Adding the Editor toolbar
About edit sessions
Starting an edit session
Stopping an edit session (stopping editing)
No editable layers
Cannot start editing while there are pending background processes
Version is being reconciled
Insufficient permissions on version
Version is already being edited
Related table or layer inside basemap layer
Topology layer inside basemap layer
Topology feature class inside basemap layer
Geometric network feature class inside basemap layer
Parcel fabric layer inside basemap layer
Parcel fabric feature class inside basemap layer
Joined table inside basemap layer
Terrain layer inside basemap layer
Layer shares data source with a layer in a basemap layer
Cannot edit layer contained in a basemap layer
Check to see that you have the appropriate permissions
Could not edit the data in the folder or database you selected
The workspace containing this data cannot be edited
Can't edit versioned workspace
Incorrect edit version type
Layer or table is not registered as versioned
Data is compressed
Data source does not have an OID field
Coverage data source not editable
This data is not editable
Event layer not editable
This type of data source cannot be edited
This data cannot be edited in a projected Data Frame
Dimension feature class cannot be edited in a projected data frame
Geometric network projected on the fly
Unique index on non-OID field
Not licensed to edit topology
Not licensed to edit dimensions
Not licensed to edit layers with relationship classes
Not licensed to edit geometric network
Not licensed to edit this data
Spatial Reference does not match Data Frame
Layer has time enabled. Time will be disabled on the map.
Layer offsets will be disabled during the edit session
About distance units and editing
About direction measuring systems and units
Setting the direction type and units used when editing
Setting the number of decimal places displayed for measurements
About enhancing productivity while editing
Keyboard shortcuts that can be used while editing
Common errors that may occur during editing
How to enable editing tools and commands
Editing features that have z-values
About editing in layout view
About editing data in a different projection (projecting on the fly)
About maintaining spatial integrity while editing
Using basemap layers while editing
Using the editing geoprocessing tools
About tracking an editor's changes to data
Enabling editor tracking
Enabling editor tracking on multiple datasets
About editing shapefiles
About editing ArcSDE geodatabases
About editing data from feature services
Making a local copy of a service for editing
Synchronizing local edits with the server
Setting options for editing server layers locally
Reverting to the ArcGIS 9.3 editing environment
Introduction to the Editing tutorial
Exercise 1a: Creating new points
Exercise 1b: Digitizing lines and snapping
Exercise 1c: Creating new feature templates
Exercise 1d: Creating new polygon features
Exercise 2a: Defining new types of features to create
Exercise 2b: Creating features from existing features
Exercise 2c: Editing polygon features
Exercise 2d: Editing vertices and segments
Exercise 3a: Converting labels to annotation
Exercise 3b: Editing annotation features
Exercise 3c: Creating new annotation features
Exercise 4a: Editing shared features with a map topology
Exercise 4b: Using geodatabase topology to fix line errors
Exercise 5a: Transforming data
Exercise 5b: Rubbersheeting data
Exercise 5c: Edgematching data
Exercise 5d: Transferring attributes between features
Adding a point at the end of a line
Creating a point or vertex at the midpoint of two locations
Creating new points along a line
Moving a vertex to a specific x,y location
Moving a feature relative to its current location (delta x,y)
Editing a vertex's m-value or z-value
Removing points that fall inside a polygon
Creating lines that connect to other lines
Creating a cul-de-sac
Reshaping lines
Reshaping a line to match another feature
Extending a line to an intersection with another line
Trimming a line to an intersection with another line
Ways to split a line feature
Editing shared geometry
Creating segments by tracing features
Creating adjoining polygons
Creating polygons from lines
Creating and editing multipart polygons
Splitting a polygon by an overlapping line feature
Editing shared geometry
Reshaping a polygon to match another feature
Removing overlaps from existing polygons
Removing slivers or gaps between polygons
Creating new donut holes and island polygons
Cutting holes in existing polygons
Filling in holes in polygons
About snapping
Enabling snapping
Disabling snapping
Turning on SnapTips
Setting the snapping tolerance
Setting the color used for the snap symbol
Using snapping while editing
Snapping to features in basemap layers
Snapping to features in feature services
Turning on snapping to edit sketch elements
Snapping to topology nodes
Snapping to a specific feature while editing
Snapping multiple features together
Setting the snapping environment when working on top of imagery layers
About the editing classic snapping environment
Enabling snapping (classic snapping)
Setting the snapping tolerance (classic snapping)
Turning on SnapTips (classic snapping)