Classes |
Description |
AbridgedMolodenskyTransformation (esriGeometry) |
Creates an Abridged Molodensky transformation. |
ACAcetateLayer (esriCarto) |
ArcIMS container for drawing graphics on top of the map. |
ACCalloutMarkerSymbol (esriCarto) |
ArcIMS Callout Marker Symbol. |
AcceleratorTable (esriFramework) |
Accelerator Table Object. |
ACFeatureLayer (esriCarto) |
ArcIMS layer for displaying features. |
ACGradientFillSymbol (esriCarto) |
ArcIMS Gradient Fill Symbol. |
ACGroupRenderer (esriCarto) |
ArcIMS Group Renderer. |
ACHashLineSymbol (esriCarto) |
ArcIMS Hash Line Symbol. |
ACImageLayer (esriCarto) |
ArcIMS layer for displaying images. |
ACMap (esriCarto) |
Container for the display and manipulation of ArcIMS map services. |
ACRasterFillSymbol (esriCarto) |
ArcIMS Raster Fill Symbol. |
ACRasterMarkerSymbol (esriCarto) |
ArcIMS Raster Marker Symbol. |
ACRasterShieldSymbol (esriCarto) |
ArcIMS Raster Shield Symbol. |
ACScaleDependentRenderer (esriCarto) |
ArcIMS Scale Dependent Renderer. |
ACShieldSymbol (esriCarto) |
ArcIMS Shield Symbol. |
ACSimpleFillSymbol (esriCarto) |
ArcIMS Simple Fill Symbol. |
ACSimpleLabelRenderer (esriCarto) |
ArcIMS Simple Label Renderer. |
ACSimpleLineSymbol (esriCarto) |
ArcIMS Simple Line Symbol. |
ACSimpleMarkerSymbol (esriCarto) |
ArcIMS Simple Marker Symbol. |
ACSimplePolygonSymbol (esriCarto) |
ArcIMS Simple Polygon Symbol. |
ACSimpleRenderer (esriCarto) |
ArcIMS Simple Renderer. |
ACTextMarkerSymbol (esriCarto) |
ArcIMS Text Marker Symbol. |
ACTextSymbol (esriCarto) |
ArcIMS Text Symbol. |
ActionBase (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
This class serves as a base tracking action foundation that can be used to build or aggregate new tracking actions. |
ActionCollection (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
The Action Collection object is a container of actions. |
ActionEnvironment (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Manager of lookup tables and other environmental action properties. |
ActionLookupSources (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Contains the sources for lookup tables. |
ActionProcessor (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
The Action Processor object processes all actions in the main actioncollection and children. |
ACTrueTypeMarkerSymbol (esriCarto) |
ArcIMS True Type Marker Symbol. |
ACValueMapLabelRenderer (esriCarto) |
ArcIMS Value Map Label Renderer. |
ACValueMapRenderer (esriCarto) |
ArcIMS Value Map Renderer. |
Adjustment (esriEditorExt) |
The Adjustment Tools Editor Extension. |
AdjustXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
An adjustment (rubber sheeting) transform class. |
AGAnimationEnvironment (esriAnimation) |
Animation Environment for animation state and global options. |
AGAnimationTrack (esriAnimation) |
The Animation Track coclass. |
AGAnimationTrackContainer (esriAnimation) |
The Animation Track Container Object. |
AGSServerConnectionName (esriGISClient) |
A name object for ArcGIS Server Connections. |
AGSServerObjectName (esriGISClient) |
A name object for ArcGIS Server Objects. |
AISRequest (esriCarto) |
An executable AIS request on an Image Service. |
AlgorithmicColorRamp (esriDisplay) |
Defines an algorithmic color ramp, where ramp is defined by two colors and the algorithm used to traverse the intervening color space between them. |
AlternatingScaleBar (esriCarto) |
A map surround for displaying a single alternating scale bar. |
AMSDatasetName (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Controls the settings for the tracking dataset names. |
AngleFormat |
An object for formatting numbers in an angle format. |
AngularUnit (esriGeometry) |
Creates a angular unit of measure. |
AnimationExtension (esriAnimation) |
The Animation Extension Object. |
AnimationTrack (esri3DAnalyst) |
The Animation Track coclass. |
AnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection (esriCarto) |
A collection of annotation settings for a feature layer. |
AnnotateMap (esriCarto) |
A renderer for labeling feature layers in a map. |
AnnotateMapProperties (esriCarto) |
A collection of annotate layer properties. |
AnnotationJScriptEngine (esriCarto) |
An object tha parses annotation expressions using JScript. |
AnnotationPythonEngine (esriCarto) |
An object tha parses annotation expressions using Python Script. |
AnnotationVBScriptEngine (esriCarto) |
An object that parses annotation expressions using VBScript. |
AOIBookmark (esriCarto) |
An AOI bookmark. |
ApproximationXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A transformation that approximates other transformations. |
ArcPressPrinter (esriOutputExtensions) |
Class used to print maps with the ArcPress Printer Driver. |
ArcToolbox (esriGeoprocessingUI) |
ArcToolboxExtension (esriGeoprocessingUI) |
AreaPatch (esriCarto) |
Classs implements an Area legend patch. |
ArgStatisticsFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a function raster dataset name. |
ArgStatisticsFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a function raster dataset. |
ArithmeticFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for an arithmetic raster function. |
ArithmeticFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for colormap raster function arguments. |
ArrayOfIShader (esriCarto) |
Object Array containing Shaders. |
ArrowMarkerSymbol (esriDisplay) |
A marker symbol created from a predefined arrow. |
AspectFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The Aspect function. |
AsterBuilder (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A raster builder for Aster data |
AttachmentData (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri AttachmentData object. |
AttachmentDataArray (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri AttachmentDataArray object. |
AttachmentInfo (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri AttachmentInfo object. |
AttachmentInfoArray (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri AttachmentInfoArray object. |
AttributeTransfer (esriEditorExt) |
Transfers attribute values from one row to another based on a fieldmap. |
BackgroundTabStyle (esriCarto) |
A background tab style grid label for index grids. |
BalloonCallout (esriDisplay) |
A filled background that is placed behind text. |
BandArithmeticFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a raster Band Arithmetic function. |
BandArithmeticFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for Band Arithmetic raster function arguments. |
BarChartSymbol (esriDisplay) |
Defines a bar chart symbol. |
BasemapLayer (esriCarto) |
Layer containing a Basemap. |
Basic3DProperties (esri3DAnalyst) |
Basic scene filter encapsulating three-dimensional properties. |
BasicFillSymbol (esriDisplay) |
Basic fill symbol object. |
BasicLineSymbol (esriDisplay) |
Basic line symbol object. |
BasicMarkerSymbol (esriDisplay) |
Basic marker symbol object. |
BasicOverposter (esriCarto) |
An engine that places labels for features using conflict detection. |
BasicOverposterLayerProperties (esriCarto) |
Controls the placement of labels or symbols relative to features using conflict detection. |
BasicOverposterProperties (esriCarto) |
Basic label placement control properties. |
BinaryMessage |
A binary-serializable object that represents a request or response message. |
BiUniqueValueRenderer (esriCarto) |
A bivariate renderer that combines a unique values renderer with a class breaks renderer (either graduated colors or graduated symbol type symbology). |
BmpPictureElement (esriCarto) |
The Graphic Element to display BMP Pictures. |
Bookmark3D (esri3DAnalyst) |
The 3D bookmark coclass. |
ButtonTabStyle (esriCarto) |
A button tab style grid label for index grids. |
CacheControlInfo (esriCarto) |
Cache control info object. |
CacheDatasetInfo (esriCarto) |
Cache dataset info. |
CacheDescriptionInfo (esriCarto) |
Cache description info object. |
CachedRasterFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The cached raster function for caching function raster datasets. |
CachedRasterFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The cached raster function arguments. |
CacheInfo (esriCarto) |
A Cache Info object. |
CacheRasterDatasetName (esriCarto) |
A raster dataset name for Globe and Map cache. |
CacheStorageInfo (esriCarto) |
Cache storage info. |
CadAnnotationLayer (esriCarto) |
An Esri Cad annotation layer. |
CadastralEditorExtension (esriCadastralUI) |
Cadastral Editor Extension Object. |
CadastralFabricLayer (esriCarto) |
Cadastral Fabric Layer Object. |
CadastralFabricName (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) |
Esri Cadastral Fabric Name Object. |
CadastralFabricSubLayer (esriCarto) |
Cadastral Fabric Feature Layer Object. |
CadastralTableFieldEdits (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) |
Esri Cadastral Table Field Edits Object. |
CadDrawingName (esriDataSourcesFile) |
Cad Drawing Name object |
CadFeatureLayer (esriCarto) |
Esri CAD Feature Layer class. |
CadLayer (esriCarto) |
Esri CAD Layer class. |
CalibratedMapGridBorder (esriCarto) |
A map grid border that is calibrated. |
CartographicLineSymbol (esriDisplay) |
A line symbol for drawing solid or dashed lines. |
CellSizeLevels (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A collection of one or more cell size level objects. |
CenterAndScale (esriCarto) |
The Center And Scale coclass allows you to change the spatial extent of a map by specifying the center and scale. |
CenterAndSize (esriCarto) |
The Center And Size coclass allows you to change the spatial extent of a map by specifying the center, size and units. |
CenterlinesSnap (esriArcScan) |
Snap agent that snaps to the centerlines of a raster. |
CFDataSourcePageExtension (esriCartoUI) |
. |
CharacterMarker3DSymbol (esri3DAnalyst) |
3D Character Marker Symbol component. |
CharacterMarkerSymbol (esriDisplay) |
A marker symbol based on a character from a font. |
ChartRenderer (esriCarto) |
A chart renderer used to draw pie, bar, and stacked bar chart symbols. |
CircleElement (esriCarto) |
The Graphic Element to display Circles. |
ClassBreakInfo (esriCarto) |
ClassBreaksRendererInfoClass Class |
ClassBreakInfos (esriCarto) |
A collection of ClassBreakInfo objects. |
ClassBreaksDef (esriCarto) |
A coclass that describes how to generate class breaks. |
ClassBreaksRenderer (esriCarto) |
A renderer that can be used to draw graduated color (choropleth) and graduated symbol maps. |
ClassifyFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a classify raster function. |
ClassifyFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for classify raster function arguments. |
ClipFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The class for a raster clipping function. |
ClipFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The class for a raster clipping function arguments. |
CmykColor (esriDisplay) |
A color in the CMYK(Cyan Magenta Yellow, Black) color system. |
CodedValueDomain (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri Attribute set constraint object. |
ColorElements (esriDisplay) |
A collection of Color objects. |
ColormapFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a colormap raster function. |
ColormapFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for colormap raster function arguments. |
ColormapToRGBFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a raster Colormap-To-RGB conversion function. |
ColorRampElements (esriDisplay) |
A collection of ColorRamp objects. |
ColorRampSymbol (esriCarto) |
Esri ColorRampSymbol for raster rendering. |
ColorspaceConversionFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The class for a colorspace conversion function. |
ColorspaceConversionFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The class for raster colorspace conversion arguments. |
ColorSymbol (esriCarto) |
Esri ColorSymbol for raster rendering. |
CommandItem (esriFramework) |
Command Item. |
CommandMessage (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Message containing commands for the Tracking Server. |
ComplexFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a Complex value conversion function. |
CompositeBandFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a band composition raster function. |
CompositeBandFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a band composition raster function arguments. |
CompositeGeoTransformation (esriGeometry) |
Performs a sequence of geographic transformations. |
CompositeGraphicsLayer (esriCarto) |
A collection of graphics layers that behave like single layer. |
CompositeXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A composite geodata transform collection class. |
ConditionalFunction (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
A class for a local conditional function. |
ConditionalFunctionArguments (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
A class for local conditional function arguments. |
ConstantFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The raster function of a constant value. |
ConstantFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The arguments for the constant raster function. |
ContinuousTabStyle (esriCarto) |
A continuous tab style grid label for index grids. |
ContrastBrightnessFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The Contrast/Brighntess function. |
ContrastBrightnessFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The Contrast/Brighntess arguments. |
ConvolutionFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a convolution raster function. |
ConvolutionFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for convolution raster function arguments. |
CoordinateFrameTransformation (esriGeometry) |
Creates a Coordinate Frame transformation. |
CoordinateXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A coordinate transform class. |
CornerGridLabel (esriCarto) |
A grid label with special corner display properties. |
CornerSnap (esriArcScan) |
Snap agent that snaps to the corners of a raster. |
CoTrackSymbologyRenderer (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Symbolizes temporal based features and tracks in order to identify temporal feature characteristics in relation to the temporal reference. |
CoverageAnnotationLayer (esriCarto) |
An Esri coverage annotation layer. |
CSMXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
Community Sensor Model (CSM) transformation class. |
CurrencyFormat |
An object for formatting numbers in a currency format. |
CurvatureFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
Curvature function. |
CurvatureFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
Curvature function arguments. |
CustomNumberFormat |
An object for formatting numbers in a user-defined format. |
CustomOverlayGrid (esriCarto) |
