provides access to members that return and modify range domain values. |
IRaster |
Provides access to members that control an in-memory raster. |
IRasterBandName |
Provides access to members that maintain name information about a raster dataset. |
IRasterCatalog |
Provides access to members that control the behavior and properties of a raster catalog. |
IRasterCatalogHelper |
Provides access to a RasterCatalog helper. |
IRasterCatalogHelper2 |
Provides access to additional RasterCatalog utilities. |
IRasterCatalogItem |
Provides access to members that control a raster catalog item. |
IRasterCatalogItem2 |
Provides access to members that control a raster catalog item. |
IRasterCatalogName |
Provides access to members that return information about a RasterCatalog. |
IRasterColormap |
Provides access to members that control a raster colormap. |
IRasterCursor |
Provides access to members that provide optimized raster access. |
IRasterDataset |
Provides access to members that control a raster dataset. |
IRasterDataset2 |
Provides access to members that control a raster dataset. |
IRasterDataset3 |
Provides access to members that control a RasterDataset. |
IRasterDatasetContainerName |
Provides access to members that maintain name information about a raster dataset container. |
IRasterDatasetEdit |
Provides access to members that control raster dataset level editing operations. |
IRasterDatasetEdit2 |
Provides access to members that control editing of a RasterDataset. |
IRasterDatasetEdit3 |
Provides access to members that control editing of a RasterDataset. |
IRasterDatasetInfo |
Provides access to a raster dataset information. |
IRasterDatasetName |
Provides access to members that maintain name information about a raster dataset. |
IRasterDef |
Provides access to members that control raster column definition. |
IRasterDef2 |
Provides access to members that control raster column definition. |
IRasterDef3 |
Provides access to members that control raster column definition. |
IRasterFieldInfo |
Provides access to additional field information for those tables with raster fields. |
IRasterLODInfos |
Provides access to members that control custom Level of Details. |
IRasterLODInfos2 |
Provides access to additional members that control custom Level of Details. |
IRasterStorageDef |
Provides access to members that control raster storage properties. |
IRasterStorageDef2 |
Provides access to members that control raster storage properties. |
IRasterStorageDef3 |
Provides access to members that control raster storage properties. |
IRasterValue |
Provides access to members that control raster value. |
IRasterValue2 |
Provides access to additional members that control a raster value. |
IRasterWorkspace2 |
Provides access to members that control an improved raster workspace. |
IRasterWorkspace4 |
Provides access to additional members that control a raster workspace. |
IRasterWorkspaceEx |
Provides access to members that create and open raster catalogs and datasets. |
IRebuildIndexes |
Provides access to members that rebuild dataset indexes. |
IRecord |
IRecordArray |
IRecordNumberSet |
Provides access to members that control the collection of record numbers, and to compare record number collections. Record number sets are used in selections with file based data. |
IRecordSet |
Provides access to the rows or features in a recordset. |
IRecordSet2 |
Provides access to the rows or features in a recordset. |
IRecordSetInit |
Provides access to methods that allow construction of recordsets based on source row or feature collections. |
IRelatedObjectClassEvents |
Provides access to events that occur when related objects are created. |
IRelatedObjectClassEvents2 |
Provides access to events that occur when related objects are modified. |
IRelatedObjectEvents |
Provides access to events that occur when related objects change, move or rotate. |
IRelationship |
Provides access to members that return information about the relationship. |
IRelationshipChanges |
Provides access to members that manage differences in relationships. |
IRelationshipClass |
Provides access to members that return information about the relationship class, create relationships, relationship rules and get related objects. |
IRelationshipClass2 |
Provides access to members that get related object row pairs within a query filter specification. |
IRelationshipClass3 |
Provides access to . |
IRelationshipClassContainer |
Provides access to members that create, add and hand out relationship classes. |
IRelationshipClassEvents |
Provides access to events that occur with a relationship class. |
IRelationshipClassInfo |
Provides access to members that return relationship class settings for the replica. |
IRelationshipClassName |
Provides access to members that return information about the relationship class. |
IRelationshipRule |
Provides access to members that supply information about, modify and manage relationship rules. |
IRelClassEnumRowPairs |
