Class |
Description |
CommandPool |
A collection of commands used by the ToolbarControl. |
CommandsEnvironment |
Defines the commands environment. |
Controls3DAnalystContourTool |
Generates the contour that passes through a query point. |
Controls3DAnalystSteepestPathTool |
Generates the steepest path down from a point. |
ControlsAddDataCommand |
Browses data sets and adds data. |
ControlsAGOLSignonCommand |
ArcGIS Online Signin Command. |
ControlsAlignBottomCommand |
Aligns selected elements to the bottom. |
ControlsAlignCenterCommand |
Aligns selected elements to the horizontal center. |
ControlsAlignLeftCommand |
Aligns selected elements to the left. |
ControlsAlignMiddleCommand |
Aligns selected elements to the vertical center. |
ControlsAlignRightCommand |
Aligns selected elements to the right. |
ControlsAlignToMarginsCommand |
Toggles whether alignment is to page margins or elements in the selection. |
ControlsAlignTopCommand |
Aligns selected elements to the top. |
ControlsBringForwardCommand |
Brings the selected element(s) forward. |
ControlsBringToFrontCommand |
Brings the selected element(s) to the front. |
ControlsClearSelectionCommand |
Unselects the currently selected features in all layers. |
ControlsContextHelpCommand |
Provides context sensitive help for toolbar items. |
ControlsDistributeHorizontallyCommand |
Distributes selected elements evenly in the vertical direction. |
ControlsDistributeVerticallyCommand |
Distributes selected elements evenly in the horizontal direction. |
ControlsDynamicDisplayNavigatorCommand |
Toggles the Dynamic Display in view navigator on or off. |
ControlsEditingAttributeCommand |
Shows the feature property editor. |
ControlsEditingClearCommand |
Delete the selected element(s). |
ControlsEditingCopyCommand |
Copy the selected element(s). |
ControlsEditingCutCommand |
Cut the selected element(s). |
ControlsEditingEditorMenu |
Provides access to the engine editing menu. |
ControlsEditingEditTool |
Edits features and their geometries. |
ControlsEditingPasteCommand |
Paste the clipboard contents into your map. |
ControlsEditingSaveCommand |
Saves any pending edits. |
ControlsEditingSketchAbsoluteXYCommand |
Adds a point at known location. |
ControlsEditingSketchChangeLengthCommand |
Removes the last vertex and preserves the direction of the segment. |
ControlsEditingSketchContextMenu |
Engine sketch context menu. |
ControlsEditingSketchDeflectionCommand |
Constrains the direction of the segment being created relative to the previous segment. |
ControlsEditingSketchDeleteCommand |
Deletes the edit sketch. |
ControlsEditingSketchDeltaXYCommand |
Adds a point at an offset from the last point. |
ControlsEditingSketchDirectionCommand |
Constrains the direction of the segment being created. |
ControlsEditingSketchDirectionLengthCommand |
Adds a segment using a direction and length. |
ControlsEditingSketchFinishCommand |
Completes the edit sketch. |
ControlsEditingSketchFinishPartCommand |
Completes a part of a multi-part geometry. |
ControlsEditingSketchFinishSquareCommand |
Squares off and finishes the sketch. |
ControlsEditingSketchLengthCommand |
Constrains the length of the segment being created. |
ControlsEditingSketchParallelCommand |
Constrains the direction parallel to the segment. |
ControlsEditingSketchPerpendicularCommand |
Constrains the direction to be perpendicular to the segment. |
ControlsEditingSketchPropertiesCommand |
Shows a dialog for editing properties of the edit sketch geometry. |
ControlsEditingSketchReplaceCommand |
Replaces the sketch geometry. |
ControlsEditingSketchSegmentDeflectionCommand |
Constrains the direction to a given deflection from the segment. |
ControlsEditingSketchStreamingCommand |
Set/unsets stream mode editing. |
ControlsEditingSketchTool |
Adds points to the edit sketch. |
ControlsEditingSnapEdgeCommand |
Snap to an edge. |
ControlsEditingSnapEndpointCommand |
Snap to an endpoint. |
ControlsEditingSnapMidpointCommand |
Snap to a midpoint. |
ControlsEditingSnappingCommand |
Shows the snapping environment dialog. |
ControlsEditingSnapToFeatureMenu |
Engine editing snap-to-feature context menu. |
ControlsEditingSnapVertexCommand |
Snap to a vertex. |
ControlsEditingStartCommand |
Starts an edit session. |
ControlsEditingStopCommand |