A custom map grid. |
DataClockChart (esriTrackingAnalystUI) |
Controls settings for the data clock chart. |
DataElementDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Data Element Domain. |
DataElements (esriGeoDatabase) |
A collection of DataElement objects. |
DataGraphT (esriCartoUI) |
A container for the display and manipulation of graph series. |
DataGraphTElement (esriCartoUI) |
A container for the display and manipulation of data graph graphic element on the ArcMap layout view. |
DataGraphTScatterPlotMatrix (esriCartoUI) |
A container for the display and manipulation of ScatterPlotMatrix graph. |
DataGraphWindow (esriArcMapUI) |
Window in hosting and displaying data graph. |
DataMessage (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Message containing data routed by the Tracking Server. |
DataModificationAction (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Controls the properties and methods needed for the Data Modification actions. |
DataObject (esriCarto) |
DataObject co-class. |
DataObjectArray (esriCarto) |
DataObjectArray co-class. |
DataObjectGroup (esriCarto) |
DataObject Group. |
DataObjectGroupArray (esriCarto) |
DataObjectGroup Array |
DataObjectGroups (esriCarto) |
DataObjectGroups |
DataObjects (esriCarto) |
DataObjectArray co-class. |
DataObjectTable (esriCarto) |
DataObjectTable co-class. |
DataObjectTables (esriCarto) |
DataObjectTables co-class. |
DataObjectType (esriCarto) |
DataObjectType co-class. |
DataObjectTypes (esriCarto) |
DataObjectTypes co-class. |
DataPartitionAction (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Controls the properties and methods needed for the Data Partition (server) actions. |
DatasetColumn (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Defines single column in a dataset definition. |
DataSetDefinition (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Defines data structure for a data message. |
DataSourceConfiguration (esriSearch) |
DataSource Configuration object. |
DataSummaryAction (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Controls the properties and methods needed for the Data Summary Action |
Datum (esriGeometry) |
Creates a datum. |
DddEnvironment (esri3DAnalystUI) |
3D Environment singleton object. |
DEAddressLocator (esriLocation) |
The Address Locator Element. |
DEArcInfoTable (esriDataSourcesFile) |
ArcInfo Table Data Element object. |
DEBrowseOptions (esriGeoDatabase) |
Data Element Browse Options Class. |
DECadastralFabric (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) |
Cadastral Fabric Data Element object. |
DECadDrawingDataset (esriDataSourcesFile) |
Cad Drawing Dataset Data Element object. |
DECatalogRoot (esriDataSourcesFile) |
Catalog Root Data Element object. |
DECoverage (esriDataSourcesFile) |
Coverage Data Element object. |
DECoverageFeatureClass (esriDataSourcesFile) |
Coverage Feature Class Data Element object. |
DEDbaseTable (esriDataSourcesFile) |
Dbase Table Data Element object. |
DEDiskConnection (esriDataSourcesFile) |
Disk Connection Data Element object. |
DEFeatureClass (esriGeoDatabase) |
Feature Class Data Element object. |
DEFeatureDataset (esriGeoDatabase) |
Feature Dataset Data Element object. |
DEFile (esriDataSourcesFile) |
File Data Element object. |
DEFolder (esriDataSourcesFile) |
Folder Data Element object. |
DEGeoDataServer (esriGeoDatabase) |
GeoDataServer Object Data Element object. |
DEGeometricNetwork (esriGeoDatabase) |
GeometricNetwork Data Element object. |
DEGeometryServer (esriGeoDatabase) |
GeometryServer Object Data Element object. |
DEGlobeServer (esriGeoDatabase) |
MapServer Object Data Element object. |
DEGPServer (esriGeoDatabase) |
MapServer Object Data Element object. |
DEImageServer (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
Image Service Object Data Element object. |
DELasDataset (esriDataSourcesFile) |
LAS Dataset Data Element object. |
DELayer (esriDataSourcesFile) |
Layer Data Element object. |
DEMapDocument (esriDataSourcesFile) |
Map Document Data Element object. |
DEMapServer (esriGeoDatabase) |
MapServer Object Data Element object. |
DEMosaicDataset (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The MosaicDataset Data Element object. |
DENetworkDataset (esriGeoDatabase) |
Network Dataset Data Element object. |
DEPrjFile (esriDataSourcesFile) |
Projection File Data Element object. |
DERasterBand (esriGeoDatabase) |
RasterBand Data Element object. |
DERasterCatalog (esriGeoDatabase) |
Raster Catalog Data Element object. |
DERasterDataset (esriGeoDatabase) |
RasterDataset Data Element object. |
DERelationshipClass (esriGeoDatabase) |
Relationship Class Data Element object. |
DERemoteDatabaseFolder (esriDataSourcesFile) |
Remote Database Folder Data Element object. |
DERepresentationClass (esriGeoDatabase) |
Representation Class Data Element object. |
DESchematicDataset (esriSchematic) |
Schematic Dataset Data Element object. |
DESchematicDiagram (esriSchematic) |
Schematic Diagram Data Element object. |
DESchematicFolder (esriSchematic) |
Esri Schematic Folder data element object. |
DEServerConnection (esriGeoDatabase) |
ServerConnection Object Data Element object. |
DEShapeFile (esriDataSourcesFile) |
ShapeFile Data Element object. |
DESpatialReferencesFolder (esriDataSourcesFile) |
Spatial References Folder Data Element object. |
DETable (esriGeoDatabase) |
Table Data Element object. |
DETerrain (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) |
Esri Terrain data element object. |
DETextFile (esriDataSourcesFile) |
Text File Data Element object. |
DETin (esriDataSourcesFile) |
Tin Data Element object. |
DETool (esriGeoprocessing) |
The tool Data Element. |
DEToolbox (esriGeoprocessing) |
The toolbox Data Element. |
DETopology (esriGeoDatabase) |
Topology Data Element object. |
DEVPFCoverage (esriDataSourcesFile) |
DEVPFCoverage Dataset Data Element object. |
DEVPFTable (esriDataSourcesFile) |
VPFTable Data Element object. |
DEWCSCoverage (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
WCS Coverage Object Data Element object. |
DEWMSMap (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
WMS Map Data Element object. |
DEWorkspace (esriGeoDatabase) |
Database Data Element object. |
DimDisplayFilter (esriDisplay) |
Esri Dim Display Filter. |
DimensionalDefinition (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for the multidimensional definition value object. |
DimensionLayer (esriCarto) |
A collection of properties for a dimension layer. |
DimensionShape (esriCarto) |
A dimension shape associated with a dimesion feature. |
DimensionStyle (esriCarto) |
A container of properties which dictate how a dimension feature is displayed. |
DimensionStyles (esriCarto) |
A collection of DimensionStyle objects. |
DirectionalVectorRendererProperties (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Contains the properties required to perform directional vector rendering. |
DirectionFormat |
An object for formatting numbers in a direction format. |
DisplacementLinkElement (esriEditorExt) |
The Graphic Element to display adjustment links. |
DisplayExpressionProperties (esriCarto) |
Maintains the properties for generating a display string. |
DMSGridLabel (esriCarto) |
A grid label in degrees, minutes and seconds. |
DocumentationInfo (esriGeoDatabase) |
Provides access to DocumentationInfo object. |
DomainInfo (esriCarto) |
DomainInfo co-class. |
DotDensityFillSymbol (esriDisplay) |
Defines a dot density fill symbol, a data driven symbol commonly used with the dot density renderer. |
DotDensityRenderer (esriCarto) |
A dot density renderer. |
DoubleAlternatingScaleBar (esriCarto) |
A map surround for displaying a double alternating scale bar. |
DoubleArray |
An object for holding a Double array. |
DownsampleFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The downsample function. |
DownsampleFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for downsample raster function arguments. |
DSCStatus (esriSearch) |
Data source status object. |
DSCStatusArray (esriSearch) |
Data source status Array. |
DubaisatBuilder (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A raster builder for DubaiSat files |
EdgeConnectivityRule (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri Edge-Edge NetworkConnectivity rule object. |
EdgeFlagDisplay (esriNetworkAnalysis) |
A container for defining and displaying a network flag or barrier on an edge feature of a network. |
Editor (esriEditor) |
The Object Editor Extension. |
EditorTrackingInfo (esriGeoDatabase) |
EditorTrackingInfo co-class. |
EditResult (esriCarto) |
EditResult co-class. |
EditResults (esriCarto) |
EditResult array co-class. |
EditTemplate (esriCarto) |
EditTemplate Class |
EditTemplateManager (esriCarto) |
EditTemplateManager Class |
ElementCollection (esriCarto) |
Collection of elements. |
ElevationVoidFillFunction (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) |
ElevationVoidFillFunctionArguments (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) |
EllipseElement (esriCarto) |
The Graphic Element to display Ellipses. |
EmailAlertAction (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Controls the properties and methods needed for the Email Alert actions. |
EmfPictureElement (esriCarto) |
The Graphic Element to display Emf Pictures. |
EmfPrinter (esriOutput) |
Class used to print maps with the EMF (Windows Enhanced Metafile) Printer Driver. |
EndsSnap (esriArcScan) |
Snap agent that snaps to the ends of a raster. |
EnhancedInfoRenderer (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Symbolizes temporal based features with attribute and spatial information; this renderer is in addition to using the standard event and track renderers. |
Envelope (esriGeometry) |
A rectangle with sides parallel to a coordinate system defining the extent of another geometry; optionally has min and max measure, height and ID attributes. |
EsriCSMXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
Esri Community Sensor Model (CSM) transformation class. |
EventAttributeProperties (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
A holding component for event attribute properties. |
ExcludedAreaFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The raster function for generating excluded area. |
ExcludedAreaFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The arguments for the ExcludedArea raster function. |
ExtractBandFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a band extraction/selection raster function. |
ExtractBandFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for band extraction/selection raster function arguments. |
FDOGraphicsLayer (esriCarto) |
A collection of properties for an annotation layer (feature data object graphics layer). |
FDOGraphicsSublayer (esriCarto) |
A collection of properties for an annotation sublayer layer (feature data object graphics sublayer). |
Feature3DProperties (esri3DAnalyst) |
Three-dimensional scene filter for features. |
FeatureBookmark (esriCarto) |
A feature bookmark. |
FeatureClassName (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri Feature Class Name object. |
FeatureDatasetName (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri Feature Dataset Name object. |
FeatureExtent (esriCarto) |
The Feature Extent coclass allows you to zoom to selected features in a layer. |
FeatureIDSet (esriCarto) |
Set of feature ids. |
FeatureLayer (esriCarto) |
A collection of features and their visual representation. |
FeatureLayerDrawingDescription (esriCarto) |
Feature layer drawing description. |
FeatureQueryName (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri Feature Query Name object. |
FeatureServerInfo (esriCarto) |
FeatureServiceEditExtension (esriCarto) |
FeatureService edit extension. |
FeatureServiceLayerEditExtension (esriCarto) |
FeatureService Layer edit extension. |
FeatureSnap (esriEditor) |
Snap agent that snaps to a feature in a specified way. |
FgdbFeatureClassName (esriDataSourcesGDB) |
File GeoDatabase Feature Class Name object. |
FgdbTableName (esriDataSourcesGDB) |
File GeoDatabase Table Name object. |
FIDSet (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri FID Set object. |
Field (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri Field object. |
FieldDomainInfo (esriCarto) |
A colcass that contains Field Domain information including Default Value. |
FieldDomainInfos (esriCarto) |
A colcass that contains Array of Field Domain information. |
FieldInfo (esriCarto) |
Stores extended field information. |
FieldMap (esriEditorExt) |
The Field map object defines how attributes will get transfered. |
Fields (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri Fields object. |
FileName |
File Name Object. |
FilterAction (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Controls settings and functionality for the filter action. |
FilterDefs (esriGeoDatabase) |
An array of filter definition objects. |
FMEDataset (esriDataInterop) |
FMEDataset Class |
FMETool (esriDataInterop) |
FMETool Class |
FontSize (esriDisplay) |
The size of the text as specified in points. |
FootprintFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The raster function for generating a raster footprint. |
FootprintFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The arguments for the Footprint raster function. |
FormattedGridLabel (esriCarto) |
A grid label that uses a formatted number. |
Formosat2Xform (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A Formosat2 transform class. |
FractionFormat |
An object for formatting numbers in a fraction format. |
FrameCameraBuilder (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The generic frame camera raster builder object. |
FrameElement (esriCarto) |
The Frame element to provide a neatline or background. |
FrameXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A standard frame camera model transformation class. |
FunctionRasterDataset (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a function raster dataset. |
FunctionRasterDatasetName (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a function raster dataset name. |
GCSShiftXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A GCS shift geodata transform class. |
GdbRasterCatalogLayer (esriCarto) |
Geodabase RasterCatalog source and display options. |
GDSData (esriGeoDatabaseDistributed) |
An object that transports GeoDataServer data. |
GDSExportOptions (esriGeoDatabaseDistributed) |
An object used to specify GeoDataServer export options. |
GDSQueryResultPortion (esriGeoDatabaseDistributed) |
An object used to return results of queries made against a GeoDataServer. |
GeneralLibraryObject (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Implements IGeneralLibraryObject interface used with the general library object. |
GeocentricTranslation (esriGeometry) |