Provides access to members that enumerate object row pairs. |
IRelClassSchemaEdit |
Provides access to members that modify a relationship class's properties. |
IRelQueryTable |
Provides access to members that define the Tables and the RelationshipClass used in a join. |
IRelQueryTableFactory |
Provides access to members that open a join table. |
IRelQueryTableInfo |
Provides access to members that provide information about joins. |
IRelQueryTableInfo2 |
Provides access to members that provide information about joins. |
IRelQueryTableManage |
Provides access to members that manage the query tables. |
IRelQueryTableName |
Provides access to members that define a relationship query table name. |
IRelQueryTableName2 |
Provides access to members that define a relationship query table name. |
IRelQueryTableSelectionSet |
Provides access to members that manage RelQueryTable selection. |
IRelQueryTableSettings |
Provides access to members that RelQueryTable behavior. |
IRemoteDatabaseWorkspace |
Indicator interface that identifies a remote datasbase workspace. |
IRemoteDatabaseWorkspaceFactory |
Provides access to members that manage remote database connection information. |
IRemoteDatabaseWorkspaceFactory2 |
Provides access to members that manage remote geodatabase database connection information. |
IRepairConnectivityProgress |
Provides access to members that return the warnings found while repairing connectivity. |
IRepairConnectivityProgressEvents |
Provides access to events that occur when the Repair Connectivity Tool is progressing through the features. |
IReplica |
Provides access to members that get information about a replica. |
IReplica2 |
Provides access to members that get information about a replica. |
IReplica3 |
Provides access to members that get information about a replica. |
IReplicaDataset |
Provides access to members that return the properties of a replica dataset. |
IReplicaDataset2 |
Provides access to members that return the properties of a replica dataset. |
IReplicaDatasetEdit |
Provides access to members that set the properties of a check-out dataset. |
IReplicaDescription |
Provides access to members which set and return the properties of a ReplicaDescription object. |
IReplicaDescription2 |
Provides access to members which set and return the properties of a ReplicaDescription object. |
IReplicaDescription3 |
Provides access to members which set and return the properties of a ReplicaDescription object. |
IReplicaDescription4 |
Provides access to members which set and return the properties of a ReplicaDescription object. |
IReplicaDescriptionExtension |
Provides access to a replica description extension. |
IReplicaDescriptionExtensionManager |
Provides access to replica description extension manager. |
IReplicaEdit |
Provides access to members that modify information for a replica. |
IReplicaEdit2 |
Provides access to members that modify information for a replica. |
IReplicaFilterDescription |
Provides access to members that return a replica's properties. |
IReplicaFilterDescription2 |
Provides access to members that return a replica's properties. |
IReplicaFilterDescriptionEdit |
Provides access to members that set a replica's properties. |
IReplicaLog |
Provides access to members that get information about a replica log. |
IRepresentation |
Provides access to members that return and set properties of a representation. |
IRepresentationClass |
Provides access to members that control the behavior and properties of a feature class representation. |
IRepresentationClassName |
Provides access to members that return information about the representation class. |
IRepresentationRules |
Provides access to members that supply information about the representation rules of a feature class representation. |
IRepresentationWorkspaceExtension |
Provides access to members that supply representation workspace extension information. |
IResultPortion |
Provides access to members that allow a client to get information about the result portion. |
IResultPortionInfo |
Provides access to members that describe a result portion. |
IRoadSplits |
Provides access to the properties for setting up road splits used in driving directions. |
IRouteEventProperties |
Provides access to the properties of an event table. |
IRouteEventProperties2 |
Provides access to the properties of an event table. |
IRouteEventSourceName |
Provides access to the route event source name properties. |
IRouteLocatorName |
Provides access to route locator name properties. |
IRow |
Provides access to members that return information about the row, the table the row belongs to and storing and deleting the row. |
IRowBuffer |
Provides access to members used for getting and modifying a rows values and for getting the fields in the row. |
IRowChanges |
Provides access to members that return information about changed values and the original value in a row. |
IRowCompare |
Provides access to a member that compares two rows. |
