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ITinAdvanced Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Geodatabase > ESRI.ArcGIS.GeoDatabase > Interfaces > IT > ITinAdvanced Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

ITinAdvanced Interface

Provides access to members that control advanced TIN functions. Note: the ITinAdvanced interface has been superseded byITinAdvanced2. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Name Description
Method ConvertToPolygons Converts similar triangles to a polygon feature class.
Read-only property DataEdgeCount The number of TIN edges that have a data triangle on one side or the other.
Read-only property DataNodeCount The number of data nodes in the TIN.
Read-only property DataTriangleCount The number of data triangles in the TIN.
Read-only property EdgeCount The total number of edges in the TIN.
Read-only property Extent The interpolation zone of the TIN.
Method ExtractPolygon Returns a polygon definition based on all contiguous triangles having the same filter criteria.
Method ExtractPolyline Returns a polyline definition based on triangle edges that meet the same filter criteria.
Read-only property Fields The collection of attribute items of the TIN.
Method FindNaturalNeighbors Returns the immediate surrounding nodes to the query point.
Method FindTriangle The triangle at the specified location.
Method FindTriangleNeighborhood Returns all triangles whose circumscribed circle contains the query point.
Read/write property Flag The user-defined flag for the TIN.
Read-only property FullExtent The full 2D-extent of the TIN including NODATA nodes.
Method GenerateUniqueTagValue Returns a new, previously unused tag value for the element.
Method GetDataArea Returns a polygon representing the data area of the TIN.
Method GetEdge The edge referenced by the index.
Method GetEdgeTagValue The tag value of the edge referenced by the index.
Method GetEdgeType Gets the specified edge's type.
Method GetNode The node referenced by the specified index.
Method GetNodeTagValue The tag value of the node referenced by the index.
Method GetNodeZ The z value of the node referenced by the index.
Method GetTriangle The triangle referenced by the index.
Method GetTriangleSeeds Returns one triangle representing each polygon defined by the filter criteria of the TIN.
Method GetTriangleTagValue The tag value of the triangle referenced by the index.
Method GetUniqueTagValues Returns unique tag values for the specified element type.
Read-only property HasEdgeTagValues Indicates if the TIN dataset has edge tag values.
Read-only property HasNodeTagValues Indicates if the TIN dataset has node tag values.
Read-only property HasTriangleTagValues Indicates if the TIN dataset has triangle tag values.
Method Init Opens the specified TIN.
Read-only property IsDelaunay Indicates if TIN was constructed using Delaunay triangulation.
Read-only property IsEmpty Indicates if the TIN contains no data.
Method IsVoidZ Indicates if the passed value is equal to the TIN's void value.
Method MakeEdgeEnumerator Makes an edge enumerator based on the extent of the envelope.
Method MakeNodeEnumerator Makes a node enumerator based on the extent of the envelope.
Method MakeTriangleEnumerator Makes a triangle enumerator based on the extent of the envelope.
Read-only property NodeCount The total number of nodes in the TIN.
Read/write property ProcessCancelled Indicates if a process has been cancelled.
Method QueryEdge The edge equal to that referenced by the index.
Method QueryEdgeAsLine The line equal to the edge referenced by the index.
Method QueryEdgeAsWKSPointZs The points equal to the end points of the edge referenced by the index.
Method QueryNearestEdge Finds and returns the nearest edge to the query point.
Method QueryNearestNode Finds and returns the nearest node to the query point.
Method QueryNode Queries the node equal to that specified by the index.
Method QueryNodeAsPoint Queries the point equal to that specified by the index.
Method QueryNodeAsWKSPointZ Queries the point equal to that specified by the index.
Method QueryTriangle The triangle equal to that referenced by the index.
Method QueryTriangleAsRing The ring equal to the triangle referenced by the index.
Method QueryTriangleAsWKSPointZs Queries the points equal to the nodes of the triangle referenced by the index.
Method SaveAs Saves the TIN to disk using the specified name.
Method SetEmpty Uninitializes the TIN.
Read-only property SuperNodeExtent The full extent of the TIN based on the super nodes.
Read-only property Surface The ISurface interface (convenient tool for chaining in VB).
Read/write property TrackCancel The process cancellation on TIN methods.
Read-only property TriangleCount The total number of triangles in the TIN.
Read-only property UniqueTagValueCount The number of unique tag values for the specified element type.
Read-only property Version Returns the version number of the TIN engine used to build the TIN.
Read/write property ZFactor Multiplication factor applied to all z values in a TIN to provide unit-congruency between coordinate components.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
ITin Provides access to members that control TINs.

CoClasses that implement ITinAdvanced

CoClasses and Classes Description
Tin The Esri TIN component.

.NET Related Topics

How to access a difference surface when intersecting TINs and terrains