Creates a geocentric translation. |
GEOCONTransformation (esriGeometry) |
Creates a GEOCON-based transformation. |
Geographic2DOffsetTransformation (esriGeometry) |
Creates a geographic 2D offset transformation. |
GeographicCoordinateSystem (esriGeometry) |
Creates a geographic coordinate system. |
GeoImageDescription (esriCarto) |
A class that specifies an image to read from an ArcGIS server image service. |
GeometricEffectAddControlPoints (esriDisplay) |
Assigns control point status to line vertices. |
GeometricEffectArrow (esriDisplay) |
Constructs an arrow of a given line. |
GeometricEffectBuffer (esriDisplay) |
Constructs a buffer polygon from any type of geometry. |
GeometricEffectCut (esriDisplay) |
Produces a shorter line based on distances at extremities. |
GeometricEffectDash (esriDisplay) |
Generates a dashed/dotted line based on a template. |
GeometricEffectDonut (esriDisplay) |
Inserts a hole into a polygon. |
GeometricEffectEnclosingPolygon (esriDisplay) |
Constructs enclosing polgon. With multipoint input, constructs a polygon that encloses all points. |
GeometricEffectExtension (esriDisplay) |
Extends a line by a given distance and deflection angle. |
GeometricEffectJog (esriDisplay) |
Constructs an Jog effect on a given line. |
GeometricEffectMove (esriDisplay) |
Applies a move transformation to a geometry. |
GeometricEffectOffset (esriDisplay) |
Offsets a line by a specified distance. |
GeometricEffectOffsetTangent (esriDisplay) |
Moves a line a given distance in the direction of one of its outermost segments. |
GeometricEffectRadial (esriDisplay) |
Produces a line from a point, based on direction and length. |
GeometricEffectRegularPolygon (esriDisplay) |
Creates a regular polygon from a point. |
GeometricEffectReverse (esriDisplay) |
Reverses the direction of a line. |
GeometricEffectRotate (esriDisplay) |
Applies a rotate transformation to a geometry. |
GeometricEffectScale (esriDisplay) |
Applies a scale transformation to a geometry. |
GeometricEffectSimplify (esriDisplay) |
Simplifies a geometry by eliminating vertices. |
GeometricEffectSmooth (esriDisplay) |
Smooth a geometry by approximation with beziers. |
GeometricEffectSuppress (esriDisplay) |
Suppresses part of a line or polygon outline. |
GeometricEffectTaperedPolygon (esriDisplay) |
Creates a taper polygon from a line. |
GeometricEffectWave (esriDisplay) |
Creates a regular wave from a curve. |
GeometricFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a raster geometric function. |
GeometricFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for raster geometric function arguments. |
GeometricNetworkName (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri Geometric Network Name object. |
GeometricXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A geometric transform class. |
GeometryBag (esriGeometry) |
An ordered collection of objects that support the IGeometry interface. |
GeometryDef (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri Geometry Definition object. |
GeometryMaterial (esri3DAnalyst) |
The Geometry Material component. |
GeometryResultOptions (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri Geometry export options object. |
GeoTransformation (esriGeometry) |
Generic geotransformation class, holds either a WKT (string) or a WKID (factory code). |
GeoVideoLayer (esriGlobeCore) |
The georeferenced video layer. |
GFLayerTableDataMapping (esriCarto) |
GraphicFeature layer/table and underlying dataset name |
GFLayerTableDataMappings (esriCarto) |
GFLayerTableDataMappings co-class. |
GFSReplicaDescription (esriCarto) |
Graphic Feature Service Replica Description co-class. |
GFSTableDescription (esriCarto) |
Table Description for Replication and Feature Queries. |
GFSTableDescriptions (esriCarto) |
Graphic Feature Layer Descriptins for Replication and Feature Queries. |
GifPictureElement (esriCarto) |
Graphic Element to display GIF Pictures. |
Globe (esriGlobeCore) |
A container for the display and manipulation of data in the Globe. |
GlobeGraphicElementPropsStreamArray (esriGlobeCore) |
The array of Globe Graphics Element for XML/SOAP streaming. |
GlobeGraphicsElementProperties (esriGlobeCore) |
The Globe Graphics Element Properties. |
GlobeGraphicsLayer (esriGlobeCore) |
The Globe Graphics Layer. |
GlobeHeightProperties (esriGlobeCore) |
The globe layer height properties. |
GlobeLayer (esriGlobeCore) |
The cache-only globe layer. |
GlobeLayerInfo (esriGlobeCore) |
The Globe Layer Info coclass provides information about a globe layer. |
GlobeLayerInfos (esriGlobeCore) |
The Globe Layer Info coclass collection. |
GlobeLayerProperties (esriGlobeCore) |
The layer extension containing globe layer properties. |
GlobeLegendInfo (esriGlobeCore) |
The Globe Legend Info coclass provides information about a globe layer. |
GlobeLegendInfos (esriGlobeCore) |
The Globe Legend Info collection coclass. |
GlobeServerFindResult (esriGlobeCore) |
The Globe Server Find Result coclass provides information about a 'find result'. |
GlobeServerFindResults (esriGlobeCore) |
The Globe server find result collection. |
GlobeServerGroupLayer (esriGlobeCore) |
Provides access to a globe server group layer. |
GlobeServerIdentifyResult (esriGlobeCore) |
The Globe Server Identify Result coclass provides information about an 'identify result'. |
GlobeServerIdentifyResults (esriGlobeCore) |
The Globe server identify result collection. |
GlobeServerLayer (esriGlobeCore) |
Provides programmatic access to a globe server layer. |
GPAddressLocatorStyle (esriLocation) |
The Address Locator Style Element. |
GPAnalysisCellSize (esriGeoprocessing) |
GeoProcessor Analysis CellSize object. |
GPArcInfoItem (esriDataSourcesFile) |
ArcInfo Item Data Element object. |
GPArcInfoItemChoiceList (esriGeoprocessing) |
Object for generating ArcInfo item choice list. |
GPArcInfoItemDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing ArcInfo Item Domain. |
GPArealUnit (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing a areal unit value. |
GPBoolean (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing a boolean value. |
GPCadAnnoDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing CAD Annotation Feature Class Domain. |
GPCadastralFabricLayer (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Cadastral Fabric Layer Value. |
GPCalculatorExpression (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing a Field Calc Expression. |
GPCellSizeXY (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing a point geometry. |
GPCodedValueDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Coded Value Domain. |
GPCodedValueDomain2 (esriGeoDatabase) |
The (GP) Coded Value Domain Object. |
GPCompositeDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Composite Domain. |
GPCompositeLayer (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Composite Layer Value. |
GPContainerSchema (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Container Schema object. |
GPCoordinateSystem (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing a coordinate system value. |
GPCovAnnoDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Coverage Annotation Feature Class Domain. |
GPCoverageDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Coverage Domain. |
GPCoverageFeatureClassDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Coverage Feature Class Domain. |
GPDataFile (esriGeoprocessing) |
GPDataFile Class |
GPDatasetDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Dataset Domain. |
GPDatasetExtension (esriGeoDatabase) |
The (GP) Dataset Extension Object. |
GPDataTypeName (esriGeoDatabase) |
GPDate (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing a date value. |
GPDouble (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing a double value. |
GPEncryptedString (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing a string value. |
GPEnvelope (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing an envelope value. |
GPEnvironment (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Environment object. |
GPEnvironmentManager (esriGeoprocessing) |
Environment Manager. |
GPEvaluationScale (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst EvaluationScale object. |
GPExtent (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing an extent value. |
GPFeatureClassDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Feature Class Domain. |
GPFeatureLayer (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing a feature layer value. |
GPFeatureRecordSetLayer (esriGeoprocessing) |
GPFeatureRecordSetLayer Class |
GPFeatureSchema (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Feature Schema object. |
GPFieldChoiceList (esriGeoprocessing) |
Object for generating field choice list. |
GPFieldDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Field Domain. |
GPFieldInfo (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object describing a set of fields. |
GPFieldInfoDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Field Info Domain. |
GPFieldMap (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Field Map object describing an entry within the Field Map. |
GPFieldMapping (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Field Map value object. |
GPFileDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing File Domain. |
GPFunctionName (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Function Name object. |
GPGALayer (esriGeoStatisticalAnalyst) |
Geoprocessing Geostatistical Layer object. |
GPGdbAnnoDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing GeoDatabase Annotation Feature Class Domain. |
GPGeometricNetworkMembership (esriGeoDatabase) |
The Geometric Network Membership object. |
GPGroupLayer (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Group Layer value. |
GPHistoricalMarker (esriGeoDatabase) |
The (GP) Historical Marker Object. |
GPINFOExpression (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing an INFO expression value. |
GPLasDatasetLayer (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing a LAS dataset layer value. |
GPLayer (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing a layer value. |
GPLayersAndTablesDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
The GpLayers and Tables domain object. |
GPLine (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing a line geometry. |
GPLinearUnit (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing a linear unit value. |
GPLong (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing a long integer value. |
GPMDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing M Domain object. |
GPMeasureFieldsDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
Object for filtering acceptable measure fields. |
GPMessage (esriGeoDatabase) |
GPMessages (esriGeoDatabase) |
GPMosaicLayer (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Mosaic Layer Value. |
GPMultiValue (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object that contains multiple geoprocessing value objects. |
GPMultiValueTypeName (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Multi-Value Data Type Name. |
GPNAHierarchySettings (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Geoprocessing network hierarchy settings value. |
GPNALayer (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Geoprocessing network analyst layer value. |
GPNetworkDatasetLayer (esriGeoprocessing) |
Network Dataset Layer object. |
GPNetworkDatasetMembership (esriGeoDatabase) |
The Network Dataset Membership object. |
GPNumericDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Numeric Domain object. |
GPParameter (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Parameter object. |
GPParameterInfo (esriGeoprocessing) |
GPParameterInfo Class. |
GPParameterInfos (esriGeoprocessing) |
GPParameterInfos Class. |
GPPoint (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing a point geometry. |
GPPolygon (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing a polygon geometry. |
GPQueryTableFieldsDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
Object for filtering the acceptable fileds for query tables. |
GPQueryTableIDsDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
Object for filtering the acceptable ID field for query tables. |
GPRAFieldDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
GP Raster Field Domain - Additional handling of shapefile's integer fields. |
GPRandomNumberGenerator (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object for producing Random Number Generator values. |
GPRangeDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Range Domain. |
GPRangeDomain2 (esriGeoDatabase) |
The (GP) Range Domain Object. |
GPRasterBuilder (esriGeoprocessing) |
GPRasterBuilder Class |
GPRasterCalculatorExpression (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst GPRasterCalculatorExpression object. |
GPRasterCatalogLayer (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing a raster catalog value. |
GPRasterData (esriGeoprocessing) |
GPRasterData Class |
GPRasterDataLayer (esriGeoprocessing) |
GPRasterDataLayer Class |
GPRasterFormulated (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessor GP RasterFormulated object. |
GPRasterGDBEnvCompression (esriGeoprocessing) |
GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. |
GPRasterGDBEnvPyramid (esriGeoprocessing) |
GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. |
GPRasterGDBEnvStatistics (esriGeoprocessing) |
GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. |
GPRasterGDBEnvTileSize (esriGeoprocessing) |
GeoProcessor Spatial GDB Environment Compression object. |
GPRasterLayer (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing a raster layer value. |
GPRasterSchema (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Raster Schema object. |
GPRecordSet (esriGeoprocessing) |
GPRecordSet Class |
GPRelationshipClassKey (esriGeoDatabase) |
The (GP) Relationship Class Key Object. |
GPReplica (esriGeoDatabase) |
A GPReplica object |
GPReplicaDataset (esriGeoDatabase) |
A replica dataset. |
GPReplicaDatasets (esriGeoDatabase) |
A collection of replica dataset objects. |
GPReplicaDescription (esriGeoDatabase) |
Defines the data to replicate or extract. |
GPReplicaOptions (esriGeoDatabase) |
Defines replica options. |
GPReplicas (esriGeoDatabase) |
A collection of GPReplica objects. |
GPRepresentationLayerDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Representation Layer Domain. |
GPResult (esriGeoprocessing) |
GPResult Class. |
GPResultOptions (esriGeoprocessing) |
GPResultOptions Class. |
GPRouteDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
Object for filtering route feature classes. |
GPRouteIDFieldsDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
Object for filtering acceptable route ID fields. |
GPRouteMeasureEventDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
Object for filtering the acceptable measure fields for event locations. |
GPRouteMeasureEventProperties (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing route measure event properties value object. |
GPSACellSize (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
GeoProcessor Spatial CellSize object. |
GPSAExtractValues (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst GPSAExtractValues object. |
GPSAFuzzyFunction (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst fuzzy function object. |
GPSAGeoDataDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessor GPSA Geo-data Domain. |
GPSAHorizontalFactor (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
GeoProcessor path distance horizontal function object. |
GPSAMapAlgebraExp (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst MapAlgebra object. |
GPSANameDomain (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
GPSAName Domain in geo-processing. |
GPSANeighborhood (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
GeoProcessor Spatial Neighborhood object. |
GPSANeighborhoodDomain (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
Neighborhood Domain in geo-processing. |
GPSANumberRemap (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
GeoProcessor Spatial NumberRemap object. |
GPSARadius (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
GeoProcessor Spatial Radius object. |
GPSARemapDomain (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
Remap Domain in geo-processing. |
GPSASemiVariogram (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
GeoProcessor Spatial SemiVariogram object. |
GPSAStringRemap (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
GeoProcessor Spatial StringRemap object. |
GPSATextTableNameDomain (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
GPSAName Domain in geo-processing. |
GPSATimeConfiguration (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
GeoProcessor solar-radiation time configuration object. |
GPSATopoFeatures (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst TopoFeatures object. |
GPSATopoFeaturesTypeName (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst TopoFeatures Type Name object. |
GPSATransformationFunction (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst transformation function object. |
GPSAVerticalFactor (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
GeoProcessor path distance vertical function object. |
GPSAWeightedOverlayTable (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst WeightedOverlayTable object. |
GPSAWeightedSum (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
GeoProcessor Spatial Analyst WeightedSum object. |
GpsConnection (esriCarto) |
Used to establish a connection to the computer's communication port. |
GpsExtension (esriArcMapUI) |
The GPS extension object. |
GpsFeed (esriCarto) |
Used to connected to a GPS unit through the communication port, implements IRealTimeFeed, and fires events when the GPS location changes. |
GPSpatialReference (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing a spatial reference value. |
GPSQLExpression (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing a SQL expression value. |
GPString (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing a string value. |
GPStringHidden (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing a hidden string value. |
GPSubtype (esriGeoDatabase) |
The (GP) Subtype Object. |
GPTableSchema (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Table Schema object. |
GPTablesDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
The GpTables domain object. |
GPTableView (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing a table view value. |
GPTerrainLayer (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing a terrain layer value. |
GPTerrainMembership (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) |
The Terrain Membership object. |
GPTimeUnit (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing a time unit value. |
GPTinLayer (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing a tin layer value. |
GPToolboxName (esriGeoprocessing) |
Light-weight object referencing a geoprocessing toolbox. |
GPToolCommandManager (esriGeoprocessingUI) |
The Geoprocessoring tool command manager. |
GPToolInfo (esriGeoprocessing) |
GPToolInfo Class. |
GPToolInfos (esriGeoprocessing) |
GPToolInfos Class. |
GPToolName (esriGeoprocessing) |
Light-weight object referencing a geoprocessing tool. |
GPTopologyLayer (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing a topology layer value. |
GPTopologyMembership (esriGeoDatabase) |
The Topology Membership object. |
GPValues (esriGeoprocessing) |
GPValues Class. |
GPValueTable (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing two-dimensional array of geoprocessing value objects. |
GPVariable (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Variable object. |
GPVariant (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing value object containing a variant value. |
GPVersionInfo (esriGeoDatabase) |
The (GP) VersionInfo object. |
GPVersionInfos (esriGeoDatabase) |
A collection of GPVersionInfo objects. |
GPVirtualTableDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
Object for filtering out the virtual tables. |
GPWorkspaceDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Workspace Domain. |
GPWorkspaceExtension (esriGeoDatabase) |
The (GP) Workspace Extension Object. |
GPXYDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing XY Domain object. |
GPZDomain (esriGeoprocessing) |
Geoprocessing Z Domain object. |
GradientFillSymbol (esriDisplay) |
A fill symbol composed from a ramp of colors. |
GradientPattern (esriDisplay) |
A gradient fill pattern object. |
GraphicElements (esriCarto) |
The Graphic Elements collection CoClass. |
GraphicFeature (esriCarto) |
Graphic Feature co-class. |
GraphicFeatureLayer (esriCarto) |
GraphicFeatureLayer co-class. |
GraphicFeatureLayers (esriCarto) |
GraphicFeatureLayers co-class. |
GraphicFeatures (esriCarto) |
GraphicFeatures co-class. |
GraphicsLayer3D (esri3DAnalyst) |
A 3D Graphics Layer. |
GraphicsLayerScale (esriCarto) |
An Esri graphics layer scale. |
GraphicSnapEnvironment (esriCarto) |
Collection of Snap Agents used to snap a graphic point. |
Graticule (esriCarto) |
A map grid that divides the map with meridians and parallels. |
GrayColor (esriDisplay) |
A color in the grayscale color system. |
GrayscaleFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The greyscale conversion function. |
GrayscaleFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The greyscale conversion function arguments. |
GroupElement (esriCarto) |
The Group Graphic Element to display a group of graphic elements. |
GroupLayer (esriCarto) |
A collection of layers that behaves like a single layer. |
GxContentsView (esriCatalogUI) |
GxView that represents the contents view. |
GxContentsViewColumn (esriCatalogUI) |
Provides access to contents view column. |
GxFileFilter (esriCatalog) |
The catalog's file filter. |
HARNTransformation (esriGeometry) |
Creates a HARN-based transformation. |
HashLineSymbol (esriDisplay) |
A line symbol for drawing hashed or slanted lines. |
HatchClass (esriLocation) |
The hatch class relates a hatch template to a polyline feature layer. |
HatchInputValue (esriLocation) |
Hatch input values can be values or field names from the hatched layer's attribute table. |
HatchLayerExtension (esriLocation) |
Hatch layer extension manages a collection of hatch classes. |
HatchLineDefinition (esriLocation) |
Hatch using a line symbol. |
HatchMarkerDefinition (esriLocation) |
Hatch using a marker symbol. |
HatchTemplate (esriLocation) |
A hatch template manages a collection of hatch definitions. It can be applied to a hatch class or can exist as a hatch style. |
HighlightSuppressionAction (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Controls settings and functionality for the highlight/suppression action. |
HillshadeFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The Hillshade function Class. |
HillshadeFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The Hillshade function arguments. |
HlsColor (esriDisplay) |
A color in the HLS(Hue, Luminance, Saturation) color system. |
HollowScaleBar (esriCarto) |
A map surround for displaying a hollow scale bar. |
HorizontalBarLegendItem (esriCarto) |
Horizontal bar legend item. |
HorizontalLegendItem (esriCarto) |
Horizontal legend item. |
HotLinkExpressionProperties (esriCarto) |
Maintains the properties for generating a hyperlink string. |
HotLinkJScriptEngine (esriCarto) |
An object tha parses hotlink expressions using JScript. |
HotLinkPythonEngine (esriCarto) |
An object tha parses hotlink expressions using Python. |
HotLinkVBScriptEngine (esriCarto) |
An object that parses hotlink expressions using VBScript. |
HsvColor (esriDisplay) |
A color in the HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) color system. |
HVCompositeDatumTransformation (esriGeometry) |
Horizontal and Vertical datum transformation. |
HVDatumTransformation (esriGeometry) |
Horizontal and Vertical datum transformation. |
Hyperlink (esriCarto) |
Hyperlink class implements hyperlinks functionality. |
IdentityFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for an identity raster function. |
IdentityLinkElement (esriEditorExt) |
The Graphic Element to display identity links. |
IdentityXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
An identity transform class. |
IlluminationProps (esriDisplay) |
Esri Illumination Properties Class. |
ImageDescription (esriCarto) |
The Image Description coclass contains settings of the image to be generated. |
ImageDisplay (esriCarto) |
The Image Display coclass contains the display characteristics of the image to be generated. |
ImageInset (esriCarto) |
A map surround for displaying an inset. |
ImageQueryFilter (esriCarto) |
An image query filter. |
ImageResult (esriCarto) |
The Image Result coclass contains information about the generated image. |
ImageResults (esriCarto) |
A coclass that contains Array of Image Result coclasses. |
ImageServerDownloadResult (esriCarto) |
An Image Server Download Result object. |
ImageServerDownloadResults (esriCarto) |
A collection of Image Server Download Result objects. |
ImageServerEditResult (esriCarto) |
An Image Server Edit Result object. |
ImageServerEditResults (esriCarto) |
A collection of Image Server Edit Result objects. |
ImageServerIdentifyResult (esriCarto) |
An Image Server Identify Result object. |
ImageServerIdentifyResults (esriCarto) |
A collection of Image Server Identify Result objects. |
ImageServerMeasureResult (esriCarto) |
An Image Server Measure Result object. |
ImageServerName (esriCarto) |
The Image Server name object. |
ImageServerSampleResult (esriCarto) |
An Image Server Sample Result object. |
ImageServerSampleResults (esriCarto) |
A collection of Image Server Sample Result objects. |
ImageServiceInfo (esriCarto) |
A class that provides information on an ArcGIS server image service. |
ImageType (esriCarto) |
The Image Type coclass contains information about the type of image to be generated. |
ImageView (esriCarto) |
An image view object. |
ImgPictureElement (esriCarto) |
Graphic Element to display IMG Pictures. This coclass is deprecated. It will not be available in a future release. |
IMSMapLayer (esriCarto) |
A container for the display and manipulation of IMS layers. |
IMSMetadataServiceName (esriGISClient) |
ArIMS Metadata Service Name Object. |
IMSServiceName (esriGISClient) |
The IMS Service Name. |
IMSSubFeatureLayer (esriCarto) |
A collection of IMS features as a sublayer of an IMSMapLayer. |
IMSSubLayer (esriCarto) |
An IMS Layer as a sublayer of an IMSMapLayer. |
Index (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri Index object. |
Indexes (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri Indices object. |
IndexGrid (esriCarto) |
A map grid that divides the map into a grid for indexing. |
IndexingOptions (esriSearch) |
Indexing Options object. |
IndexingStatus (esriSearch) |
Indexing Status object. |
InkGraphic (esriCarto) |
Ink Graphic Object. |
InternetConnection (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Manages an Internet server connection. |
InterpolateIrregularDataFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for the InterpolateIrregularData function. |
InterpolateIrregularDataFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for the InterpolateIrregularData function arguments. |
IntersectionSnap (esriArcScan) |
Snap agent that snaps to the intersections of a raster. |
ItemInfo (esriGeoDatabase) |
Item Info coclass. |
ItemInfos (esriGeoDatabase) |
An array of ItemInfo objects. |
ItemTemplateArray (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
An array of item templates. |
ItemURIArray (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
An array of item URI objects. |
JobMessage |
The JobMessage object which defines properties and behaviour og job messages. |
JobMessages |
The JobMessages object which defines properties and behaviour of an array of job messages. |
JoinTableSourceDescription (esriCarto) |
A coclass that contains settings of a join that the table is participating. |
Jp2PictureElement (esriCarto) |
Graphic Element to display JPEG2000 Pictures. |
JpgPictureElement (esriCarto) |
Graphic Element to display JPG Pictures. |
JunctionConnectivityRule (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri Junction-Edge NetworkConnectivity rule object. |
JunctionFlagDisplay (esriNetworkAnalysis) |
A container for defining and displaying a network flag or barrier on a junction feature of a network. |
KauthThomasFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The Tasseled Cap (Kauth-Thomas) function. |
KmlLayer (esriGlobeCore) |
Esri KML Layer class. |
LabelClassDescription (esriCarto) |
Lable Class Description coclass. |
LabelClassDescriptions (esriCarto) |
A coclass that contains a collection of Lable Class Description coclasses. |
LabelEngineLayerProperties (esriCarto) |
A container for the properties of feature labels. |
LabelingDescription (esriCarto) |
Labeling Description coclass. |
LabelStyle (esriCarto) |
An object that controls label symbol and placement properties. |
LandsatSurfaceReflectanceBuilder (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The generic Landsat Surface Reflectance raster builder object; supports surface reflectance products for Landast 4-5 TM, Landsat 7 ETM+ and Landsat 8 |
LasDatasetLayer (esriCarto) |
The Terrain Layer class. |
LasDatasetName (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) |
The Esri LasDatasetName component. |
LasDatasetToRasterFunction (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) |