IRowEdit |
Provides access to members implemented to customize object editing. |
IRowEvents |
Provides access to events that occur when an object is modified, created or deleted. |
IRowSubtypes |
Provides access to members to return and modify the subtype code and to initialize the default values. |
IRule |
Provides access to members that return information about rules. |
ISaveAs |
Provides access to methods for saving as a new Dataset. |
ISaveAs2 |
Provides access to methods for saving as a new Raster Dataset. |
ISchemaLock |
Provides access to members for accessing schema locking functionality. |
ISchemaLockInfo |
Provides access to members that supply schema lock information. |
IScratchWorkspaceFactory |
Provides access to members that create or get a scratch workspace. |
IScratchWorkspaceFactory2 |
Provides access to members to get the current scratch workspace. |
ISelectionSet |
Provides access to members that manage a set of selected table rows or features. |
ISelectionSet2 |
Provides access to members that manage a set of selected table rows or features. |
ISetDefaultConnectionInfo |
Provides access to default connection information for a remote database (ArcSDE). |
ISetDefaultConnectionInfo2 |
Provides access to default connection information for a remote database (ArcSDE). |
ISetDefaultConnectionInfo3 |
Provides access to default connection information for a remote database (ArcSDE). |
IShields |
Provides access to a container for refining directions with shields. |
ISignposts |
Provides access to the properties for setting up signposts used in driving directions. |
ISimpleDataConverter |
Provides access to members used for data conversions. |
ISimpleDataConverter2 |
Provides access to members used for data conversions. |
ISimpleEdgeFeature |
Provides access to the ID of a simple edge feature. |
ISimpleJunctionFeature |
Provides access to members that return information about simple junction features. |
ISimpleNetworkFeature |
Indicator interface for simple network features. |
ISimpleRelationshipChanges |
Provides access to members that control simple relationship changes. |
ISpatialCacheManager |
Provides access to members that control the Spatial Cache Management. |
ISpatialCacheManager2 |
Provides access to members that control the Spatial Cache Management. |
ISpatialCacheManager3 |
Provides access to members that control the Spatial Cache Management. |
ISpatialFilter |
Provides access to members that return and modify the type of spatial relationship that the filter will use. |
ISQLCheck |
Provides access to members that check a SQL statement for invalid characters. |
ISQLCheck2 |
Provides access to members that check a SQL statement for invalid characters. |
ISQLCheck3 |
Provides access to members that check a SQL statement. |
ISqlDefaultConnectionInfo |
Provides access to default connection information for a remote database (QueryLayers). |
ISqlInvalidCharacterDictionary |
Provides access to the field checker validate property which describes the invalid characters for field names for a workspace. |
ISqlKeywordDictionary |
Provides access to the members that control the dictionary for SQL Keywords. |
ISQLPrivilege |
Provides access to members for granting and revoking privileges to database users. |
ISQLSyntax |
Provides access to members that supply information about SQL functionality. |
ISQLSyntax2 |
Provides access to members that supply information about SQL functionality. |
ISqlWorkspace |
Query layer workspace interface |
ISqlWorkspace2 |
Query layer workspace interface |
IStreetNameFields |
Provides access to a container for describing the street name fields used in generating driving directions. |
IStreetNameFields2 |
Provides access to a container for describing the street name fields used in generating driving directions. |
IStreetNetwork |
Indicator interface for a street network. |
IStringDomain |
Provides access to members that return and modify string domain values. |
ISubtypes |
Provides access to members that return and modify subtype information. |
ISurface |
Provides access to members that control surfaces. |
ISurfaceIntersectionEvents |
Provides access to events that occur with a surface intersection process. |
ISynchronizationHelper |
Provides access to helper functions for metadata synchronization. |
ISystemJunctionSource |
Provides access to members that specify the properties of a network dataset source whose junction elements are generated automatically when the network is built. |
ITable |
Provides access to members that return information about and manage tables. |
ITableAttachments |
Provides access to table attachments. |
ITableCapabilities |
Provides access to members that return information about and manage tables. |
ITableFields |
Provides access to members that return information about a table. |
ITableName |
Indicator interface for table name objects. |
ITableNameSet |
Provides access to members that describe a set of table names. |
