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ITinEdit Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Help for .NET developers > ArcObjects namespaces > Geodatabase > ESRI.ArcGIS.GeoDatabase > Interfaces > IT > ITinEdit Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

ITinEdit Interface

Provides access to members that control TIN editing.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


The ITinEdit interface is the primary interface for creating and modifying TINs. Most other interfaces grant read access to TIN elements but modifications need to come through here or ITinFeatureEdit.


Name Description
Method AddFromFeatureClass Adds features from a feature class to the TIN.
Method AddFromFeatureCursor Adds features from a feature cursor to the TIN.
Method AddFromPixelBlock Adds pixels from a pixel block to the TIN.
Method AddPointZ Adds a 3D point to the TIN.
Method AddShape Adds a 2D shape to the TIN.
Method AddShapeZ Adds a 3D shape to the TIN.
Method AddWKSPointZ Adds a well known structure point to the TIN.
Method DeleteEdgeTagValues Deletes all edge tag values in the TIN.
Method DeleteNode Deletes a specified node from the TIN.
Method DeleteNodesOutsideDataArea Deletes all nodes from outside the TIN interpolation zone.
Method DeleteNodeTagValues Deletes all node tag values in the TIN.
Method DeleteSelectedNodes Deletes specified nodes from the TIN.
Method DeleteTriangleTagValues Deletes all triangle face tag values in the TIN.
Method InitNew Initializes a new TIN using the passed extent to define the data area.
Read-only property IsDirty Indicates if the TIN is dirty.
Read-only property IsEditable Indicates if the TIN can be edited.
Read-only property IsInEditMode Indicates if the TIN is in edit mode.
Method PropagateTriangleTagValue Propagates triangle tag value changes to all immediate triangles with the same initial value.
Method Refresh Updates TIN's extents, data area, and data elements count.
Method Save Saves edits to disk.
Method SaveAs Saves the TIN to disk using the specified name.
Method SetEdgeTagValue Sets the tag value of the triangle edge referenced by the index.
Method SetEdgeType Sets the type of the triangle edge referenced by the TIN.
Method SetNodeTagValue Sets the tag value of a TIN node referenced by the index.
Method SetNodeZ Sets the z value of a TIN node referenced by the index.
Method SetSpatialReference Set a copy of the specified spatial reference to the TIN.
Method SetTriangleInsideDataArea Sets a triangle within the TIN interpolation zone.
Method SetTriangleOutsideDataArea Sets a triangle outside of the TIN interpolation zone.
Method SetTrianglesInsideDataArea Sets all triangles within the TIN interpolation zone.
Method SetTriangleTagValue Sets the face tag value of the triangle referenced by the index.
Method StartEditing Initiates edit mode.
Method StopEditing Terminates edit mode, optionally saving changes to disk.

CoClasses that implement ITinEdit

CoClasses and Classes Description
Tin The Esri TIN component.

.NET Samples

3D multipatch examples (Code Files: ExtrusionExamples)

.NET Related Topics

Creating a TIN