The ArcScene user interface
Layer drawing priority in 3D - ArcScene
How to set the floating and draped layer draw order in ArcScene
Setting the role of a 3D layer - ArcScene
Defining data as a draped layer in ArcScene
Defining a layer as a floating layer in ArcScene
About measuring distances and heights in 3D
How to measure 2D distances
How to measure a 3D straight line distance
How to measure heights in 3D
Visualizing temporal data in ArcScene
Sources for 3D layers in ArcScene
Fundamentals of displaying surfaces in 3D - Scene
Optimizing raster and surface layers in ArcScene
Displaying LAS dataset surfaces in ArcScene
About displaying features in 3D
Displaying features in ArcScene
Rasterizing features for 3D in ArcScene
How to display features as rasters in ArcScene
Displaying 3D multipatch features
Optimizing 3D multipatch layers in ArcScene
Displaying LAS dataset points in ArcScene
Displaying 3D graphics in ArcScene
The 3D graphics toolbar in ArcScene
Adding the 3D graphics toolbar in ArcScene
Hiding the 3D graphics toolbar in ArcScene
Working with 3D graphics layers
How to create a new graphics layer
Setting the target layer of new graphics
Fundamentals of adding 3D graphics in ArcScene
How to add 3D graphics from ArcMap
How to digitize a 3D point graphic
How to digitize a 3D line graphic
How to digitize a 3D polygon graphic
Digitizing a 3D text graphic in ArcScene
Changing default properties for 3D graphics in ArcScene
Changing default properties for 3D text graphics in ArcScene
Setting base heights in ArcScene
Setting base heights from an attribute ArcScene
Setting base heights from a surface in ArcScene
Vertical offset for feature layers in ArcScene
Setting a raster layer's base heights using a surface in ArcScene
About symbolizing points with 3D symbols_scene
How to symbolize a point as a 3D marker using a style
How to symbolize a point as a 3D character marker not included in a style
How to symbolize a point as an imported 3D marker
Symbolizing a point as a 3D simple marker
Rotating point feature symbology
How to rotate point features symbology
Applying size to point feature symbology
How to apply size to point feature symbology
About symbolizing lines with 3D symbols
How to symbolize a line as a 3D simple line in ArcScene
How to symbolize a line as a 3D textured line with an imported 3D texture
3D symbolizing of polygons
Symbolizing multipatches in ArcScene
About textured 3D objects in ArcScene
Downscaling textures for a multipatch layer
Enabling texture compression for a multipatch layer in ArcScene
Disabling textures for a multipatch layer
Creating 3D symbols and elements
3D symbol display properties
Opening the 3D Symbol Property Editor
Using 3D styles to assign symbology in ArcScene
Scaling the size of a set of 3D symbols in a layer
Changing the dimensions of the symbol axes
3D symbol placement properties
Setting the origin of a 3D symbol
Setting an offset for a normalized origin of a 3D symbol
Setting the rotation of a 3D symbol
About using extrusion as 3D symbology
Extruding features by an attribute value
Extruding features by a constant value
About managing 3D styles
Creating a new style
Copying and pasting style contents
Exporting the current document style
Fundamentals of 3D navigation in ArcScene
3D Navigation tools in ArcScene
Using the 3D Navigate tool
How to use the 3D Navigate tool - Surface mode
Using the Center on Target tool
Using the Zoom to Target tool
Using the Set Observer tool
Using the 3D Zoom In/Out tool
Using the Fly tool
Using the 3D Pan tool
Using the camera target to simplify navigation
How to center the scene using the camera target
How to zoom inside ArcScene using the camera target
Animated rotation
How to use animated rotation - Enabling animated rotation
How to use animated rotation - Starting animated rotation
How to use animated rotation - Changing the rotation speed
Zooming to a layer's extent
Setting 3D bookmarks
How to set a 3D bookmark - Creating a perspective bookmark
How to set a 3D bookmark - Using a perspective bookmark
How to set a 3D bookmark - Managing perspective bookmarks
Selecting features in ArcScene
Selecting features interactively in ArcScene by clicking in the view
Changing the interactive selection method in ArcScene
Selecting features interactively by clicking in a table
Selecting features by their attributes
Selecting features by their location
Previewing and navigating 3D data in ArcCatalog
Navigating in ArcCatalog's 3D preview window
Centering the view in ArcCatalog's 3D preview window
Zooming to a target in ArcCatalog
FAQs for 3D navigation
FAQs for selecting graphics cards
ArcScene display options
Reducing the 3D view extent using a layer
Reducing the 3D view extent using coordinates
Reducing ArcScene's view extent using the Area of Interest tool
Background display options in ArcScene
Setting the background display options in ArcScene
Understanding 3D illumination in ArcScene
Setting the illumination contrast in ArcScene
Setting the light source location in ArcScene
Shading the surface in a 3D view in ArcScene
About 3D raster layer transparency
How to make a layer transparent in ArcScene
How to symbolize areas with unknown values
Vertical exaggeration for 3D documents
How to change the vertical exaggeration for a 3D document in ArcScene
Vertical exaggeration and z-unit conversion of layers in ArcScene
Controlling when a layer is rendered in ArcScene
Rendering a layer only when navigation is stopped
Rendering a layer only during navigation
Viewing in stereo mode in ArcScene
Viewing the display in stereo using red and blue anaglyphs
Viewing the display in stereo using a shutter glass
Projecting the display in stereo using free viewing
The ArcScene coordinate system
How to display data with a predefined coordinate system
Finding out in what coordinate system your data is currently displayed
Using the 3D Effects toolbar in ArcScene
Making a layer transparent using the 3D effects toolbar
Changing a layer's drawing priority on the 3D effects toolbar
Using face culling to control the way layers are drawn on the 3D effects toolbar
View settings in ArcScene
Additional 3D viewers in ArcScene
Optimizing ArcScene