Publishing schematic services by copying data to the server or not
Publishing a schematic service by referencing the source schematic data
To publish a schematics service without copying data to the server, the enterprise geodatabase or data folder where the schematic diagrams you want to publish are stored, need to be registered with the server, and your server must be able to access this data.
You can register your schematics data with the server using either ArcGIS Desktop or Manager:
Registering schematics data with the server using ArcGIS Desktop
To register your schematic source data using ArcGIS Desktop, follow the steps detailed in Registering your data with ArcGIS Server using ArcGIS Desktop and, depending on the type of the data source you want to register, do one of the following:
- If registering an enterprise geodatabase, keep the Same as publisher database connection check box checked.
- If registering a folder, keep the Same as publisher folder path check box checked.
Registering schematics data with the server using Manager
To register your schematic source data using ArcGIS Server Manager, follow the steps detailed in Registering your data with ArcGIS Server using Manager and select Shared whenever you are registering an enterprise geodatabase or a folder. Then specify the connection file to the shared database or the path to the shared folder.
Publishing a schematic service by copying the source schematic data to the server
To publish a schematics service by copying data to the server, the enterprise geodatabase or data folder where the schematic diagrams you want to publish are stored must not be registered with the server. When publishing a map referencing schematics data stored in an enterprise geodatabase or data folder which is not registered with the server, the publication process automatically copies the schematics data to the server in a similar way it operates for most of GIS datasets.
Schematic layers' data source and allowed operations
When publishing a map with the Schematics capability and allowing the Query operation only—by default, the resulting schematics service can be used for:
- Querying and viewing diagrams
- Applying schematic layout algorithms without saving the layout results
When publishing a map with the Schematics capability and allowing both the Query and Editing operations, the resulting schematics service can be used for the following:
- Querying and viewing diagrams, and applying schematic layout algorithms without saving the layout results.
- Saving schematic diagram layouts, updating diagrams, locking/unlocking diagrams.
- Generating new diagrams.