The LasDatasetToRasterFunction class. |
LasDatasetToRasterFunctionArguments (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) |
The LasDatasetToRasterFunction arguments. |
LasFilter (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) |
Esri LasFilter component. |
LasPointElevationRenderer (esriCarto) |
LasDataset point renderer component. |
LasToRasterFunction (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) |
The LasToRasterFunction class. |
LasToRasterFunctionArguments (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) |
The LasToRasterFunction arguments. |
LasUniqueValueRenderer (esriCarto) |
LAS dataset unique value renderer component. |
LatLonFormat |
An object for formatting numbers in a lat/lon format. |
LayerCacheInfo (esriCarto) |
The layer cache info object provides information about a layer's cache in a cached map service. |
LayerCacheInfos (esriCarto) |
A collection of LayerCacheInfo objects. |
LayerDescription (esriCarto) |
The Layer Description coclass contains settings of a layer in a map. |
LayerDescriptions (esriCarto) |
A collection of Layer Description objects. |
LayerDrawingDescriptions (esriCarto) |
A colcass that contains Array of LayerDrawingDescription. |
LayerResultOptions (esriCarto) |
Layer Result Options CoClass. |
LayoutImage (esriCarto) |
The Layout Image coclass contains information about the generated layout image. |
Legend (esriCarto) |
A map surround for displaying a legend. |
LegendClass (esriCarto) |
The legend/TOC entry for a single renderer class. |
LegendClasses (esriCarto) |
A collection of LegendClass objects. |
LegendClassFormat (esriCarto) |
Formatting information for the legend/TOC entry of a renderer class. |
LegendFormat (esriCarto) |
A legend format. |
LegendGroup (esriCarto) |
The collection of legend classes provided by a renderer. |
LegendGroups (esriCarto) |
A collection of LegendGroup objects. |
LinearUnit (esriGeometry) |
Creates a linear unit of measure. |
LineCallout (esriDisplay) |
A series of line symbols that link text to a specified location. |
LineDecoration (esriDisplay) |
Places a marker (decoration) at a specific location along a line symbol. |
LineElement (esriCarto) |
The Graphic Element to display lines. |
LineFillSymbol (esriDisplay) |
A fill symbol comprised of any of the supported line symbols. |
LineLabelPlacementDescription (esriCarto) |
Line Lable Placement Description coclass. |
LineLabelPlacementPriorities (esriCarto) |
Controls placement position priorities for line labels. |
LineLabelPosition (esriCarto) |
Controls the relative positions of line labels. |
LinePatch (esriCarto) |
Class implements a Line legend patch. |
LinePattern (esriDisplay) |
A line fill pattern object. |
LineStroke (esriDisplay) |
A line stroke object. |
LocaleInfo |
An object that represents a locale info. |
LocalFunction (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
A class for a local raster function. |
LocalFunctionArguments (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
A class for local function arguments. |
LocatorExtension (esriLocationUI) |
An extension for locators in ArcMap. |
LocatorName (esriLocation) |
Name object for a locator. |
LocatorRectangle (esriCarto) |
A map locator rectangle. |
LocatorWorkspaceName (esriLocation) |
A locator workspace description. |
LODInfo (esriCarto) |
A LOD Info object. |
LODInfos (esriCarto) |
A collection of LOD Info objects. |
LongArray |
An object for holding a Long array. |
LongitudeRotationTransformation (esriGeometry) |
Creates a longitude rotation transformation. |
LSRXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A Local Space Rectangular transform class. |
Map (esriCarto) |
A container for the display and manipulation of map data. |
MapDescription (esriCarto) |
The Map Description coclass contains settings of a map in the current document. |
MapDescriptions (esriCarto) |
A collection of Map Description objects. |
MapExtent (esriCarto) |
The Map Extent coclass allows you to change the spatial extent of a map by specifying the new extent. |
MapFrame (esriCarto) |
A graphic element for displaying maps. |
MapFrameDescription (esriCarto) |
The Map Frame Description coclass contains settings of a map frame in the current document. |
MapFrameDescriptions (esriCarto) |
A collection of Map Frame Description objects. |
MapImage (esriCarto) |
The Map Image coclass contains information about the generated map image. |
MapImages (esriCarto) |
A collection of Map Image objects. |
MapInset (esriCarto) |
A map surround for displaying an inset. |
MapInsetWindow (esriArcMapUI) |
Window to display MapInsets. |
MapLayerInfo (esriCarto) |
The Map Layer Info coclass provides read-only information about a layer in a map. |
MapLayerInfos (esriCarto) |
A collection of Map Layer Info objects. |
MaplexAnnotateMap (esriMaplex) |
Labels feature layers in a map. |
MaplexDictionaries (esriCarto) |
A collection of dictionaries. |
MaplexDictionary (esriCarto) |
A collection of dictionary entries. |
MaplexDictionaryEntry (esriCarto) |
A single dictionary entry that specifies an abbreviation or translation. |
MaplexKeyNumberGroup (esriCarto) |
A Maplex key number group. |
MaplexKeyNumberGroups (esriCarto) |
A collection of Maplex key number groups. |
MaplexLabelEngineLayerProperties (esriCarto) |
Properties that specify the labeling of a layer and conversion of labels to annotation. |
MaplexLabelStackingProperties (esriCarto) |
Properties that specify the label stacking rules. |
MaplexLabelStyle (esriCarto) |
An object that controls label symbol and placement properties. |
MaplexOffsetAlongLineProperties (esriCarto) |
Properties that specify the offset along line rules. |
MaplexOverposterLayerProperties (esriCarto) |
Properties that specify the label placement rules per layer. |
MaplexOverposterProperties (esriCarto) |
Properties that specify the label placement rules common to all layers, and associated methods. |
MaplexRotationProperties (esriCarto) |
Properties that specify the label rotation rules. |
MapServerBasicSublayer (esriCarto) |
Provides programmatic access to a basic map server sublayer. |
MapServerBookmark (esriCarto) |
The Map Server Bookmark coclass provides information about a bookmark. |
MapServerBookmarks (esriCarto) |
A collection of Map Server Bookmark objects. |
MapServerFindResult (esriCarto) |
The Map Server Find Result coclass provides information about a 'find result'. |
MapServerFindResults (esriCarto) |
A collection of Map Server Find Result objects. |
MapServerFindSublayer (esriCarto) |
Provides programmatic access to a map server sublayer with Find capability. |
MapServerHyperlink (esriCarto) |
The Map Server Hyperlink coclass contains settings about a hyperlink. |
MapServerHyperlinks (esriCarto) |
A collection of Map Server Hyperlink objects. |
MapServerIdentifyResult (esriCarto) |
The Map Server Identify Result coclass provides information about an 'identify result'. |
MapServerIdentifyResults (esriCarto) |
A collection of Map Server Identify Result objects. |
MapServerIdentifySublayer (esriCarto) |
Provides programmatic access to a map server sublayer with Identify capability. |
MapServerInfo (esriCarto) |
The Map Server Info coclass provides read-only information about a map. |
MapServerLayer (esriCarto) |
Provides programmatic access to a map server layer. |
MapServerLegendClass (esriCarto) |
The Map Server Legend Class coclass contains settings about a legend class. |
MapServerLegendClasses (esriCarto) |
A collection of Map Server Legend Class objects. |
MapServerLegendGroup (esriCarto) |
The Map Server Legend Group coclass provides information about a legend group. |
MapServerLegendGroups (esriCarto) |
A collection of Map Server Legend Group objects. |
MapServerLegendInfo (esriCarto) |
The Map Server Legend Info coclass provides legend information for a layer. |
MapServerLegendInfos (esriCarto) |
A collection of Map Server Legend Info objects. |
MapServerLegendPatch (esriCarto) |
The Map Server Legend Patch coclass contains settings about a legend patch. |
MapServerQuerySublayer (esriCarto) |
Provides programmatic access to a map server sublayer with Find and Identify capability. |
MapServerRelationship (esriCarto) |
The Map Server Relationship coclass contains information about a relationship if one exists. |
MapServerRelationships (esriCarto) |
A collection of Map Server Relationship objects. |
MapServerRESTLayer (esriCarto) |
Provides programmatic access to a a layer based on MapServer using REST access. |
MapServerRESTSubLayer (esriCarto) |
Provides programmatic access to a MapServer SubLayer. |
MapServerRow (esriCarto) |
The Map Server Row coclass contains information about a row. |
MapServerRows (esriCarto) |
A collection of Map Server Row objects. |
MapSurroundFrame (esriCarto) |
A graphic element for displaying map surrounds. |
MapTableSourceDescription (esriCarto) |
A coclass that contains settings to describe the source of the table. |
MapTableSubtypeInfo (esriCarto) |
A coclass that contains SubtypeInfos. |
MapTableSubtypeInfos (esriCarto) |
A coclass that contains Array of MapTableSubtypeInfo. |
MapTitle (esriCarto) |
A map surround for displaying a map title. |
Marker3DSymbol (esri3DAnalyst) |
3D Marker Symbol component. |
MarkerElement (esriCarto) |
The Graphic Element to display markers. |
MarkerFillSymbol (esriDisplay) |
A fill symbol comprised of any of the supported marker symbols. |
MarkerLineSymbol (esriDisplay) |
A line symbol composed of repeating markers. |
MarkerNorthArrow (esriCarto) |
A map surround for displaying a marker north arrow. |
MarkerPlacementAlongLine (esriDisplay) |
Places markers along a line. |
MarkerPlacementAtExtremities (esriDisplay) |
Places a marker on each extremity of a line. |
MarkerPlacementDecoration (esriDisplay) |
Places markers as line decorations. |
MarkerPlacementInsidePolygon (esriDisplay) |
Places markers in a polygon. |
MarkerPlacementOnLine (esriDisplay) |
Places one marker along a line. |
MarkerPlacementOnPoint (esriDisplay) |
Places a marker on a point. |
MarkerPlacementOnVertices (esriDisplay) |
Places markers on curve vertices. |
MarkerPlacementPolygonCenter (esriDisplay) |
Places one marker at the center of a polygon. |
MarkerPlacementRandomAlongLine (esriDisplay) |
Places markers randomly along a line. |
MarkerPlacementRandomInPolygon (esriDisplay) |
Places markers randomly within a polygon. |
MarkerPlacementVariableAlongLine (esriDisplay) |
Places markers with variable size along a line. |
MarkerTextBackground (esriDisplay) |
A marker that is placed behind text. |
MaskFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The mask function for masking out background values. |
MaskFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The raster mask function arguments. |
MathFunction (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
A class for a local math function. |
MathFunctionArguments (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
A class for math function arguments. |
MdModel (esriGeoprocessing) |
A collection of model variables and processes, used to execute multiple geoprocessing tools in some order. |
MdParameter (esriGeoprocessing) |
Model parameter object that references a model variable or contains a value object. |
MdProcess (esriGeoprocessing) |
Model process object that represents a specific invokation of a particular geoprocessing tool. |
MdVariable (esriGeoprocessing) |
Model variable object that contains a value object. |
MeasuredGrid (esriCarto) |
A map grid that divides the map into a grid of units in any coordinate system. |
MemoryRelationshipClassName (esriGeoDatabase) |
A name class that represents as in memory relationship class. |
MergeRastersFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The Tiled Raster function. |
MergeRastersFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for tiled raster function arguments. |
MessageTemplate (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Controls the properties and methods needed to support Email message content for the Email Alert actions. |
MetadataExtension (esriCatalogUI) |
Provides access to metadata extension. |
MgrsGrid (esriCarto) |
The Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) object. |
MixedFontGridLabel (esriCarto) |
A grid label that uses mixed fonts. |
MLClassifyFunction (esriGeoAnalyst) |
The The ML classification function. |
MLClassifyFunctionArguments (esriGeoAnalyst) |
The ML classification function arguments. |
MobileLayerInfo (esriCarto) |
This is depricated at 10.0: The Mobile Layer Info coclass provides read-only information about a layer in a map. |
MobileLayerInfos (esriCarto) |
This is depricated at 10.0: A collection of Mobile Layer Info objects. |
MobileMapInfo (esriCarto) |
This is depricated at 10.0: The Mobile Server Info coclass provides read-only information about a map. |
MolodenskyBadekasTransformation (esriGeometry) |
Creates a Molodensky-Badekas transformation. |
MolodenskyTransformation (esriGeometry) |
Creates a Molodensky transformation. |
MosaicFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a raster mosaic function. |
MosaicFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for raster mosaic function arguments. |
MosaicLayer (esriCarto) |
The layer implementation of the Mosaic Dataset. |
MosaicLODInfos (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class containing mosaic LOD information. |
MosaicRastersFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The Mosaic Rasters function. |
MosaicRastersFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for mosaicrasters function arguments. |
MosaicRule (esriCarto) |
A mosaic rule class. |
MultidimensionalDefinition (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A collection of multidimensional definition objects. |
MultidimensionalFilterFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for multidimensional filter function. |
MultidimensionalFilterFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for multidimensional filter function arguments. |
MultidimensionalInfo (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for the multidimensional info value object. |
MultidimensionalRasterFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for multidimensional raster function. |
MultidimensionalRasterFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for multidimensional raster function arguments. |
MultiLayerFillSymbol (esriDisplay) |
A fill symbol that contains one or more layers. |
MultiLayerLineSymbol (esriDisplay) |
A line symbol that contains one or more layers. |
MultiLayerMarkerSymbol (esriDisplay) |
A marker symbol that contains one or more layers. |
MultiPartColorRamp (esriDisplay) |
Defines a multi part color ramp, where ramp is defined by a list of constituent color ramps. |
