This tool will export the Workflow Manager repository to a .jxl file in the specified folder location. The .jxl file will contain all the configuration information for the repository as well as information about all the jobs. The .jxl file can be imported into another Workflow Manager repository using the Import Job Data tool.
You may have distributed repositories across multiple servers or locations to support distributed workforces. In a disconnected replication where the parent and child nodes are not connected to a network or Internet, you may need to create the replica and synchronize changes offline. The Export Job Data tool accomplishes this to allow the administrator to update the child Workflow Manager repositories with the most up-to-date configuration. Workflow Manager time stamps any changes, so to only get changes that are from a specific time (like last export/synchronization), you can specify a date for the Export Since parameter. This will only export elements that have changed since the specified Export Since date. To obtain changes made across a time range, use the Export Since parameter to specify a start date and the Export Until parameter to specify an end date.
The output of this tool is an integer export status value. The export status will be 0 upon success or a negative number upon failure. You can view the export status in the Results window, or use it as a precondition to subsequent tool execution in ModelBuilder.
ExportJobData_wmx ({Input_Repository_Name}, Input_Folder, {Input_DatabasePath}, {Input_Export_Since}, {Input_Export_Until})
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
Input_Repository_Name (Facultatif) | The name of the Workflow Manager repository that contains the configuration to be shared. If repository name is not specified, the current default Workflow Manager repository name is used. | String |
Input_Folder | The location of the JXL file output from the tool. This folder can be on a local or a network drive. | Folder |
Input_DatabasePath (Facultatif) | The Workflow Manager connection file for the database to be exported. If no connection file is specified, the current default Workflow Manager database in the project is used. | File |
Input_Export_Since (Facultatif) | By specifying a date, the JXL exported will only contain changes that occurred between the specified time and the current date. The input should be in UTC time format. | Date |
Input_Export_Until (Facultatif) | By specifying a date, the JXL exported will only contain changes that occurred between Export Since and the specified time. The input should be in UTC time format. | Date |
Exemple de code
ExportJobData example 1 (stand-alone Python script)
Export the configuration, with job information, of the specified Workflow Manager repository to a folder location. The export would be the configuration as of December 9, 2010.
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
# Check out any necessary licenses
# Local variables:
Input_Folder = "C:\\Temp"
Input_DatabasePath = "C:\\Program Files\\WMX\\Database\\wmx.jtc"
Input_Repository_Name = "Redlands_Repository"
Input_Export_Since = "12/09/2010 2:14:30 PM"
Input_Export_Until = "12/09/2012 4:00:00 PM"
# Process: Export Job Data
arcpy.ExportJobData_wmx(Input_Folder, Input_DatabasePath, Input_Repository_Name, Input_Export_Since, Input_Export_Until)
ExportJobData example 2 (stand-alone Python script)
Export the configuration, with job information, of the default Workflow Manager repository to a folder location.
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
# Check out any necessary licenses
# Local variables:
Input_Folder = "C:\\Temp"
# Process: Export Job Data
Cet outil n'utilise aucun environnement de géotraitement
Informations de licence
- ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: Annuler
- ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: Requis Workflow Manager
- ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: Requis Workflow Manager