From the file manager, several properties can be seen for each file that is stored in the product library. These properties are in addition to those available using the details view in the file manager. They include the name and title for a file, any links associated with them, and version information. The four property panes are General, Summary, Links, and History.
The properties in the General and Summary panes can be viewed using the details view in the file manager, but those from the other panes cannot. The Related Items list in the Links pane contains the product library parts to which a file is linked. The History pane provides information about different versions of a single file.
The properties on the General pane provide basic information about the file, such as the following:
- The name of the file, which can be changed
- Type of file—The file type, according to the operating system
- Size—File size in kilobytes (KB) or megabytes (MB) and bytes
- Status—The current status of the document, which is Checked in or Checked out to [user name]
- Location—The location of the file, which is stored in the product library database
- Created—The date and time at which the file was created or added to the product library
- Modified—The date and time at which the file was last checked out or checked back in

The History pane includes properties such as version information (all the available major, minor, and revision versions of a file) and the following:
- Date created—The date on which the version was created (the initial version is automatically created when the file is generated or added to the product library)
- Created by—The user name of the person who created the file version
- File size—The file size for a version
- Comment—Notes that were added when the file was checked in

The links only apply to external documents from the file system that have been copied into the product library. A file from the file system on a computer can be copied to multiple levels in the product library or referenced in different levels of the product library.

The Summary pane includes the following properties:
- Title—The title of the file, which typically matches the file name
- Author—The user name of the person who created the document
- Editor—The user name of the person who last modified the document
- Comments—Additional notes that are associated with the current file version