MultiPatch (esriGeometry) |
A collection of surface patches. |
MultiPatchElement (esriCarto) |
The MultiPatch Graphics Element CoClass. |
Multipoint (esriGeometry) |
An ordered collection of points; optionally has measure, height and ID attributes. |
MyPlaceCollection (esriControls) |
A singleton class that manage the collection of my places. |
NACandidateFieldMap (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Deprecated as of 10.0. Field Map holding default value and candidate fields. |
NAClassCandidateFieldMap (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Deprecated as of 10.0. Candidate field maps of an NAClass. |
NAClassDefinition (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Defines how fields should be mapped as inputs and outputs of analysis functions. |
NAClassFieldMap (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Defines one field mapping. |
NAClosestFacilitySolver (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Performs closest facility analysis. |
NACompactStreetDirectionsAgent (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Generates compact driving directions for network analysis results. |
NAContext (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
The analysis and problem definition container. |
NADCON5Transformation (esriGeometry) |
Creates a NADCON5-based transformation. |
NADCONTransformation (esriGeometry) |
Creates a NADCON-based transformation. |
NADirectionsWindow (esriNetworkAnalystUI) |
Network Analyst Directions Window Class. |
NADirectionsWindowManager (esriNetworkAnalystUI) |
Network Analyst Directions Window Manager Class. |
NALayer (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
The layer for defining, solving, and viewing network analysis results. |
NALocation (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Defines the side and position of an analysis object on a feature. |
NALocationAllocationSolver (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Solves various location-allocation problem types |
NALocationRanges (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Defines the set of element positions to be associated with an analysis object. |
NALocator (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Finds network locations for analysis. |
NALocatorFeatureAgent (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Finds network feature locations for analysis. |
NALocatorLocationFieldsAgent (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Defines the network location fields to be used by a locator. |
NamedSet (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
A collection class with access to the items by index or name. |
Names (esriGeoDatabase) |
An object to hold a collection of names. |
NAODCostMatrixResult (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Contains an origin-destination cost matrix. |
NAODCostMatrixSolver (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Performs origin-destination matrix analysis. |
NARouteSolver (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Performs shortest path and tour analysis. |
NAServerClosestFacilityParams (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Deprecated as of 10.0. A container for the closest facility solver settings and return parameters used by NAServer. |
NAServerClosestFacilityResults (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Deprecated as of 10.0. A container for the closest facility network analysis results returned by NAServer. |
NAServerDataLayer (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Deprecated as of 10.0. A container that references a data layer containing network locations. |
NAServerLocationAllocationParams (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Deprecated as of 10.0. A container for the Location-Allocation solver settings and return parameters used by NAServer. |
NAServerLocationAllocationResults (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Deprecated as of 10.0. A container for the Location-Allocation network analysis results returned by NAServer. |
NAServerNetworkAttribute (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Deprecated as of 10.0. A container for network attribute. |
NAServerNetworkDescription (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Deprecated as of 10.0. A container for network description. |
NAServerNetworkDirections (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Deprecated as of 10.0. A container for network directions. |
NAServerNetworkSource (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Deprecated as of 10.0. A container for network source. |
NAServerODCostMatrixParams (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Deprecated as of 10.0. A container for the Origin-Destination Cost Matrix solver settings and return parameters used by NAServer. |
NAServerODCostMatrixResults (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Deprecated as of 10.0. A container for the OD Cost Matrix network analysis results returned by NAServer. |
NAServerPropertySets (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Deprecated as of 10.0. A container for an array of PropertySet objects representing network locations. |
NAServerRecordSet (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Deprecated as of 10.0. A container for a RecordSet of network locations. |
NAServerRouteParams (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Deprecated as of 10.0. A container for the route solver settings and return parameters used by NAServer. |
NAServerRouteResults (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Deprecated as of 10.0. A container for the route network analysis results returned by NAServer. |
NAServerServiceAreaParams (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Deprecated as of 10.0. A container for the service area solver settings and return parameters used by NAServer. |
NAServerServiceAreaResults (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Deprecated as of 10.0. A container for the service area network analysis results returned by NAServer. |
NAServerTravelMode (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Deprecated as of 10.0. A container for a travel mode. |
NAServerVRPParams (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Deprecated as of 10.0. A container for the Vehicle Routing Problem solver settings and return parameters used by NAServer. |
NAServerVRPResults (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Deprecated as of 10.0. A container for the Vehicle Routing Problem network analysis results returned by NAServer. |
NAServiceAreaSolver (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Performs service area analysis. |
NAStopRenderer (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Defines symbology for rendering stops. |
NAStreetDirectionsAgent (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Generates driving directions for network analysis results. |
NATraversalResult (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Contains the result of a network analysis. |
NATraversalResultSource (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Traversal results for a particular source. |
NAVRPResult (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Contains a VRP result. |
NAVRPSolver (esriNetworkAnalyst) |
Performs VRP network analysis. |
NAWindow (esriNetworkAnalystUI) |
The network analysis window. |
NDVIFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a raster NDVI function. |
NDVIFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for NDVI raster function arguments. |
NestedLegendItem (esriCarto) |
Nested legend item. |
NetCDFFeatureClassName (esriDataSourcesNetCDF) |
A container for name information about a NetCDF feature class. |
NetCDFRasterDatasetName (esriDataSourcesNetCDF) |
A container for name information about a NetCDF raster dataset. |
NetCDFTableName (esriDataSourcesNetCDF) |
A container for name information about a NetCDF table. |
NetWeight (esriGeoDatabase) |
A container for defining a weight on the network. |
NetWeightAssociation (esriGeoDatabase) |
A container for defining an association between a network weight and a field in a table. |
NetworkAnalystExtension (esriNetworkAnalystUI) |
The extension for network analysis. |
NetworkDatasetName (esriGeoDatabase) |
A container for describing this network dataset's name properties. |
NetworkDirtyAreaRenderer (esriCarto) |
A renderer used to display network dataset dirty areas. |
NetworkGlobalTurnDelayCategory (esriGeoDatabase) |
A container for defining global turn delay for a specified angle category and from, to, and cross road category. |
NetworkLayer (esriCarto) |
Esri Network Layer CoClass. |
NetworkTrafficRenderer (esriCarto) |
A renderer used to display network dataset traffic. |
NitfCrawler (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A crawler for NITF files. |
NITFGraphicsLayer (esriCarto) |
A NITF graphics layer containing NITF CGM graphics. |
NTv2Transformation (esriGeometry) |
Creates a NTv2-based transformation. |
NullTransformation (esriGeometry) |
Creates a null geographic transformation. |
NumericFormat |
An object for formatting numbers in a variety of numeric formats. |
ObjectClassName (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri Object Class Name object. |
ObjectMemoizer (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A basic LRU-based object memoizer. |
OleFrame (esriArcMapUI) |
The OLE frame. |
Overview (esriCarto) |
A map surround for displaying an overview. |
OverviewWindow (esriArcMapUI) |
Window to display Overviews. |
OwnershipBasedAccessControl (esriGeoDatabase) |
Ownership-based feature-level Access Control. |
Page (esriCarto) |
The On Screen Page. |
PageDescription (esriCarto) |
The Page Description coclass contains a description of the page layout in the current document. |
PageLayout (esriCarto) |
Page Layout class contains maps and map surrounds. |
PanSharpenGramSchmidtFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
Pan Sharpen Gram Schmidt function. |
PanSharpenGramSchmidtFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
Pan Sharpen Gram Schmidt function arguments. |
PansharpeningFilter (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for pansharpening filter. |
PansharpeningFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a sharpening raster function. |
PansharpeningFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for sharpening raster function arguments. |
Paper (esriOutput) |
The default printer page settings. |
ParagraphTextElement (esriCarto) |
The Graphic Element to display text which flows into an area geometry. |
Parameter (esriGeometry) |
Creates a parameter. |
ParcelConstructionData (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) |
Esri Cadastral Fabric Parcel Construction Data Class. |
PercentageFormat |
An object for formatting numbers in a percentage format. |
PictureElement (esriCarto) |
Picture Graphic Element. |
PictureFillSymbol (esriDisplay) |
A fill symbol based on either a BMP or an EMF picture. |
PictureLineSymbol (esriDisplay) |
A line symbol composed of either a BMP or an EMF picture. |
PictureMarkerSymbol (esriDisplay) |
A marker symbol based on either a BMP or an EMF picture. |
PieChartSymbol (esriDisplay) |
Defines a pie chart symbol. |
PixelBlock (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
Esri PixelBlock, a container of pixel data. |
Place (esriControls) |
Representation of a given place. |
PMFTitleTextElement (esriCarto) |
The Graphic Element to display dynamic PMF titles. |
PngPictureElement (esriCarto) |
Graphic Element to display PNG Pictures. |
Point (esriGeometry) |
A two dimensional point, optionally with measure, height, and ID attributes. |
PointLabelPlacementDescription (esriCarto) |
Point Lable Placement Description coclass. |
PointPlacementPriorities (esriCarto) |
Controls placement position priorities for point labels. |
Polygon (esriGeometry) |
A collection of rings ordered by their containment relationship; optionally has measure, height and ID attributes. |
PolygonArray (esriGeometry) |
A collection of Polygon objects. |
PolygonElement (esriCarto) |
The Graphic Element to display polygons. |
PolygonLabelPlacementDescription (esriCarto) |
Polygon Lable Placement Description coclass. |
Polyline (esriGeometry) |
An ordered collection of paths; optionally has measure, height and ID attributes. |
PolylineArray (esriGeometry) |
A collection of Polyline objects. |
PolynomialXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A polynomial transform class. |
PositionVectorTransformation (esriGeometry) |
Creates a Position Vector transformation. |
PresetColorRamp (esriDisplay) |
Defines a preset color ramp, where ramp is defined by a list of exactly 13 manually specified colors. |
PrimeMeridian (esriGeometry) |
Creates a prime meridian. |
ProcessLayer (esriGeoprocessing) |
A collection of process layers that behaves like a single layer. |
ProjectedCoordinateSystem (esriGeometry) |
Creates a projected coordinate system. |
Projection (esriGeometry) |
Creates a map projection. |
ProjectiveXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A projective transform class. |
PropertyInfo (esriCarto) |
PropertyInfo co-class. |
PropertyInfos (esriCarto) |
PropertyInfos co-class. |
PropertySet |
Esri Property Set object. |
PropertySetArray |
A collection of IPropertySet objects. |
ProportionalSymbolRenderer (esriCarto) |
A proportional symbol renderer, used to draw symbols of varying size for each feature, sized in proportion to a field value. |
PsPrinter (esriOutput) |
Class used to print maps with the PostScript Printer Driver. |
Publisher (esriPublisherUI) |
The Publisher Extension coclass. |
PyramidFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a RegionGrow raster function. |
PyramidFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a Pyramid raster function arguments. |
PythonAdapterFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for an python adaptor raster function. |
PythonAdapterFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for an python adaptor raster function arguments. |
QueryFilter (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri Query Filter object. |
QueryResult (esriCarto) |
A Query Result CoClass for storing information about the results of a query. |
QueryResultOptions (esriCarto) |
Query Result Options CoClass. |
QueryTableDataSourceDescription (esriCarto) |
A coclass that contains settings to describe a dynamic table from registered workspace by providing SQL statement. |
QueryTableName (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri Query table Name object. |
RadarCalibrationFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a radiometric calibration function. |
RadarCalibrationFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for radiometric calibration function arguments. |
RandomColorRamp (esriDisplay) |
Defines a random color ramp, where ramp is a list of randomly picked colors. |
RandomFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The raster function of random values. |
RandomFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The arguments for the random raster function. |
RangeDomain (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri Range Domain object. |
Raster3DProperties (esri3DAnalyst) |
Three-dimensional scene filter for a raster. |
RasterAnalysis (esriGeoAnalyst) |
A collection of information about the raster analysis environment. |
RasterBandName (esriGeoDatabase) |
A container for name information about a raster band. |
RasterBasemapLayer (esriCarto) |
Basemap Layer containing a Raster. |
RasterCatalogLayer (esriCarto) |
Raster catalog source and display options. |
RasterCatalogName (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri RasterCatalog Name object. |
RasterClassifyColorRampRenderer (esriCarto) |
A renderer with a color ramp for rasters with classified values. |
RasterColormap (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A container for a colormap used to display a raster band. |
RasterColormapRenderer (esriCarto) |
A raster colormap renderer. |
RasterDatasetName (esriGeoDatabase) |
A container for name information about a raster dataset. |
RasterDataSourceDescription (esriCarto) |
A coclass that contains settings to describe a dynamic raster from a registered workspace. |
RasterDef (esriGeoDatabase) |
Raster Column Definition Class. |
RasterDiscreteColorRenderer (esriCarto) |
A raster discrete color renderer. |
RasterDRAShader (esriCarto) |
The raster shader for rendering pixels in dyanmic range adjustment mode. |
RasterFunctionCollection (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a raster function collection. |
RasterFunctionInfo (esriCarto) |
A raster function info object. |
RasterFunctionInfos (esriCarto) |
A collection of raster function info objects. |
RasterFunctionTemplate (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a template raster function. |
RasterFunctionTemplateArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for template function arguments. |
RasterFunctionVariable (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The class for template raster function arguments. |
RasterInfo (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a raster info value object containing information about a raster. |
RasterInfoFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The raster info function for modifying raster properties. |
RasterInfoFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The raster info function arguments. |
RasterInfos (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
An array of RasterInfo objects. |
RasterItemDescription (esriCarto) |
An image service rendering rule class. |
RasterItemDescriptions (esriCarto) |
A list of raster item description objects. |
RasterItemFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a raster item function. |
RasterItemFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for raster item function arguments. |
RasterizeFeatureClassFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a RasterizeFeatureClass raster function. |
RasterizeFeatureClassFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for RasterizeFeatureClass raster function arguments. |
RasterLayer (esriCarto) |
Raster layer source and display options. |
RasterLayerDrawingDescription (esriCarto) |
Raster layer drawing description. |
RasterRGBRenderer (esriCarto) |
A true-color RGB renderer. |
RasterRGBSymbol (esriCarto) |
Esri RasterRGBSymbol for raster rendering. |
RasterShader (esriCarto) |
The raster shader for rendering pixels. |
RasterStorageDef (esriGeoDatabase) |
Raster Value Storage Definition Class. |
RasterStretchColorRampRenderer (esriCarto) |
A renderer with a color ramp for rasters with continuous values. |
RasterThumbnailBuilder (esriCarto) |
A helper class for converting a Raster to an in-memory raster thumbnail. |
RasterTypeInfo (esriCarto) |
A raster type info object. |
RasterTypeInfos (esriCarto) |
A collection of raster type info objects. |
RasterTypeName (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The raster type name object. |
RasterUniqueValueRenderer (esriCarto) |
A renderer for rasters with unique values. |
RasterValue (esriGeoDatabase) |
The Raster Value Class. |
RateFormat |
An object for formatting numbers in a rate format. |
RealTimeFeedManager (esriCarto) |
The real-time feed manager object. |
RealTimeFeedSimulator (esriCarto) |
The real-time feed simulator object. |
RecastFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a function invocation function. |
RecastFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a function invocation function arguments. |
RecordSet (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri Record Set object. |
RectangleElement (esriCarto) |
The Graphic Element to display rectangles. |
RedactionFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
RedactionFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
ReflectanceFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The Reflectance function. |
ReflectanceFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for Apparent Reflectance raster function arguments. |
RegionGrowFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a RegionGrow raster function. |
RegionGrowFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a RegionGrow raster function arguments. |
RelateDescription (esriCarto) |
A colcass that describes a relate for QueryRelatedRows. |
RelatedRecordGroup (esriCarto) |
A colcass that contains related records for every source id. |
RelatedRecordGroups (esriCarto) |
A colcass that contains array of related record groups. |
RelatedRecordSet (esriCarto) |
A colcass that contains related record groups and the fields of those related records. |
RelateInfo (esriCarto) |
A colcass that contains the infromation about the relate. |
RelateInfos (esriCarto) |
A collection of relates. |
RelationshipClassName (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri Relationship Class Name object. |
RelationshipRule (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri relationship rule object. |
RelQueryTableName (esriGeoDatabase) |
A name class that represents a RelQueryTable. |
RemapFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a remap raster function. |
RemapFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for remap raster function arguments. |
RemoveHazeFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a remove haze function. |
RemoveHazeFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for remove haze function arguments. |
RenderedRasterFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a rendered raster function. |
RenderedRasterFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for rendered raster function arguments. |
RenderingRule (esriCarto) |
An image service rendering rule class. |
ReplicaDescription (esriGeoDatabase) |
Defines the datasets in a replica. |
RepresentationClassName (esriGeoDatabase) |
Name coclass for representation classes. |
RepresentationGraphics (esriDisplay) |
An object defining a free representation. |
RepresentationMarker (esriDisplay) |
A representation marker object. |
RepresentationRenderer (esriCarto) |
A renderer that draws features using representation information stored in the layer�s data source. |
RepresentationRule (esriDisplay) |
An object defining a representation rule. |
RepresentationRuleItem (esriDisplay) |
A representation rule item object. |
RepresentationRules (esriGeoDatabase) |
A collection of representation rules object. |
ReprojectFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The Reproject function Class. |
ReprojectFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The Reproject function arguments. |
ResampleFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a resampling function. |
ResampleFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for resampling function arguments. |
ResponseMessage (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Implements IResponseMessage interface to access responses from the Tracking Server or datalinks in which a command was issued.. |
ResultPortionInfo (esriGeoDatabase) |
A class used to define query result portion options. |
RGB32Function (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a packed RGBA raster function. |
RGB32ToRGBFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a packed RGBA to 3 band RGB conversion raster function. |
RgbColor (esriDisplay) |
A color in the RGB(Red Green Blue) color system. |
RGBToColormapFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a raster RGB-To-Colormap conversion function. |
RoundedTabStyle (esriCarto) |
A rounded tab style grid label for index grids. |
RouteEventSourceName (esriLocation) |
Route event source name object. |
RouteEventsSourcePageExtension (esriLocationUI) |
Data source extension for Route Event data sources. |
RouteLayerExtension (esriLocation) |
Layer Extension for route feature class. |
RouteMeasureLineProperties (esriLocation) |
Properties for route measure line event tables. |
RouteMeasureLocatorName (esriLocation) |
Route measure locator name object. |
RouteMeasurePointProperties (esriLocation) |
Properties for route measure point event tables. |
RPCXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A Rational Polynomial Coefficient (RPC) transform class. |
RulerSettings (esriCarto) |
Ruler settings for use with a PageLayout. |
S1RadiometricCalibrationFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for Sentinel-1 radiometric calibration function |
S1RadiometricCalibrationFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for Sentinel-1 radiometric calibration function arguments. |
S1ThermalNoiseRemovalFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for Sentinel-1 thermal noise removal function |
SAExtension (esriSpatialAnalystUI) |
Spatial Analyst Extension Object. |
SAIFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The Slope-Aspect Index (SAI) function. |
SAIFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The Slope-Aspect Index (SAI) function arguments. |
Scalar (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The class for a scalar value. |
Scalebar (esriCarto) |
Obsolete scale bar coclass. Exists to preserve document format. |
ScaleDependentRenderer (esriCarto) |
A scale dependent renderer that is composed of multiple renderers, each operating within a particular scale range. |
ScaleFormat |
A utility object for formatting scale. |
ScaleLine (esriCarto) |
A map surround for displaying a scale line. |
ScaleText (esriCarto) |
A map surround for displaying a scale text. |
Scene (esri3DAnalyst) |
A container for the display and manipulation of data. |
SchematicADOConnection (esriSchematic) |
Schematic ADO Data Source object. |
SchematicADOExtendedConnection (esriSchematic) |
Schematic ADO Extended Data Source object. |
SchematicDAOConnection (esriSchematic) |
Schematic DAO Jet connection object. |
SchematicDAOOdbcDirectConnection (esriSchematic) |
Schematic DAO Odbc direct connection object. |
SchematicDatasetName (esriSchematic) |
Schematic dataset name object. |
SchematicDiagramClassName (esriSchematic) |
Schematic diagram class name object. |
SchematicDiagramName (esriSchematic) |
Schematic diagram name object. |
SchematicFolderName (esriSchematic) |
Schematic folder name object. |
SchematicGDBAccessConnection (esriSchematic) |
Schematic Access Geodatabase object. |
SchematicGDBFileConnection (esriSchematic) |
Schematic File Geodatabase object. |
SchematicGDBOleDBConnection (esriSchematic) |
Schematic OleDB Geodatabase object. |
SchematicGDBSdeConnection (esriSchematic) |
Schematic SDE Geodatabase object. |
SchematicLayer (esriSchematic) |
A Schematic layer object. |
SchematicWorkspaceName (esriSchematic) |
Schematic workspace name object. |
ScientificDataCrawler (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A crawler for files containing scientific data. |
ScientificFormat |
An object for formatting numbers in a scientific format. |
SegmentMeanShiftFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
SegmentMeanShiftFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
SegmentToIndexFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a SegmentToIndex raster function. |
SegmentToIndexFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for SegmentToIndex raster function arguments. |
SelectionEnvironment (esriCarto) |
Defines the feature selection environment. |
Sentinel2Builder (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The generic Sentinel-2 raster builder object. |
ServerConnection (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Manages connection to Tracking Server. |
ServerLayerExtension (esriCarto) |
A server layer extension used to store extended properties for a server layer. |
ServerStyleGallery (esriDisplay) |
The Server Style Gallery. |
ServerStyleGalleryItem (esriDisplay) |
An item in the Server Style Gallery. |
ServerSymbolOutputOptions (esriCarto) |
Options to control the server symbol output. |
ServiceData (esriCarto) |
Service Data |
ServiceDataOptions (esriCarto) |
Service Data Options |
ShadedReliefFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The Shaded Relief function. |
ShadedReliefFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The Shaded Relief function arguments. |
SharedEdgeRenderer (esriEditorExt) |
A renderer that can be used to draw topology elements. |
ShortcutName |
GxObject that represents the shortcut Name Object. |
SidPictureElement (esriCarto) |
Graphic Element to display SID Pictures. This coclass is deprecated. It will not be available in a future release. |
SimpleFillSymbol (esriDisplay) |
A fill symbol comprised from a predefined set of styles. |
SimpleLine3DSymbol (esri3DAnalyst) |
Simple 3D Line Symbol component. |
SimpleLineCallout (esriDisplay) |
A simple line that links text to a specified location. |
SimpleLineDecorationElement (esriDisplay) |
Simple Line Decoration Element. |
SimpleLineSymbol (esriDisplay) |
A line symbol comprised of a predefined set of styles. |
SimpleMapGridBorder (esriCarto) |
A map grid border that uses simple lines. |
SimpleMapImage (esriCarto) |
A raster that is rendered using a renderer. |
SimpleMarker3DSymbol (esri3DAnalyst) |
Simple 3D Marker Symbol component. |
SimpleMarkerSymbol (esriDisplay) |
A marker symbol comprised of a predefined set of styles. |
SimpleNetworkRenderer (esriCarto) |
A simple renderer used to display network dataset junctions, edges, and turns. |
SimpleRenderer (esriCarto) |