ITableSort |
Provides access to members that return and modify information to sort a table. |
ITableSort2 |
Provides access to members that return and modify information to sort a table. |
ITableSortCallBack |
Provides access to members that compare field values for a table sort operation. |
ITableUtil |
Provides access to members that return rows in the specified spatial reference. |
ITableWrite |
Provides access to members that control Low level Table Write. For use only by custom feature implementations that override Store. |
ITableWrite2 |
Provides access to members that control Low level Table Write. For use only by custom feature implementations that override Store. |
IThumbnailInfo |
Provides access to members of thumbnail info. |
IThumbnailInfoImpl |
Provides access to members of IThumbnailInfoImpl interface. |
ITimeAwareEvaluator |
Provides access to members in travel dependent evaluator. |
ITimeQueryFilter |
Query filter that gives access to members that allow queries using time. |
ITin |
Provides access to members that control TINs. |
ITinAdvanced |
Provides access to members that control advanced TIN functions. |
ITinAdvanced2 |
Provides access to members that control advanced TIN functions. |
ITinAdvanced3 |
Provides access to members that control advanced TIN functions. |
ITinClock |
Provides timing utilities. |
ITinDynamicFilter |
Provides access to members that control TIN dynamic filtering options. |
ITinEdge |
Provides access to members that control TIN edges. |
ITinEdgeArray |
Provides access to members that control simple arrays of TIN edges. |
ITinEdgeTypeFilter |
Provides access to members that control TIN edge type filters. |
ITinEdgeTypeFilter2 |
Provides access to members that control TIN edge type filters. |
ITinEdit |
Provides access to members that control TIN editing. |
ITinEdit2 |
Provides access to members that control TIN editing. |
ITinEditErrorLog |
Provides access to TIN's internal edit errors. |
ITinElement |
Provides access to members to control TIN elements. |
ITinFeatureEdit |
Provides access to methods that control TIN 'features'. |
ITinFeatureSeed |
Provides access to control TIN elements' properties. |
ITinFilter |
Provides access to members that control TIN filtering options. |
ITinImporter |
Provides methods to import TIN from external formats (LandXML for example). |
ITinNode |
Provides access to members that control TIN nodes. |
ITinNode2 |
Provides access to members that control TIN nodes. |
ITinNodeArray |
Provides access to members that control simple arrays of TIN nodes. |
ITinNodeCollection |
Provides access to members that control TIN nodes. |
ITinNodeInfo |
Provides access to TIN node's properties. |
ITinNodeSourceFilter |
Provides access to members that control TIN node source filters. |
ITinPolygon |
Provides access to members that control TIN polygon characteristics. |
ITinPolyline |
Provides access to members that control TIN polyline characteristics. |
ITinSelection |
Provides access to members that control TIN selction methods. |
ITinSurface |
Provides access to members that control TIN surfaces. |
ITinSurface2 |
Provides access to members that control TIN surfaces. |
ITinSurface3 |
Provides access to members that control TIN surfaces. |
ITinSurfaceElement |
Provides access to members that control TIN surface elements. |
ITinTriangle |
Provides access to members that control TIN triangles. |
ITinTriangleArray |
Provides access to members that control simple arrays of TIN triangles. |
ITinTriangleFilter |
Provides access to members that control TIN triangle filters. |
ITinValueFilter |
Provides access to members that control TIN value filters. |
ITinValueFilter2 |
Provides access to members that control TIN value filters. |
ITinWorkspace |
Provides access to members that control TIN workspace functionality. |
ITopology |
Provides access to members that control a topology. |
ITopology2 |
Provides access to members that control a topology. |
ITopologyClass |
Provides access to topology class members. |
ITopologyClassEvents |
Provides access to events that occur with a topology class. |
ITopologyClassName |
Provides access to members that return information about the topology class. |
ITopologyContainer |
Provides access to members that create, add, and hand out topologies. |
ITopologyContainer2 |
Provides access to members that create, add, and hand out topologies. |
ITopologyEdge |
Provides access to information on a topological edge within a topology graph. |
ITopologyElement |
Provides access to the functionality present in all topology elements. ITopologyEdge and ITopologyNode inherit from this interface. |
ITopologyErrorFeature |
Provides access to members that return information about topology errors. |
ITopologyFeature |
Indicator interface for a topology feature. |
ITopologyGraph |
Provides access to members that control the topology graph. |
ITopologyGraph2 |
Provides access to members that control the topology graph. |