Stops the edit session. |
ControlsEditingTargetToolControl |
Layer in which features you create will be stored. |
ControlsEditingTaskToolControl |
Selects the edit task. |
ControlsEditingToolbar |
Provides access to the engine editing toolbar. |
ControlsEditingVertexContextMenu |
Engine edit vertex context menu. |
ControlsEditingVertexDeleteCommand |
Deletes a vertex from the edit sketch. |
ControlsEditingVertexInsertCommand |
Inserts a vertex into the edit sketch. |
ControlsEditingVertexMoveCommand |
Moves the vertex to a new location. |
ControlsEditingVertexMoveToCommand |
Moves the vertex relative to its current location. |
ControlsFeatureSelectionMenu |
A menu with common selection commands. |
ControlsFeatureSelectionToolbar |
A toolbar with common selection tools. |
ControlsFindRouteCommand |
Shows a dialog to find route and display driving directions. |
ControlsFlickerRateToolControl |
Controls the rate (in milliseconds) of the layer flicker. |
ControlsFullScreenCommand |
The applications active window take up the full screen. |
ControlsGenericGetPositionTool |
Tools that can be used to retrieve the cursor coordinates as the user clicks on the map or globe. |
ControlsGlobeFindCommand |
Finds features on a globe, launches a modeless dialog to search fields in globe layers. |
ControlsGlobeFixedLineOfSightTool |
Rotates the observer around the target. |
ControlsGlobeFixedZoomInCommand |
Zooms in with a fixed scale. |
ControlsGlobeFixedZoomOutCommand |
Zooms out with a fixed scale. |
ControlsGlobeFlickerCommand |
Reveals layers below the selected layer in the globe by flickering for the specified time duration. |
ControlsGlobeFlyTool |
Flies over the globe. |
ControlsGlobeFullExtentCommand |
Zooms to full extent of the globe. |
ControlsGlobeGlobeToolbar |
A toolbar with common globe control tools. |
ControlsGlobeGoToCommand |
Pans the globe to a specified location. |
ControlsGlobeHyperlinkTool |
Hyperlinks to features on a globe, if more than one hyperlink is under the cursor a dialog is shown allowing the user to select which hyperlink to jump to. |
ControlsGlobeIdentifyTool |
Finds features on a globe, launches a modeless dialog to search fields in globe layers. |
ControlsGlobeKMLNetworkLinkCommand |
Add KML Network Link. |
ControlsGlobeLayerListToolControl |
Tool control that displays a layer list for the globe. |
ControlsGlobeLookAroundTool |
Rotates the observer to look around. |
ControlsGlobeMeasureTool |
Measures features on a globe, a floating tooltip is used to show the result. The message property returns a string for the status bar. |
ControlsGlobeNavigateTool |
Navigates the globe. |
ControlsGlobeNavigationModeCommand |
Toggles globe and surface navigation modes. |
ControlsGlobeNorthCommand |
Orientates the observer to look north. |
ControlsGlobeOpenDocCommand |
Opens a globe document. |
ControlsGlobeOrbitalFlyTool |
Flies in orbital trajectories over the globe. |
ControlsGlobePanDragTool |
Trackball style pan tool. |
ControlsGlobePanTool |
Pans the globe. |
ControlsGlobeRotateBackCommand |
Rotates globe backward. |
ControlsGlobeRotateClockwiseCommand |
Rotate globe in a clockwise direction. |
ControlsGlobeRotateCounterClockwiseCommand |
Rotate globe in a counter clockwise direction. |
ControlsGlobeRotateForwardCommand |
Rotates globe forward. |
ControlsGlobeRotateToolbar |
A toolbar with tools to spin or rotate globe. |
ControlsGlobeSelectFeaturesTool |
Selects features by clicking. |
ControlsGlobeSpinClockwiseCommand |
Spins globe in a clockwise direction. |
ControlsGlobeSpinCounterClockwiseCommand |
Spins globe in a counter Clockwise direction. |
ControlsGlobeSpinFasterCommand |
Spins globe faster. |
ControlsGlobeSpinSlowerCommand |
Spins globe slower. |
ControlsGlobeSpinStopCommand |
Stops globe from spinning. |
ControlsGlobeSwipeTool |
Interactively reveals layers on a globe. |
ControlsGlobeTargetCenterTool |
Centers view at selected target. |
ControlsGlobeTargetPanTool |
Pans to selected target. |
ControlsGlobeTargetZoomTool |
Zooms to selected target. |
ControlsGlobeWalkTool |
Walks on the globe surface. |
ControlsGlobeZoomInOutTool |
Dynamically zooms in or out the globle. |
ControlsGraphicElementToolbar |
A toolbar with common tools to draw graphic elements. |