A simple renderer where the same symbol is drawn for each feature. |
SingleDivisionScaleBar (esriCarto) |
A map surround for displaying a single division scale bar. |
SkySatBuilder (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A raster builder for SkySat data |
SlopeFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The Slope function. |
SlopeFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The Slope function arguments. |
SnapGrid (esriCarto) |
Snapping Grid for use with a PageLayout. |
SnapGuides (esriCarto) |
Snapping Guides for use with a PageLayout. |
SolidColorPattern (esriDisplay) |
A solid color pattern object. |
SolidSnap (esriArcScan) |
Snap agent that snaps to the solids of a raster. |
SpatialFilter (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri Spatial Filter object. |
SpeckleFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a speckle raster function. |
SpeckleFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for speckle raster function arguments. |
SpectralConversionFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The spectral conversion function. |
SpectralConversionFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The spectral conversion function arguments. |
Spheroid (esriGeometry) |
Creates a spheroid. |
SplineXform (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A Thin Plate Spline transform class. |
SPOT5Xform (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A SPOT5 1A transform class. |
Spot6FileCrawler (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A crawler for SPOT 6 files. |
SQLSyntaxInfo (esriCarto) |
The SQL Syntax Info coclass supplies information about SQL functionality. |
StackedChartSymbol (esriDisplay) |
Defines a stacked chart symbol. |
StandaloneTable (esriCarto) |
A standalone table. |
StandaloneTableDescription (esriCarto) |
The StandaloneTable Description coclass contains settings of a standalone table in a map. |
StandaloneTableDescriptions (esriCarto) |
A collection of Standalone Table Description objects. |
StandaloneTableInfo (esriCarto) |
The coclass contains information for standalone table in a map. |
StandaloneTableInfos (esriCarto) |
A collection of Standalone Table Info objects. |
StatisticDescription (esriCarto) |
A statistic to be requested from the server. |
StatisticDescriptions (esriCarto) |
A collection of statistics to be requested from the server. |
StatisticsFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a statistic raster function. |
StatisticsFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for statistics raster function arguments. |
StatisticsHistogramFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a statistics and histogram raster function. |
StatisticsHistogramFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for statistics and histogram raster function arguments. |
StatisticsRequest (esriCarto) |
A request of statistics from a Map Server. |
StatsHistogram (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A raster statistics and histogram class. |
StatusMessage (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Message reporting status to the Tracking Server. |
SteppedScaleLine (esriCarto) |
A map surround for displaying a stepped scale line. |
StrArray |
An object for holding a String array. |
StretchFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a stretch raster function. |
StretchFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for stretch raster function arguments. |
StyleGallery (esriFramework) |
The Style Gallery object. |
StyleGalleryItem (esriFramework) |
An item in the Style Gallery. |
SubtypeInfo (esriCarto) |
A colcass that contains Subtype information including Domains. |
SubtypeInfos (esriCarto) |
A colcass that contains Array of Subtype information. |
SwathFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for the swath function. |
SwathFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for the swath function arguments. |
SxAnimationEnvironment (esri3DAnalyst) |
3D Animation Manager Environment. |
SymbolBackground (esriCarto) |
Background drawn using a symbol. |
SymbolBorder (esriCarto) |
Border drawn using a symbol. |
SymbolCollection (esriDisplay) |
Collection of symbols and id pairs. |
SymbolShadow (esriCarto) |
Shadow drawn using a symbol. |
TableDataSourceDescription (esriCarto) |
A coclass that contains settings to describe a dynamic table from registered workspace. |
TableEdit (esriCarto) |
TableEdit |
TableEditResult (esriCarto) |
TableEditResult |
TableEditResults (esriCarto) |
TableEditResult |
TableEdits (esriCarto) |
TableEdits |
TableFrame (esriEditorExt) |
Graphic Element to display table. |
TableFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a table raster function. |
TableFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for table raster function arguments. |
TableIdentities (esriCarto) |
TableIdentity (esriCarto) |
TableName (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri Table Name object. |
TableProperties (esriArcMapUI) |
Table window properties. |
TableProperty (esriArcMapUI) |
Table window property. |
TableQueryName (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri Table Query Name object. |
TAExtension (esriTrackingAnalystUI) |
Defines the coclass for the TAExtension implementation. |
TagAction (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Controls settings and functionality for the tag action. |
Template (esriDisplay) |
Stores information on the mark and gap patterns for lines. |
TemplateInfo (esriCarto) |
TemplateInfo co-class. |
TemplateInfos (esriCarto) |
TemplateInfos co-class. |
TemporalChartElement (esriTrackingAnalystUI) |
Controls elements of the temporal charts. |
TemporalFeatureLayer (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Defines the coclass IDL parameters and attributes of the TemporalFeatureLayer COM object. |
TemporalLegendClass (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Controls settings for individual temporal class, such as time window period and offset. |
TemporalLegendGroup (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Contains group of two or more temporal legend classes. |
TemporalOperator (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Implements ITemporalOperator to identify and manage temporal playback settings. |
TemporalQueryFilter (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Controls properties for the temporal query filter. |
TemporalRecordSet (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Defines the COM coclass for the TemporalRecordSet COM object. |
TemporalReference (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Maintains temporal perspective on data and notifies all clients when the value changes. |
TerrainDirtyAreaRenderer (esriCarto) |
Terrain dirty area renderer component. |
TerrainLayer (esriCarto) |
The Terrain Layer class. |
TerrainName (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) |
Esri Terrain Name object. |
TerrainPointAttributeRenderer (esriCarto) |
Terrain point renderer component. |
TerrainPointElevationRenderer (esriCarto) |
Terrain point renderer component. |
TerrainPointUniqueValueRenderer (esriCarto) |
Terrain point unique value renderer component. |
TerrainToRasterFunction (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) |
The TerrainToRasterFunction class. |
TerrainToRasterFunctionArguments (esriGeoDatabaseExtensions) |
The TerrainToRasterFunction arguments. |
Text3DElement (esriCarto) |
The Text3D Graphics Element CoClass. |
TextElement (esriCarto) |
The Graphic Element to display text. |
TextMarkerSymbol (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Class used to create a text marker symbol used to symbolize point geometries. |
TextSymbol (esriDisplay) |
A symbol that controls how text is displayed. |
TextureFillSymbol (esri3DAnalyst) |
Texture Fill Symbol component. |
TextureLineSymbol (esri3DAnalyst) |
Texture Line Symbol component. |
ThresholdFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a binary thresholding function. |
ThresholdFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for binary thresholding function arguments. |
ThumbnailInfo (esriGeoDatabase) |
Provides access to ThumbnailInfo object. |
TifPictureElement (esriCarto) |
Graphic Element to display TIF Pictures. |
TileCacheInfo (esriCarto) |
A Tile Cache Info object. |
TileImageInfo (esriCarto) |
A Tile Image Info object. |
Time |
An object that represents a date and time value. |
TimeControl (esriTrackingAnalystUI) |
The Playback Manager Control. |
TimeDuration |
An object that represents a time duration value. |
TimeExtent |
An object that represents a time-referenced time extent. |
TimeInstant |
An object that represents a time-referenced instant in time. |
TimeLayerTrackExtension (esriAnimation) |
Time Layer Track Extension. |
TimeQueryFilter (esriCarto) |
TimeQueryFilter Class |
TimeReference |
An object that represents a time reference, including a time zone. |
TimeWindow (esriAnimation) |
The Time Window object. |
TimeZoneInfo |
An object that represents a time zone information. |
TimeZoneRule |
An object that represents a time zone dynamic adjustments rule. |
Tin3DProperties (esri3DAnalyst) |
Three-dimensional scene filter for TINs. |
TinAspectRenderer (esriCarto) |
TIN aspect renderer component. |
TinBreaklineRenderer (esriCarto) |
TIN breakline renderer component. |
TinContourRenderer (esriCarto) |
TIN contour renderer component. |
TinEdgeRenderer (esriCarto) |
TIN edge renderer component. |
TinElevationRenderer (esriCarto) |
TIN elevation renderer component. |
TinFaceRenderer (esriCarto) |
TIN face renderer component. |
TinFaceValueRenderer (esriCarto) |
TIN face value renderer component. |
TinLayer (esriCarto) |
The TIN Layer class. |
TinName (esriGeoDatabase) |
The Esri TinName component. |
TinNodeElevationRenderer (esriCarto) |
TIN node elevation renderer component. |
TinNodeRenderer (esriCarto) |
TIN node renderer component. |
TinNodeValueRenderer (esriCarto) |
TIN node value renderer component. |
TinSlopeRenderer (esriCarto) |
TIN slope renderer component. |
TopologyExtension (esriEditorExt) |
Extension for working with topology. |
TopologyLayer (esriCarto) |
A collection of properties for a topology layer. |
TopologyName (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri Topology Name object. |
TopologyRule (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri Topology Rule object. |
TrackingEnvironment (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Provides a storage area for global Tracking environment objects. |
TrackingFilterLayerExtension (esriTrackingAnalystUI) |
TrackingFilterLayerExtension Class |
TrackingServiceDef (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
Defines a tracking service in a server connection. |
TransparencyDisplayFilter (esriDisplay) |
Esri Transparency Display Filter. |
TransposeBitsFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a function raster dataset name. |
TransposeBitsFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for a function raster dataset. |
TrendFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The Trend function. |
TrendFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The Trend function arguments. |
UavUasBuilder (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The generic UAV/UAS raster builder object. |
Unique Identifier Object. |
UniqueValueInfo (esriCarto) |
UniqueValueRendererInfoClass Class |
UniqueValueInfos (esriCarto) |
A collection of UniqueValueInfo objects. |
UniqueValueRenderer (esriCarto) |
A unique values renderer where symbols are assigned to features based on an unique attribute values. |
UniqueValues (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A raster unique value class. |
UniqueValuesDef (esriCarto) |
A coclass that describes how to generate unique values. |
UniqueValueTextRenderer (esriTrackingAnalyst) |
This is a feature renderer that supports rendering points using values from a field in the feature class. |
UnitChangeTransformation (esriGeometry) |
Creates a unit change transformation. |
UnitConversionFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
The Unit Conversion function. |
UnitConversionFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for Unit Conversion raster function arguments. |
UnknownCoordinateSystem (esriGeometry) |
Creates an unknown coordinate system. |
VarArray |
An object for holding a Variant array. |
VectorFieldFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for vector field raster function. |
VectorFieldFunctionArguments (esriDataSourcesRaster) |
A class for vector field raster function arguments. |
VectorFieldRendererFunction (esriCarto) |
A class for vector field renderer function. |
VectorFieldRendererFunctionArguments (esriCarto) |
A class for vector field renderer function arguments. |
Vectorization (esriArcScan) |
The Vectorization ArcMap Extension. |
VectorizationStyle (esriArcScan) |
An object that controls vectorization preview and properties. |
VerticalCoordinateSystem (esriGeometry) |
Creates a vertical coordinate system. |
VerticalDatum (esriGeometry) |
Creates a vertical datum. |
VerticalLegendItem (esriCarto) |
Vertical legend item. |
VisualBasicAction (esriTrackingAnalystUI) |
Controls settings and functionality for the custom Visual Basic action. |
WCSLayer (esriCarto) |
WCS layer source and display options. |
WeightedOverlayFunction (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
The weighted overlay function. |
WeightedOverlayFunctionArguments (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
The weighted overlay function arguments. |
WeightedSumFunction (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
The weighted sum raster function. |
WeightedSumFunctionArguments (esriSpatialAnalyst) |
The weighted sum function arguments. |
WMSGroupLayer (esriCarto) |
A container for the display of WMS group layers. |
WMSLayer (esriCarto) |
A container for the display of WMS sub layers. |
WMSMapLayer (esriCarto) |
A container for the display and manipulation of WMS layers. |
WMTSLayer (esriCarto) |
Provides programmatic access to WMTS layer. |
WorkspaceName (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri Workspace Name object. |
XMLFilterDef (esriGeoDatabase) |
Esri XML Filter Definition object. |
XMLIndex (esriGeoDatabase) |
XML Index Object. |
XMLIndexTag (esriGeoDatabase) |
XML Index Tag Object. |
XMLIndexTags (esriGeoDatabase) |
XML Index Tags Collection Object. |
XYDataSourcePageExtension (esriLocationUI) |
Data source extension for XY data sources. |
XYEvent2FieldsProperties (esriGeoDatabase) |
Defines the fields needed for an xy event layer, requiring atleast X and Y fields. |
XYEventSourceName (esriGeoDatabase) |
A name object that defines the objects needed to create an XY event layer. |