ITopologyGraph3 |
Provides access to members that control the topology graph. |
ITopologyGraph4 |
Provides access to members that control the topology graph. |
ITopologyGraphEvents |
Provides access to events that occur with a topology graph. |
ITopologyName |
Provides access to members that control the topology name. |
ITopologyNode |
Provides access to information on a topological node within a topology graph. |
ITopologyProperties |
Provides access to members that return properties of a topology. |
ITopologyProtectNames |
ITopologyRule |
Provides access to memebers that return information about topology rules. |
ITopologyRuleContainer |
Provides access to members that return and set topology rules. |
ITopologyWorkspace |
Provides access to members that access the topologies in a workspace. |
ITrafficData |
Provides access to members in traffic data. |
ITrafficData2 |
Provides access to members in traffic data. |
ITrafficDataManager |
Provides editing capabilities for creating or deleting dynamic traffic files. |
ITrafficFeedDirectory |
Provides access to a folder directory for retrieving traffic feed data. |
ITrafficFeedGPService |
Provides access to a GP service for retrieving traffic feed data. |
ITrafficFeedLocation |
Provides access to an indicator interface for network dataset traffic feed objects. |
ITransactions |
Provides access to members that control Transaction management. |
ITransactionsOptions |
Provides access to members that control Transaction options. |
ITransformGroup |
Provides access to members that manage a transform group. |
ITurnFeatureSource |
Provides access to an indicator interface for a network dataset source whose turn elements are derived from a turn feature class. |
IUserInfo |
Provides access to members describing a user connected to a database. |
IUtilityNetwork |
Provides access to members that get and set flow direction in a utility network. |
IUtilityNetwork2 |
Provides access to members that get and set flow direction in a utility network. |
IUtilityNetworkGEN |
Provides access to members that get and set flow direction in a utility network. |
IValidate |
Provides access to members to validate individual features. |
IValidation |
Provides access to members that manage rules and validate them. |
IValidation2 |
Provides access to members that manage rules and validate them. |
IVersion |
Provides access to members for managing a version. |
IVersion2 |
Provides access to members for managing a version. |
IVersion3 |
Provides access to members for managing a version. |
IVersionEdit |
Provides access to members that return information about versions and posting of versions. |
IVersionEdit2 |
Provides access to members that return information about versions and posting of versions. |
IVersionEdit3 |
Provides access to members that return information about versions and posting of versions. |
IVersionEdit4 |
Provides access to members that return information about versions and posting of versions. |
IVersionedObject |
Provides access to members that manage a versioned object. |
IVersionedObject2 |
Provides access to members that manage a versioned object. |
IVersionedObject3 |
Provides access to members that manage a versioned object. |
IVersionedTable |
Provides access to methods that apply to versioned tables. |
IVersionedView |
Provides access to methods that control versioned views. |
IVersionedWorkspace |
Provides access to members that manage versions. |
IVersionedWorkspace2 |
Provides access to members that manage versions. |
IVersionedWorkspace3 |
Provides access to members that manage versions. |
IVersionedWorkspace4 |
Provides access to members that manage versions. |
IVersionEvents |
Provides access to events that occur on a version. |
IVersionEvents2 |
Provides access to events that occur on a version. |
IVersionInfo |
Provides access to members that supply version information. |
IVersionInfo2 |
Provides access to members that supply version information. |
IVirtualTable |
Indicator interface that identifies temporary memory tables. |
IWorkspace |
Provides access to members that have information about the workspace. |
IWorkspace2 |
Provides access to members that have information about the workspace. |
IWorkspaceConfiguration |
Provides access to configuration keywords. |
IWorkspaceDataElements |
Provides access to members that return data element objects for workspace datatasets. |
IWorkspaceDataElements2 |
Provides access to members that return name objects objects for data elements. |
IWorkspaceDefinition |
Provides access to members that describe the definition of a workspace. |
IWorkspaceDefinition2 |
Provides access to members that describe the definition of a workspace. |
IWorkspaceDomains |
Provides access to members that return information about domains and allows you to add or delete domains. |
IWorkspaceDomains2 |
Provides access to members that allow you to alter a domain. |
IWorkspaceDomains3 |
Provides access to members that allow you to alter a domain. |
