The Angled Holding Pattern tool allows you to change the holding pattern line depiction in an instrument approach profile view from the existing depiction to one that is angled. The angled line originates from a horizontal holding pattern line and intersects the associated vertical line. Changing the holding pattern portrayal indicates when or where in the holding pattern it is safe to change altitudes or descend.

You can move the end of the angled line along the horizontal holding pattern line using the node at the intersection of the lines as shown in the graphic below:

- 启动 ArcMap。
- On the main menu, click View > Layout View.
- On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Aviation Terminal Procedure.
- On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Aviation Profile Edit.
Click the Edit Instrument Approach Profile button
on the Aviation Terminal Procedure toolbar.
- Select a holding pattern inside the instrument approach profile view element.
- Click the Angled Holding Pattern button
on the Aviation Profile Edit toolbar.
The selected holding pattern updates with a descending, angled line connecting to the associated vertical line.