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ITopologyGraph Interface (ArcObjects .NET 10.6 SDK)
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ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

ITopologyGraph Interface

Provides access to members that control the topology graph. Note: the ITopologyGraph interface has been superseded byITopologyGraph4. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Name Description
Method Build Creates topo elements from all topology feature classes covering the specified map extent.
Read-only property BuildExtent The extent used to build the graph.
Method DeleteEdge Deletes the specified edge from its containing topology graph.
Method DeletePseudoNodesFromSelection Removes pseudo-nodes by combining edges incident on such nodes. Edges and nodes in the current selection are considered.
Read-only property Edges The enumerator that provides access to all the edges.
Read-only property EdgeSelection The enumerator for the selected edges of the topology.
Method EnumHitTest Locates all elements of the graph within searchRadius units of the query point; whichElements is a bitwise combination of esriTopologyElement values.
Read-only property Extent The current extent of all topological elements in the graph. This may be different than the extent used to build the graph.
Method GetParentEdges Returns the set of edges corresponding to the specified polyline or polygon feature.
Method GetParentGeometry Creates a geometry corresponding to the current set of edges/nodes owned by the specified parent.
Method GetParentNodes Returns the set of nodes corresponding to the specified point or multipoint feature.
Method GetSelectionFeedback Creates a display feedback object to indicate the effect of a TransformSelection operation on the selected elements; whichElements is a bitwise combination of esriTopologyElement values.
Method GetSplitMoveNodeFeedback Creates a display feedback object to indicate the effect of a SplitMoveNode operation on the specified node.
Read-only property HasElement Indicates if the topology graph contains the specified element.
Method HitTest Locates an element of the graph nearest to the query point that is also within searchRadius units of it; whichElements is a bitwise combination of esriTopologyElement values.
Method HitTestSelection Locates an element of the graph's selection nearest to the query point that is also within searchRadius units of it; whichElements is a bitwise combination of esriTopologyElement values.
Read-only property IsPosting Indicates if the topology graph is posting.
Read-only property Nodes The enumerator that provides access to all the nodes.
Read-only property NodeSelection The enumerator for the selected nodes of the topology.
Method Post Posts changes to topology elements back to their originating features. Must be used within an edit session and edit operation.
Method ReshapeEdgeGeometry Reshapes (and possibly reinterpolates) the geometry of the specified edge.
Method Select Adds the specified element to the selected subset of the graph.
Method SelectByGeometry Selects nodes and/or edges that intersect the specified geometry; whichElements is a bitwise combination of esriTopologyElement values.
Read-only property SelectionCount The count of selected elements of the specified types; whichElements is a bitwise combination of esriTopologyElement values.
Read-only property SelectionExtent The extent of the selected subset of the graph, optionally includes extent of all edges incident on selected nodes (or on nodes incident on selected edges); whichElements is a bitwise combination of esriTopologyElement values.
Read-only property SelectionParents The feature class and oid of each parent of the selected set of elements.
Method SetEdgeGeometry Assigns the path geometry to the specified edge. Reinterpolatex vertex attributes for the edge if any exist.
Method SetEmpty Removes all topological elements from the graph. Any client-side references to topo elements that came from this graph should be released.
Method SetParentSelected Selects parents of edges. SUbsequent edits to those edges will only be posted back to selected parents.
Method SetSelectionEmpty Clears the specified selection set: whichType is a bitwise combination of esriTopologyNode, esriTopologyEdge.
Method SplitEdgeAtDistance Adds a pseudo-node to the edge at the specified distance along the edge. The node gets created at an existing vertex if one is located within the specified tolerance.
Method SplitEdgeAtPoint Adds a pseudo-node to the edge at the point on the edge closest to the input point. The node gets created at an existing vertex if one is located within the specified tolerance of the split point.
Method SplitMoveNode Change graph connectivity: Moves the specified node, along with any selected edges incident on it. A copy of the node, along with unselected edges, remains in the original location.
Method TransformSelection Applies the specified transformation to the selected elements of the graph.

CoClasses that implement ITopologyGraph

CoClasses and Classes Description
TopologyGraph Esri Topology Graph object.


Use the Build method to construct the topology elements (topology nodes and topology edges). Once the graph is "built", the Topology Elements are cached in memory and can be accessed. This should be done prior to accessing properties or calling other methods on this interface.

.NET Samples

Curve conversion add-in (Code Files: CurveConversionDockWin)