ControlsGroupCommand |
Groups the selected elements. |
ControlsInkAddInkToSketchCommand |
Adds the current ink sketch to the current edit sketch. |
ControlsInkClearInkCommand |
Deletes the current ink sketch. |
ControlsInkEraserPalette |
A palette containing 3 different eraser tools. |
ControlsInkEraserTool |
Erases ink from a map or layout. |
ControlsInkFindInkCommand |
Finds ink which represents a given text string. |
ControlsInkFinishSketchCommand |
Converts the current ink sketch to a GraphicElement. |
ControlsInkGenericDrawTool |
A generic ink drawing tool. |
ControlsInkHighlightPalette |
A palette containing 3 different highlighter tools. |
ControlsInkHighlightTool |
Draws semi-transparent ink on a map or layout. |
ControlsInkOptionsCommand |
Displays a dialog allowing you to change ink-related options. |
ControlsInkPenPalette |
A palette containing 3 different pen tools. |
ControlsInkPenTool |
Draws colored ink on a map or layout. |
ControlsInkReactivateCommand |
Converts a GraphicElement back into ink. |
ControlsInkRecognizeCommand |
Recognizes ink as text and converts it to a TextElement (only available on a TabletPC). |
ControlsInkToolbar |
A toolbar with tools which manipulate ink. |
ControlsLayerListToolControl |
Tool control that displays a layer list for the focus map. |
ControlsLayerTransparencyCommand |
Command to set the transparency value on a layer. |
ControlsMapBookmarkMenu |
Provides access to the bookmark menu. |
ControlsMapBookmarksMultiItem |
Current bookmarks of focus map. |
ControlsMapClearMapRotationCommand |
Set the data frame's rotation to zero. |
ControlsMapCreateBookmarkCommand |
Creates a spatial bookmark for the focus map. |
ControlsMapDownCommand |
Scrolls the map down. |
ControlsMapFindCommand |
Finds features and locations on a map. Launches a modeless dialog to search fields in map layers and to locate addresses and places. |
ControlsMapFlickerCommand |
Reveals layers below the selected layer in the map by flickering for the specified time duration. |
ControlsMapFullExtentCommand |
Zooms to the full extent of the map. |
ControlsMapGoToCommand |
Pans the Map to a specified location. |
ControlsMapHyperlinkTool |
Hyperlinks to features on a map, if more than one hyperlink is under the cursor a dialog is shown allowing the user to select which hyperlink to jump to. |
ControlsMapIdentifyTool |
Identifies features on a map, launches a modeless identify dialog containing the results. |
ControlsMapLeftCommand |
Scrolls the map left. |
ControlsMapManageBookmarksCommand |
Manages spatial bookmarks for the focus map. |
ControlsMapMeasureTool |
Measures features on a map, a floating tooltip is used to show the result. The message property returns a string for the status bar. |
ControlsMapNavigationToolbar |
A toolbar with common tools to navigate map. |
ControlsMapPageDownCommand |
Moves the map one page down. |
ControlsMapPageLeftCommand |
Moves the map one page left. |
ControlsMapPageRightCommand |
Moves the map one page right. |
ControlsMapPageUpCommand |
Moves the map one page up. |
ControlsMapPanTool |
Pans the map. |
ControlsMapRefreshViewCommand |
Refreshes the active view. |
ControlsMapRightCommand |
Scrolls the map right. |
ControlsMapRoamTool |
Click the mouse left button to start or finish roaming, move the mouse to change roaming direction and speed. |
ControlsMapRotateTool |
Rotates the focus data frame. |
ControlsMapSwipeTool |
Interactively reveals layers on a map. |
ControlsMapUpCommand |
Scrolls the map up. |
ControlsMapViewMenu |
A menu with common commands that help to view a map. |
ControlsMapZoomInFixedCommand |
Zooms in with a fixed scale. |
ControlsMapZoomInTool |
Zooms in by clicking a point or dragging a box. |
ControlsMapZoomOutFixedCommand |
Zooms out with a fixed scale. |
ControlsMapZoomOutTool |
Zooms out by clicking a point or dragging a box. |
ControlsMapZoomPanTool |
Drags up/down with left mouse button down to zoom out/in, or with right mouse button down to pan. |
ControlsMapZoomToLastExtentBackCommand |
Goes backward to previous extent. |
ControlsMapZoomToLastExtentForwardCommand |
Goes forward to next extent. |
ControlsMapZoomToolControl |
Zooms the map by a particular percentage. |
ControlsMyPlacesCommand |
Shows my places window. |
