The Business Analyst Desktop Message Center is your connection to the latest news from the Business Analyst team at Esri, frequently used projects, and resources to help with your work.
Recent Projects & Map Documents
Recent projects allow you to access recently used projects. Choose a project and the underlying MXD map document that it was last associated with opens. Click more to access a larger list.
Recent map documents provide access to recently used MXD documents. Click more to access a larger list.

Software & Data
Software License Status and Data Confiuration Status indicates that your license and Data are in place and working.
ArcGIS Online Account services account provide the global account stored in Preferences. A link is provided for you to set up (log in) to your global account.
The Setup Online Access links to an instructional page for ArcGIS Online access.
Version, License type and software Build can be determined from the final line.

News & Information
The Business Analyst product blog gives you the latest news about Business Analyst with a direct feed to the Business Analyst blog.
Videos help you with tasks in Business Analyst. Click see complete list to access all of the videos on the Resource Center.

Help, Support & Tutorials
The Business Analyst help and tutorials provides quick access to Business Analyst help.
Business Analyst Resource Center provides access to the code gallery, videos, Knowledge Base, patches, service packs, white papers, system requirements, installation guides and the Business Analyst forum.
Send us feedback allows you to send your suggestions to the Business Analyst product team.