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IRowChanges Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
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ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

IRowChanges Interface

Provides access to members that return information about changed values and the original value in a row.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Name Description
Read-only property OriginalValue The value of the field at the specified index immediately after the last call to Store on the Row object.
Read-only property ValueChanged Indicates whether the value of the field at the specified index has changed since the last call to Store on the Row object.

CoClasses that implement IRowChanges

CoClasses and Classes Description
AnnotationFeature (esriCarto) An Esri annotation feature.
AttributedRelationship Esri Attributed Relationship object.
ComplexEdgeFeature Esri Complex edge geometric network feature object.
ComplexJunctionFeature Esri Complex junction geometric network feature.
CoverageAnnotationFeature Esri Coverage Annotation Feature.
DimensionFeature (esriCarto) Esri Dimension Feature class.
Feature Esri Feature.
GeocodedFeature (esriLocation) A feature created by a locator.
GeocodingIndexObject (esriLocation) A geocoding index for a reference data row.
NALocationFeature (esriNetworkAnalyst) A network location which can be used like a feature or a row.
NALocationObject (esriNetworkAnalyst) A network location which can be used like a row.
NALocationRangesFeature (esriNetworkAnalyst) A container of NALocationRanges which can be used like a feature or a row.
NALocationRangesObject (esriNetworkAnalyst) A container of NALocationRanges which can be used like a row.
NATraversalResultElement (esriNetworkAnalyst) An individual element in a traversal result.
Object Esri Object object.
RasterCatalogItem Raster Catalog Feature Class.
Row Esri Row object.
SchematicDiagram (esriSchematic) A schematic diagram object.
SchematicInMemoryFeatureLink (esriSchematic) Schematic in memory feature link object.
SchematicInMemoryFeatureNode (esriSchematic) Schematic in memory feature node object.
SchematicInMemoryFeatureNodeOnLink (esriSchematic) Schematic in memory feature node on link object.
SchematicInMemoryFeatureSubLink (esriSchematic) Schematic in memory feature sublink object.
SchematicLink (esriSchematic) A schematic link object.
SchematicNode (esriSchematic) A schematic node object.
SchematicNodeOnLink (esriSchematic) A schematic node-on-link object.
SchematicSubLink (esriSchematic) A schematic sublink object.
SimpleEdgeFeature Esri Geometric network simple edge feature object.
SimpleJunctionFeature Esri Geometric network simple junction feature object.
TemporalFeature (esriTrackingAnalyst) Controls properties of the Temporal Feature object.
TopologyErrorFeature Esri Topology Error Feature object.


The IRowChanges interface allows clients of a row object to determine the values that were changed for the row object within a Store cycle. Once the Store method call returns to the calling application program, the information regarding the values that were changed is cleared and is no longer available. This information may be made use of by a custom object in its OnChanged or OnNew implementation and also by a related object in its implementation of the RelatedObjectChanged method.

The ValueChanged method returns true if the value for the specified field was changed since the last call to Store on the row object.

The OriginalValue method returns the value for the specified field as it existed prior to the first update made to the row object since the last call to Store on the row object.

See Also

IRow Interface