ControlsNetworkAnalystClosestFacilityCommand |
Finds the best route between incidents and facilities. |
ControlsNetworkAnalystCreateLocationTool |
Create a Network Location. |
ControlsNetworkAnalystDirectionsCommand |
Display the Directions Window. |
ControlsNetworkAnalystLayerToolControl |
Active Network Dataset Layer. |
ControlsNetworkAnalystLocationAllocationCommand |
Chooses the best candidate facilities to service the demand. |
ControlsNetworkAnalystODCostMatrixCommand |
OD Cost Matrix Analysis. |
ControlsNetworkAnalystRouteCommand |
Create a new Route Analysis Layer. |
ControlsNetworkAnalystSelectLocationTool |
Select or Move Network Locations. |
ControlsNetworkAnalystServiceAreaCommand |
Finds the what can be traversed within a specified cutoff. |
ControlsNetworkAnalystSolveCommand |
Run the current analysis. |
ControlsNetworkAnalystSolverMenu |
Engine Network Analyst Solver Menu. |
ControlsNetworkAnalystToolbar |
Engine Network Analyst Toolbar. |
ControlsNetworkAnalystVehicleRoutingProblemCommand |
Optimizes the route assignment and sequence for a set of orders using a fleet of vehicles. |
ControlsNetworkAnalystWindowCommand |
Show/Hide the Network Analyst Window. |
ControlsNewCircleTool |
Draws a circle. |
ControlsNewCurveTool |
Draws a cubic Bezier curve. |
ControlsNewEllipseTool |
Draws an ellipse. |
ControlsNewFrameTool |
Creates a new frame element. |
ControlsNewFreeHandTool |
Draws a freehand line. |
ControlsNewLineTool |
Draws a straight line. |
ControlsNewMarkerTool |
Create a new marker graphic element. |
ControlsNewPolygonTool |
Draws a polygon. |
ControlsNewRectangleTool |
Draws a rectangle. |
ControlsNudgeDownCommand |
Moves the selected element(s) down. |
ControlsNudgeLeftCommand |
Moves the selected element(s) left. |
ControlsNudgeRightCommand |
Moves the selected element(s) right. |
ControlsNudgeUpCommand |
Moves the selected element(s) up. |
ControlsOpenDocCommand |
Opens an existing map. |
ControlsPageFocusNextMapCommand |
Moves the focus to the next data frame. |
ControlsPageFocusPreviousMapCommand |
Moves the focus to the previous data frame. |
ControlsPageLayoutToolbar |
A toolbar with common tools working with pagelayout view. |
ControlsPageNewMapCommand |
Creates a new data frame. |
ControlsPagePanTool |
Pans the map layout by dragging it. |
ControlsPageZoom100PercentCommand |
Zooms the map layout to 100% (1:1). |
ControlsPageZoomInFixedCommand |
Zooms in on the center of the map layout. |
ControlsPageZoomInTool |
Zooms in on the map layout by clicking a point or dragging a box. |
ControlsPageZoomOutFixedCommand |
Zooms out on the center of the map layout. |
ControlsPageZoomOutTool |
Zooms out on the map layout by clicking a point or dragging a box. |
ControlsPageZoomPageToLastExtentBackCommand |
Goes back to previous extent of the map layout. |
ControlsPageZoomPageToLastExtentForwardCommand |
Goes forward to the next extent of the map layout. |
ControlsPageZoomPageWidthCommand |
Zooms to the width of the page. |
ControlsPageZoomToolControl |
Zooms the map layout by a particular percentage. |
ControlsPageZoomWholePageCommand |
Zooms to the whole map layout. |
ControlsRedoCommand |
Redoes the last operation. |
ControlsRotateElementTool |
Rotates the selected text or graphic(s). |
ControlsRotateLeftCommand |
Rotates the selected text or graphic(s) 90 degrees counterclockwise. |
ControlsRotateRightCommand |
Rotates the selected text or graphic(s) 90 degrees clockwise. |
ControlsSaveAsDocCommand |
Saves current map document to a new file. |
ControlsSceneExpandFOVCommand |
Expands the field of view. |
ControlsSceneFlyTool |
Flies through the scene. |
ControlsSceneFullExtentCommand |
Displays the scene at full extent. |
ControlsSceneNarrowFOVCommand |
Narrows the field of view. |
ControlsSceneNavigateTool |
Navigates the scene. |
ControlsSceneOpenDocCommand |
Opens a scene document. |
ControlsScenePanTool |
Pans the scene. |
ControlsSceneSceneToolbar |
A toolbar with common scene control tools. |
ControlsSceneSelectFeaturesTool |
Selects features by clicking. |
ControlsSceneSelectGraphicsTool |
Selects graphics by clicking. |
ControlsSceneSetObserverTool |
Sets observer position to selected point. |
ControlsSceneTargetCenterTool |
Centers view at selected target. |
ControlsSceneTargetZoomTool |
