Selecting features while editing
Selecting a feature from overlapping features
Preventing inadvertent movement of features when selecting
Moving a feature by dragging it
Moving a feature and snapping it to another feature
Moving a feature relative to its current location (delta x,y)
Rotating a feature
Deleting a feature
Adding a part to a multipart feature
Separating a multipart feature
Deleting a part from a multipart feature
Scaling a feature
Clipping a polygon feature
Reshaping lines
Reshaping polygons
Splitting a polygon
Ways to split a line feature
Splitting lines manually
Splitting lines at a specified distance or percentage
Splitting a line into an equal number of parts
Splitting lines at intersections
Splitting lines at intersections with Planarize
Splitting lines proportionally
Extending a line by sketching
Extending a line to an intersection with another line
Extending multiple lines
Trimming a line to a specific length
Trimming a line to an intersection with another line
Trimming multiple lines
About aligning features
Aligning features to a shape
Aligning an edge to match another edge
Replacing the geometry of an existing feature
About simplifying and smoothing a feature
Simplifying a feature (Generalize)
Smoothing a feature (Smooth)
Editing vertices and segments
The Edit Vertices toolbar
Adding a vertex manually
Adding a vertex at the midpoint of a segment
Adding a vertex at an interval to densify a line
Deleting a vertex
Moving a vertex by dragging it
Moving a vertex to a specific x,y location
Moving a vertex relative to its current location
Moving a vertex without changing a feature's general shape
Editing a vertex's m-value or z-value
Using the Edit Sketch Properties window
Changing a segment to straight or curved
Editing curved segments
Editing Bézier curve segments
About spatial adjustment
Choosing the data to be adjusted
Creating displacement links
Creating multiple displacement links
Creating displacement links from a control point file
Creating displacement links from a file
Creating a text file to generate displacement links
Saving displacement links to a file
Setting the link and limited adjustment area symbols
Modifying displacement links
Selecting displacement links
Viewing the spatial adjustment link table
About spatial adjustment transformations
Choosing a transformation method
About spatial adjustment edgematching
Choosing an edge snap method
Setting the edge snap properties
Using the Edge Match tool
About spatial adjustment rubbersheeting
Choosing a rubbersheet method
Creating identity links
Using the Limited Adjustment Area tool
Previewing the spatial adjustment
Performing the spatial adjustment
About spatial adjustment attribute transfer
Transferring attributes between features