A survey profile is a summarization of households or adults in a specific consumer survey category summarized across all segments. The source of this survey data is GfK MRI (Mediamark Research & Intelligence, LLC). GfK MRI conducts a survey that measures the demand for various products and services. Because GfK MRI and Esri can identify each survey respondent by Tapestry segment, you can create a profile of the customers who purchase or use the various products and services on the GfK MRI survey. These GfK MRI profiles can be used as surrogates for your own customer data in cases where customer address information is not available. Additionally, they can be used to compare a nationally weighted profile to your customer profile to identify segments where you are performing better or worse compared to the national survey data.
Input Prerequisites
Example Output
The Profiles dialog box shows you the count, percent, total volume, and average volumetric of summarized data by segment. You can click the field headings to sort by that field. Click the heading again to toggle between ascending and descending order.
- Count—The number of households or adults that are classified in this segment.
- Percent—The percent of households or adults that are classified in this segment compared to all segments. This column should add up to 100%.
- Total Volume—When viewed for a survey profile, this value represents the same value as in the Count field. Volumetric data is not available for the GfK MRI survey data.
- Average volumetric—When viewed for a survey profile, this value is always 1. Volumetric data is not available for GfK MRI survey data. This value is calculated by dividing Total Volume by Count.

The GfK MRI survey data provided in Business Analyst is based on households or adults (population age 18 and up). Survey data for the population under age 18 is not available in Business Analyst.
Depending on the survey question asked, the survey data from GfK MRI can represent a household or an adult. An example of a household-based survey question involves the purchase of a refrigerator. Because a large appliance purchase, such as a refrigerator, is typically purchased for the household, this is considered a household-based survey question. A survey question that asks how many pairs of athletic shoes were purchased in the last 12 months is an adult-based survey question because the shoes are typically used for one person and are not used by the household.
In the Profiles dialog box below, (H) is an abbreviation for households and (A) is an abbreviation for adults.

While neither base type is better or worse, it is important to be consistent in your analysis and make sure that all profiles are either household or adult based.