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IReplica3 Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Geodatabase > ESRI.ArcGIS.GeoDatabase > Interfaces > IR > IReplica3 Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

IReplica3 Interface

Provides access to members that get information about a replica.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Name Description
Read-only property AccessType Replica access type.
Read-only property AllReplicaDatasets The replica datasets for the replica.
Read-only property ConnectionInfo The WorkspaceName object for the master geodatabase.
Read-only property Description The ReplicaDescription associated with the replica.
Read-only property HasConflicts Indicates if the replica sync has conflicts.
Method Init2 Initializes a replica from a gpreplica.
Read-only property Log Replica log associated with this replica.
Read-only property MyGenerationNumber The generation number for a replica.
Read-only property Name The name of the replica.
Read-only property Owner The database user that owns the replica in the workspace.
Read-only property ParentID The ID of the replica reference in the master geodatabase.
Read-only property ReconcilePolicyType Replica reconcile policy.
Read-only property ReplicaDatasets The replica datasets for this replica.
Read-only property ReplicaDate The date that the data was checked out.
Read-only property ReplicaGuid The guid of the replica.
Read-only property ReplicaID The ID of the replica.
Read-only property ReplicaReceivingVersion The replica version that recieves the changes.
Read-only property ReplicaRole Determines if the workspace is the replica geodatabase or the master geodatabase for the replica.
Read-only property ReplicaState The replica state.
Read-only property SibConnectionString The sib connection string for a replica.
Read-only property SibGenerationNumber The generation number for a replica's sibling.
Read-only property SibMyGenNumber The generation number that the sibling thinks is my generation number.
Read/write property UseArchiving Use archiving instead of versions to track replica changes.
Read-only property Version The name of the replica version.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IReplica2 Provides access to members that get information about a replica.
IReplica Provides access to members that get information about a replica.

CoClasses that implement IReplica3

CoClasses and Classes Description
Replica Esri Replica object.