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IGxFilterInfo Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Geodatabase > ESRI.ArcGIS.GeoDatabase > Interfaces > IG > IGxFilterInfo Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

IGxFilterInfo Interface

Provides access to methods that return open and save filters for datasets of a given type.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Name Description
Read-only property OpenGxObjectFilters The filters used to open a dataset of this type.
Read-only property SaveGxObjectFilters The filters used to save a dataset of this type.

CoClasses that implement IGxFilterInfo

CoClasses and Classes Description
DEAddressLocatorType (esriLocation) The Address Locator Data Type.
DEArcInfoTableType (esriDataSourcesFile) ArcInfo Table Data Element object Type.
DECadastralFabricType (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) Esri Cadastral Fabric Data Element Type Object.
DECadDrawingDatasetType (esriDataSourcesFile) CadDrawing Dataset Data Element object Type.
DECatalogRootType (esriDataSourcesFile) CatalogRootType Data Element object Type.
DECoverageFeatureClassType (esriDataSourcesFile) CoverageFeatureClass Data Element object Type.
DECoverageType (esriDataSourcesFile) Coverage Data Element object Type.
DEDatasetType (esriGeoprocessing) Dataset Data Element Data Type.
DEDbaseTableType (esriDataSourcesFile) Dbase Table Data Element object Type.
DEDiskConnectionType (esriDataSourcesFile) Disk Connection Data Element object Type.
DEFeatureClassType Feature Class Data Element object Type.
DEFeatureDatasetType Feature Dataset Data Element object Type.
DEFileType (esriDataSourcesFile) File Data Element object Type.
DEFolderType (esriDataSourcesFile) Folder Data Element object Type.
DEGeoDataServerType GeoDataServer Object Data Element object type.
DEGeoDatasetType (esriGeoprocessing) GeoDataset Data Element Data Type.
DEGeometricNetworkType GeometricNetwork Data Type object.
DEGeometryServerType GeometryServer Object Data Element object type.
DEGlobeServerType MapServer Object Data Element object type.
DEGPServerType MapServer Object Data Element object type.
DEImageServerType (esriDataSourcesRaster) Image Service Object Data Element object Type.
DELasDatasetType (esriDataSourcesFile) LAS Dataset Data Element object Type.
DELayerType (esriDataSourcesFile) Layer Data Element object Type.
DEMapDocumentType (esriDataSourcesFile) MapDocument Data Element object Type.
DEMapServerType MapServer Object Data Element object type.
DEMosaicDatasetType (esriDataSourcesRaster) The MosaicDataset Data Element object Type.
DENetworkDatasetType Network Dataset Data Element Type object.
DEPrjFileType (esriDataSourcesFile) Projection File Data Element object Type.
DERasterBandType RasterBand Data Element object Type.
DERasterCatalogType Raster Catalog Data Element Type object.
DERasterDatasetType RasterDataset Data Element object Type.
DERelationshipClassType RelationshipClass Class Data Element object Type.
DERemoteDatabaseFolderType (esriDataSourcesFile) Remote Database Folder Data Element object Type.
DESchematicDatasetType (esriSchematic) Schematic Dataset Data Element object Type.
DESchematicDiagramType (esriSchematic) Schematic Diagram Data Element object Type.
DESchematicFolderType (esriSchematic) Schematic Folder Data Element object Type.
DEServerConnectionType ServerConnection Object Data Element object type.
DEShapeFileType (esriDataSourcesFile) ShapeFile Data Element object Type.
DESpatialReferencesFolderType (esriDataSourcesFile) Spatial References Folder Data Element object Type.
DETableType Table Data Element object Type.
DETerrainType (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) Terrain Data Element object Type.
DETextFileType (esriDataSourcesFile) Text File Data Element object Type.
DETinType (esriDataSourcesFile) Tin Data Element object Type.
DEType (esriGeoprocessing) Data Element Data Type.
DEVPFCoverageType (esriDataSourcesFile) DEVPFCoverage Dataset Data Element object Type.
DEVPFTableType (esriDataSourcesFile) VPFTable Data Element object Type.
DEWCSCoverageType (esriDataSourcesRaster) WCS Coverage Object Data Element object Type.
DEWMSMapType (esriDataSourcesRaster) WMS Map Data Element object Type.
DEWorkspaceType Workspace Data Element object Type.
GPCadAnnoDomain (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing CAD Annotation Feature Class Domain.
GPCadastralFabricLayerType (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing Cadastral Fabric Layer Data Type.
GPCompositeDataType (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing Composite Data Type.
GPCompositeDomain (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing Composite Domain.
GPCompositeLayerType (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing Composite Layer Data Type.
GPCovAnnoDomain (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing Coverage Annotation Feature Class Domain.
GPCoverageDomain (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing Coverage Domain.
GPDatasetDomain (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing Dataset Domain.
GPFeatureClassDomain (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing Feature Class Domain.
GPFeatureLayerType (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing Feature Layer Data Type.
GPFileDomain (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing File Domain.
GPGALayerType (esriGeoStatisticalAnalyst) Geoprocessing Geostatistical layer type object.
GPGdbAnnoDomain (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing GeoDatabase Annotation Feature Class Domain.
GPGroupLayerType (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing Group Layer Data Type.
GPLasDatasetLayerType (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing Las Dataset Layer Data Type.
GPLayersAndTablesDomain (esriGeoprocessing) The GpLayers and Tables domain object.
GPLayerType (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing Layer Data Type.
GPMosaicLayerType (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing Mosaic Layer Data Type.
GPNALayerType (esriNetworkAnalyst) Geoprocessing network analyst layer data type.
GPNetworkDatasetLayerType (esriGeoprocessing) Network Dataset Layer Type object.
GPRasterCatalogLayerType (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing Raster Catalog Layer Data Type.
GPRasterLayerType (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing Raster Layer Data Type.
GPRouteDomain (esriGeoprocessing) Object for filtering route feature classes.
GPRouteMeasureEventDomain (esriGeoprocessing) Object for filtering the acceptable measure fields for event locations.
GPSAGeoDataDomain (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessor GPSA Geo-data Domain.
GPSAGeoDataType (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessor GPSAGeoData object Type.
GPTablesDomain (esriGeoprocessing) The GpTables domain object.
GPTableViewType (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing Table view data Type.
GPTerrainLayerType (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing Terrain Layer Data Type.
GPTinLayerType (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing Tin Layer Data Type.
GPTopologyLayerType (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing Topology Layer Data Type.
GPWorkspaceDomain (esriGeoprocessing) Geoprocessing Workspace Domain.