IWorkspaceEdit |
Provides access to members that control Workspace Editing. |
IWorkspaceEdit2 |
Provides access to members that control Workspace Editing. |
IWorkspaceEditControl |
Provides access to method that controls if insert and update cursors on simple classes can bypass store events |
IWorkspaceEditEvents |
Provides access to events that occur to a workspace in the context of editing it. |
IWorkspaceEditEvents2 |
Provides access to events that occur to a workspace in the context of editing it. |
IWorkspaceEditInfo |
Provides access to members that control Workspace Editing Information. |
IWorkspaceEvents |
Provides access to events that may be fired by a Workspace. |
IWorkspaceEvents2 |
Provides access to events that may be fired by a Workspace. |
IWorkspaceExtension |
Provides access to members that supply workspace extension information. |
IWorkspaceExtension2 |
Provides access to members that supply workspace extension information. |
IWorkspaceExtension3 |
Provides access to members that supply workspace extension information. |
IWorkspaceExtensionControl |
Provides access to members that manage the life of a workspace extension. |
IWorkspaceExtensionManager |
Provides access to members that manage a workspace extension. |
IWorkspaceFactory |
Provides access to members that create and open workspaces and supply workspace factory information. |
IWorkspaceFactory2 |
Provides access to members that create and open workspaces and supply workspace factory information. |
IWorkspaceFactoryFileExtensions |
Provides access to members describing the set of extensions handled by the workspace factory. |
IWorkspaceFactoryLockControl |
Manages Geodatabase Locking |
IWorkspaceFactorySchemaCache |
Manages Geodatabase workspace schema caches. |
IWorkspaceFactoryStatus |
Provides access to members that manage workspace status information. |
IWorkspaceHelper |
Provides access to members that allow you to get a reference to a Workspace from a Workspace Extension. |
IWorkspaceName |
Provides access to members that supply workspace name information. |
IWorkspaceName2 |
Provides access to members that supply workspace name information. |
IWorkspaceProgressTracker |
Provides access to a cancel tracker which allows progress. |
IWorkspaceProperties |
Provides access to members that control the workspace properties. |
IWorkspaceProperties2 |
Provides access to members that control the workspace properties. |
IWorkspaceProperty |
Provides access to members that control the Workspace property object. |
IWorkspaceReplicaDatasets |
Provides access to members that return a list of replica datasets. |
IWorkspaceReplicaEvents |
Provides access to replica events that may be fired after extracting data or schema in a checkout or a child replica. |
IWorkspaceReplicas |
Provides access to members that return objects containing information about replicas. |
IWorkspaceReplicas2 |
Provides access to members that return objects containing information about replicas. |
IWorkspaceReplicasAdmin |
Provides access to members that modify information about a replica. |
IWorkspaceReplicasAdmin2 |
Provides access to members that modify information about a replica. |
IWorkspaceReplicasAdmin3 |
Provides access to members that modify information about a replica. |
IWorkspaceReplicaSyncEvents |
Provides access to replica events that may be fired after a check-in synchronization operation. |
IWorkspaceSpatialReferenceInfo |
Provides access to spatial reference information for the workspace. |
IWorkspaceStatus |
Describes the status of a workspace. |
IXMLFilterDef |
Provides access to XML filter definition properties. |
IXMLIndex |
A XML Index defines the searchable tags of an XML document stored in an XML field. |
IXMLIndexEdit |
A XML Index defines the searchable tags of an XML document stored in an XML field. |
IXMLIndexTag |
Describes the properties used to index a tag in an XML document. |
IXMLIndexTags |
Manages a collection of XML Index Tags. |
IXMLIndexTemplate |
A standardized set of tags managed through a Geodatabase workspace. |
IXMLIndexTemplateManage |
Manages the collection of XML Index Templates for this Geodatabase instance. |
IXMLIndexUtil |
XML Index Utilities. |
IXmlPropertySet |
Provides access to members that manage metadata. |
IXmlPropertySet2 |
Provides access to members that manage metadata. |
IXmlPropertySetEdit |
Provides access to members that edit metadata. |
IXMLReplicaDescription |
Provides access to members which set and return the properties of a ReplicaDescription object. |
IXYEvent2FieldsProperties |
Provides access to members that define the fields needed to create an XY event layer. A minimum of two fields (X and Y) are required. |
IXYEventProperties |
Provides access to xy event properties. |
IXYEventSource |
Provides access to members that allow interaction with an existing XY Event Layer. |
IXYEventSourceName |
Provides access to the XY event source name properties. |