Zooms to selected target. |
ControlsSceneZoomInOutTool |
Dynamically zooms in and out on the scene. |
ControlsSceneZoomInTool |
Zooms in on the scene. |
ControlsSceneZoomOutTool |
Zooms out on the scene. |
ControlsSelectAllCommand |
Selects all the features in selectable layers. |
ControlsSelectByGraphicsCommand |
Selects features that are intersected by the selected graphics. |
ControlsSelectFeaturesTool |
Selects features by clicking or dragging a box. |
ControlsSelectScreenCommand |
Selects the features currently visible on the screen. |
ControlsSelectTool |
Selects, resizes and moves text, graphics and other objects placed on the map. |
ControlsSendBackwardCommand |
Sends the selected element(s) backward. |
ControlsSendToBackCommand |
Sends the selected element(s) to the back. |
ControlsSnappingEnabledCommand |
Update the snapping environment. Use Snapping. |
ControlsSnappingMenu |
Menu of snapping commands that control the snapping environments. |
ControlsSnappingToEdgeCommand |
Update the snapping environment. Snap to an edge. |
ControlsSnappingToEndCommand |
Update the snapping environment. Snap to an end. |
ControlsSnappingToIntersectionCommand |
Update the snapping environment. Snap to an intersection. |
ControlsSnappingToMidpointCommand |
Update the snapping environment. Snap to a midpoint. |
ControlsSnappingToolbar |
A toolbar with common snapping commands. |
ControlsSnappingToPointCommand |
Update the snapping environment. Snap to a point. |
ControlsSnappingToTangentCommand |
Update the snapping environment. Snap to an intersection. |
ControlsSnappingToVertexCommand |
Update the snapping environment. Snap to a vertex. |
ControlsSwitchSelectionCommand |
Makes unselected features selected. |
ControlsToggleDynamicDisplayCommand |
Toggles Dynamic Display on or off. |
ControlsUndoCommand |
Undoes the last operation. |
ControlsUngroupCommand |
Ungroups the selected elements. |
ControlsZoomToSelectedCommand |
Zooms to the selected features in all layers. |
CustomizeDialog |
CustomizeDialog is a modeless dialog that allows customization of one or more ToolbarControls. |
EngineEditor |
A singleton object representing the Engine editing environment. |
EngineExtensionManagerFactory |
Provides an initialized extension manager. |
EngineFeatureInspector |
Feature Inspector for Engine. |
EngineFeatureSnap |
An engine snap agent that snaps to features in a specific feature class. |
EngineInkEnvironment |
A singleton object representing Engine ink environment. |
EngineNAWindowEvents |
Helper coclass for working with the outbound IEngineNAWindowEvents interface in VB. |
EngineNAWindowEventsEx |
Helper coclass for working with the outbound IEngineNAWindowEventsEx interface in VB. |
EngineNetworkAnalystEnvironment |
A singleton object representing Engine Network Analyst environment. |
EngineSketchOperation |
Provides undo/redo capabilities for edit sketch modifications. |
EngineSnappingWindow |
GlobeControl |
Esri GlobeControl |
GlobeHookHelper |
Helps commands work with the GlobeControl, ArcGlobe, custom controls and applications. |
HookHelper |
Helps commands work with the MapControl, PageLayoutControl, ArcMap, custom controls and applications. |
LicenseControl |
Esri LicenseControl |
MapControl |
Esri MapControl |
MissingCommand |
Missing commands that cannot be created by the ToolbarControl. |
MyPlaceCollection |
A singleton class that manage the collection of my places. |
PageLayoutControl |
Esri PageLayoutControl |
Place |
Representation of a given place. |
SceneControl |
Esri SceneControl |
SceneHookHelper |
Helps commands work with the SceneControl, ArcScene, and custom controls and applications. |
Snapping |
Provides the snapping environment for tools to use. |
SnappingFeedback |
Provdes the snapping feedback to the display. |
SymbologyControl |
Provides access to the Esri SymbologyControl. |
SymbologyStyleClass |
Symbology StyleClass used by the SymbologyControl. |
TOCControl |
Esri TOCControl |
ToolbarControl |
Esri ToolbarControl |
ToolbarItem |
ToolbarItems used by the ToolbarControl. |
ToolbarMenu |
A menu containing commands that can be used from a ToolbarControl or as a popup menu. |
ToolbarPalette |
A palette containing commands that can be used from a ToolbarControl or as a popup palette. |